"Chapter 14."

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-A Picture Of Emilio In The Media.

"You okay?" A familiar voice said as I looked up with big eyes.
"Kendrick?" I immediately started to frown in the face when I saw him. He has some nerve.

"Yeah it's me?" He said with some girl wrapped around his arm as she scoffed in her position.

"Good. Get. The. Fuck AWAY FROM ME!" I blurted out.

"Who the fuck IS THIS BITCH?" Some female said with ALOT of attitude in her throat.

"EXCUSE YOU BUT IM ---THE ----BITCH! GET RIGHT AND BE GONE TEMPORARY BITCH!" I slurred putting my hair in a ponytail looking back to only see Emilio still standing in that long ass line.

"Kendrick, you just gone let her talk to me like that and call me a TEMPORARY BITCH? SHE LOOK LIKE A DRUNK SLUG!"

"She caught me slipping. Imma let her get away with that....WAIT, NO IM NOT!" I thought clenching onto the bench before getting up whaling on her.

People at the fairground started to form a small group around us while others were staring from a distance and on rides. The food stand lines were so far away. They didn't have no idea what was going on and neither did Emilio.

Kendrick pulled me off her before I could finish her. I kicked her in her face and spit on her before he fully had me in his grasps flipping me upside down over his shoulder and telling her to go wait for him at the car.

"What you just gone let her HIT ME? THEN, SEND ME AWAY? REALLY KENDRICK?" She whined and winched in pain grabbing her head and bloody nose.

"YOU DAMN STRAIGHT!!!!" I yelled at her upside down admiring the beautiful grass on the ground watching her feet walk away swiftly.

"AHHHH, COME ON MAN! LET THEM FIGHT!" Someone said I couldn't make out if it was a man or female. It might of been RuPaul.


"GET THE FUCK BACK!!!!" Kendrick said pushing people out the way with me still dangling from his back. The voices grew further and I couldn't hear what was going on in the crowd anymore.

I think I have been upside down enough for the night. The blood was really getting to my head cause I starting loosing feeling in the lower half of my body.

He finally put me down and pushed me up against the wall hovering over me kissing my neck. I immediately knew he was leaving hickies the minute his lips and wet tongue touched me. "SHIT!" I thought but didn't say.

"What are we doing here?" I asked biting down on my lip trying my best to withstand the moans that was threatening to escape my lips.

I tried pushing him off of me, but he wasn't budging. So, I decided to take the time to try to figure out where have he taken me. We were behind one of the booths still at the fair.

"GET. OFF. OF. ME!!!" I said trying to squirm from up under him but I couldn't.

"IM STILL MAD AT YOU FOR WHAT YOU WAS SA----" I said being cut off by his lips connecting to mines.

The kiss was full of passion and lust. I missed him. I actually did, but I had to get away from my 'TOXIC ANACONDA!'...

"STOP. I JUST THREW UP NOT TO LONG AGO!" I managed to say in between kisses.

He stopped and look at me for a good little minute. "SO!" He said shrugging his shoulders returning back to my lips intruding my mouth.

"UGH, NASTY NIGGA!" I said giggling at the fact that he JUST DONT CARE! Well, I didn't eat nothing all day. I was just basically throwing up saliva from a weak stomach, but still THATS NASTY AS HELL!

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