Part 2 first day

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Kaminari got almost no sleep the night before school started and now he had to walk to UA. The only thing keeping him going at the moment was excitement and the thought of proving his aunt wrong.

The school was so big he almost got lost on his way to class, but one of the teachers helped him. He had recognized her as the hero Midnight.

Everyone was chatting when Kaminari got there, some people seemed to already know each other, but Kaminari was glad he didn't recognize anyone.

As soon as Kaminari sat down three other students entered. A boy with blond spiky hair started to yell at another boy with green hair questioning how he could have gotten into this school. Kaminari sympathized with him.

When the teacher showed up he was in a yellow sleeping bag and looked like he hadn't slept in a year. "Go change into your gym clothes, we're testing what your limits are today." He said.

'Ok easy enough' Kaminari thought as they went to the changing rooms.

"I wonder how we're testing our limits," a red-haired boy said.

"Doesn't matter, I get to blow stuff up," the blond from before said. It was clear to Kaminari that he had a bit of a temper.

"That's not very heroic," the red-haired boy said. Kaminari was tempted to say something and join the conversation to get to know them but refrained. 'Later' he thought, maybe when the blond wasn't yelling.

The blond, now known as Bakugo, started yelling at the other boy and it took all of Kaminari's strength to not cower away or jump because of the sudden yelling.

When they got outside some of Kaminari's classmates introduced themselves to him. There was Mina, Kirishima(the redhead from earlier) and Sero. They all seemed really cool. Everyone seemed so pumped for this it was hard for Kaminari not to get excited as well.

When the teacher got outside he explained what was going to happen. "Whoever gets the lowest score in total for all of these events... will be expelled." He said at the end.

Almost everyone started to freak out. It was the first day and he was going to expel someone? Is he even allowed to do that?

"Everyone be quiet, Mr. Aizawa is still explaining," one of the boys said. To Kaminari he looked like he had engines on his calves.

"Thank you, Iida," Mr. Aizawa said before continuing to explain. "There will be several tests, all of which you will be allowed to use your quirks. We are testing the limits so don't hold back, we need to know where you are with your quirks." Everyone nodded but they all still looked nervous.

"Do you really think he will expel someone today?" Kirishima whispered to Kaminari when Bakugo went up to do his ball throw.

"I hope not, my quirk doesn't help all that much when it comes to track-and-field stuff," Kaminari said. "What about you, do you think he will expel anyone?" He asked as the next person went up to do the ball throw.

"Honestly I don't know," Kirishima said scratching the back of his neck. "He seemed pretty serious."

"Kaminari you're up," Aizawa called.

Throughout the whole morning, Kaminari felt like he was going to burst. He had some faith in himself yes but with how low his score is he didn't think he could make it past today.

And then the scores were shown to everyone. He was third to last. Talk about dodging a bullet. Some kid named Izuku Midoriya was last, Kaminari felt bad for the guy, he looked like he worked really hard for this.

"Good news, no ones getting expelled," Aizawa said when Midoriya looked to be on the verge of tears. "I just wanted you all to try your best."

Everyone looked shocked. "I thought it was quite obvious really..." Yaoyorozu said. Everyone just stared at her. "Why would he expel someone on the first day?" She continued but a little quieter because all eyes were on her now.

"You all need to work on your abilities, they can significantly help you even with tasks like the ones you just faced," Aizawa said before sending everyone inside to change for lunch.

"That was a mean trick," Aoyama said as they got to the changing rooms.

"I really thought I was going to be expelled," Midoriya said, still a little dazed. His expression was blank and his eyes looked almost hollow. Kaminari wanted to try and help him in some way but refrained. 'Don't act like an Omega, don't act like an Omega,' he told himself over and over

"I wish you were expelled, Deku," Bakugo growled. Wow, he must really hate Midoriya.

"Bakugo stop it," Kirishima said. Kaminari wondered how he could rest a hand on Bakugo's shoulder without him ripping it off.

"Shut it shitty hair." The whole scene was making Kaminari anxious. Kaminari's Anxiety always got worse when people started to yell. "Why should a weakling like him be at a school like this, he's quirkless."

The people who had heard what Bakugo had said looked in shock. How could he be quirkless? He literally threw a ball as far as Bakugo, no one could do that without a quirk. Kaminari started to feel a little light-headed.

"Hey, Kaminari?" He heard Sero ask. "Are you ok? You look a little... out of it,"

"Ya, I'm fine," Kaminari said, snapping out of his head. "I'm hungry, we should go find the caff since its lunch," Kaminari said. 'I have to stop spacing out like that' he thought to himself. As they walked he tried to think of all the things about him that could give away the fact that he's an Omega.

1) Try not to get emotional
2) Don't get so scared of the other students when they yell
3) Don't be so weak
4) Make sure to take meds every morning
5) Act like a Beta.

Easy enough right?

(Thank you for reading!! I hope everyone likes it so far I think I'll get the next one out on like Saturday or Sunday (25th or 26th))

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