Chapter 31: Path B (Alternate)

Start from the beginning

But hey.. I deserve this. I cheated on you dozens of times.. But you forgive me every single time, I don't deserve to be with you, you deserve better.

Rd: "Why.. Aj, why didnt you tell me this..?" I asked in tears while trying to look in her eyes. "Answer me goddammit!"

R: "It looks like cowgirl over here cant even answer a simple question-"

Rd: "Shut the f*ck up Rarity!" I started, getting back to my knees to prepare. "Applejack answer me!"

Aj: "Its because you were still loyal to Fluttershy, Rainbow! You still loved her that time and I was worried that I wasnt good enough for you!"

Rd: "But.. Why didnt you tell me?"

Aj: " I was worried that you might leave me.. "

Rd: "Hell yeah I would.." I growled back in anger, making Applejack looked back in pure shock. " Rarity.."

R: "Yes Darling?"

Rd: "Dont shoot her.. Shoot me instead."

R: "W-what?

Rd: "I said shoot me goddammit! I want to f*cking end my life but dont you dare touch Applejack!"

R: "So.. You don't care that Applejack basically cheated on you with me?"

Rd: "That crap happen back in the play right? Well guess what dumbass? Me and her weren't even a couple back then! And I cheated on her multiple times.. Why can't she do the same?" I explained with a forces broken smile, still looking at my lover's emerald eyes.

It was clear that Applejack's still shocked and scared. She then started to mumbled out my name repeatedly which was barely unable to hear.

R: "Well.. If you say so darling." Rarity smiled while pointing the gun to Aj's forehead.

Rd: "Wait! Not her, Me! Shoot me Rarity!"

R: "I dont like this kind of you Rainbow, putting your life on the line just to save your lover. I guess you stayed being loyal and over protective like back at highschool.

Rd: "R-rarity.. Put the f*cking gun down!" I replied while secretly grabbing a sharp glass shard behind me.

R: "Oh poor Rainbow dash.. You're an idiot as always. I did all of this just to have you remember? I would certainly not shoot you! That just makes my plans fail!"

Rd: "But please.. Don't hurt Applejack!

R: "Oh I dont agree with you there darling, you see I have to kill her in order for us to be together forever! After this crap is over, we'll leave a happy life together right Rainbow?! Me and you can get married and have our own child!"

Rd: "Not gonna happened, b*tch.." I thought to myself as I tightened my grip on the glass shard which made my hand bleed. "Yeah Rare.. I'll be with you, but please dont hurt Applejack!" I replied.

R: "It seems like you still love her, you should love me not her!!"

When Rarity removed the safety pin again, I saw Applejack looked at me, it hurts me to see her like this. Now that she knew Rarity was gonna kill her, I just need her to smile and know that.. Everything will be okay.

But as soon Rarity pointed her gun at Applejack's forehead, I quickly yelled out her name to distract her this final time.

Rd: 'Wait Ratity!"

R: "Huh? Yes darling?" She asked, removing her gun from my lover.

Rd: "Can I-I ask you something?

"Final shot at love: The Unknown User" |Appledash Fanfic| Book 3Where stories live. Discover now