Chapter 26

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*30 days to go before the wedding-

*Rainbow's pov-

Rd: "GAH!" I gasped in shock as I sat up on my.. Bed?

I immediately looked around the room, only to realized I was back at my house? My head was still aching and my right arm feels like a thousand knifes is stabbing it.

What even happened? The last thing I remember was-

Rd: "Oh god Pinkie!" I yelled before crawling out of my bed, accidentally falling on the floor afterwards.

Suddenly, someone quickly busted in my room, making me get back up to see my lover. Her eyes were tearing up, her stomach grown a little bigger, and she looks like she haven't slept for weeks..

Aj: "Rainbow dash! Your awake!" She cried while pulling me into a tight hug.

Rd: "A-applejack.." I started, hugging her back. "Where's Pinkie pie..?"

Aj: 'Really? The first thing you ask is Pinkie pie?! Rainbow come on you've been passed out for weeks! I didnt even knew if you'll ever wake up! What happened to you!?" She growled back as her tears freely flow down her face.

Rd: "Aj.. Where the hell is Pinkie?!" I growled back, making my lover gasp.

Aj: "S-she's.. In her home. She's safe now sugarcube. Please calm down.. Please.."

Rd: "W-where is Fluttershy?! She's next I got to find her!"

Aj: "Dash calm down! You just woke up please!"

Rd: "I need to protect her Applejack! H-how long was I out? Did they already attacked her?!"

Aj: "Rainbow!" She yelled back after slapping me right in my cheeks. "Calm down goddammit! I've been worried sick about you.. Please stop yelling and tell me what's going on!"

I can feel my tears going down my face same as my lovers, holding the slap mark on my cheek which redden from Aj's slap.

I hate to see Applejack worried like this, especially she's now pregnant. But I also hate the fact that my ex is next on list of being attack soon..

Aj: "Rainbow.. Please answer me.."

Rd: "I- Im so sorry Applejack.."

Aj: "Please tell me what happened to ya'll.."

Rd: "I'll tell you soon my love.." I started, cupping her cheeks as I starred into her emerald eyes. "I really need to find Fluttershy.. She's next, Aj."

Aj: "But you just woke up Dash! And what if you go in a coma again? What if this whole sh*t happens again!?"

Rd: "T-this will never happen again Applejack.. Just remember that I love you and I aint leaving you and our kids yet." I muttered after giving her one last kiss on the forehead, standing up after.

Aj: "W-where are you goin'? Stop making me so worried all the time Dash!"

Rd: "You dont have to worry Applejack.. I'll fix this. Just know that Im sorry, for everything."

Aj: "What do you mean your sorry?! You literally risked your life for Pinkie and now your going on a assassination crap again?!"

Rd: "I need to do this Applejack! For our friends, our future, and I can't bare to see another friend ending up like Sunset, even if my life's on the line! So don't stop me!"

Aj: "Are you even listening to yourself Dash! You almost died and your arm is still injured! We all know what Rarity did to you and she might do it again!"

"Final shot at love: The Unknown User" |Appledash Fanfic| Book 3Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum