Chapter 23

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After a few hours has passed, I slowly opened my eyes, only to see a completly dark room with a light shining above me.

My head still hurts from the huge impact a while ago, but what shocked me the most is when I realized I was tied up in a chair.

The last thing I remember was getting hit in the head and the next thing I know is Im tied up in a chair, alone in a dark room..

Rd: "Ugh.. Pinkie? Are you there?!" I asked with pure fear in my voice.

"Finally! Your awake!"

My eyes widened in shock when a female voice replied back. Her voice was somehow familiar to me. It wasnt Pinkie.. It was-

"Heya Darling.."

Rd: "R-rarity!?"

I cant believe it.. It was her all along. My whole body was trembling in fear as she stepped out of the shadows, along with some few friends of hers.

Rd: "Spitfire.."

Sf: "Long time no see Dash." Spitfire grinned evilly.

Rd: "W-what the hell is going on?!"

R: "Just a little play date for us, Rainbow! You know I missed you and our friends right?"

Rd: "I thought you were killed Rarity! I- i heard a gunshot when someone called me.."

Sf: "And you for it, such an idiot as always Crash."

Rd: "Screw you Spitfire! I thought you were in suspension?!"

Sf: "I was but that doesnt means I can go out and help my new best friend have some fun."

Rd: "Y-you.. Two are working together?"

R: "Certainly darling!"

Rd: "Hold on.. How did you even know I was in here?! The only person who know my location was.." I started, glancing at the two maniacs. But when I finally realized it, it made shivers went down my spine. "Is my online fan.."

R: "Yeah, and that's me sweetie, Im the unknown user.."

No.. It was her all along. All this time I thought the unknown user was a fan from school, but it all makes sense now.. The unknown user knew the exact dates of me and Aj's marriage.. So does Rarity.

Rd: "Rarity.. You f*cking son of a b*tch.."

R: "Dont use such language dear, you know your sexy when you curse a lot but please save it for later." Rarity replied in a flirtatious tone.

Rd: "Your disgusting.. Both of you."

Sf: "But you made already made out with us remember?"

Rd: "And I regret it.. Every f*cking second of it."

R: "Aww poor Rainbow Dash will never change, you remember when you tried to court me back at highschool but I dint answered you? Well my answer now is yes Rainbow!"

Rd: "Hell no.. That was a long time Rarity and I was desperate for love then! I already have Applejack.. Wait.."

R: "What is it Darling?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Rd: "I thought you liked Applejack.. Not me.. And if your not dead, then why the hell are you not in prison?!"

R: "First off all, Yeah I did liked Applejack back then but who needs that cowgirl when I have a much sexier person right in front of me?" She answered before she placed her hand on my neck, making its way down to my breast.

"Final shot at love: The Unknown User" |Appledash Fanfic| Book 3Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu