Chapter 11

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*81 days to go before the wedding~

Rd: "S-sunset?! Where have you been!?" I gasped in shock.

Sunset immediately ran over to the bathroom, totally ignoring my question. I then stood up and followed her, but when I entered the bathroom, my eyes widened in shock when I saw Sunset's foot bleeding badly.

Rd: "Sunset! What happened to you?!" I asked once again as I ran towards her to help wrapped her foot.

Ss: "Im fine Rainbow.. Its just a scratch, nothing serious."

Rd: "What do you mean its not serious?! Its literally bleeding badly! And where the hell were you? We've been worried sick!"

Ss: "I found a lead Dash.. I know who attacked my Twilight.." She answered with a forced smile.

Rd: "W-who?!"

Ss: "Well.. I can't be too sure just yet, that's why I need to search something." She said, standing up after I fully wrapped her foot.

Rd: "Where are you going?!"

Ss: "Im gonna check that b*stard before she could strike again." Sunset replied before getting a baseball bat from the closet.

Rd: "For Celestia's sake Sunset! You're injured.. Cant you just stay here at rest for a while? I can come with you!"

Ss: "I-i cant.. I need to know now before my other lover attacks you and the girls."

Rd: "Other lover?! Sunset I dont understand.. Please tell me!"

Ss: "I have no time Dash, I just went here to get my bat and heal my foot.. Where's Twilight?"

Rd: "She's upstairs, but please dont go.. Your their next target!"

Ss: "What? Of course Im their next target.. Someone basically attacked me while I broke into their base." She said with a laugh, placing her hand on the door knob.

But before Sunset could even step outside the house, I tackled her to the ground to make her stop, making her gasp in slight anger.

Rd: "Sunset please dont! Rarity's dead and your next!" I cried with a broken voice.

Ss: "Great.. But Im not believing you." She growled back while pushing me away.

Rd: "Its real goddammit! I heard her got shot over a call.. The attacker isn't Rarity!"

Ss: "And that's where your wrong my friend, for the past week, I've been figuring out why the attacker is targeting us and no other stranger.. You wanna know why?"

Rd: "W-why?"

Ss: "Its because the attacker is one of us.. She was our friend." She started, getting back to her feet and walking towards the door.

"And she's not alone.. Im sorry Dash, I got to go."

She lastly said before slamming the door and running back to her car.

I was still shocked and confused at the time, did Sunset meant that Rarity is not dead? I heard her got shot when the man called me.

Rd: "Danm.. This is so messed up." I started while standing up before walking to the window. "Sunset you jackass.. Be safe."

Suddenly, fear completely over thrown my body when I saw a person standing near a street light. My eyes widened when I noticed that its dark violet eyes are directly staring at me, making me jump in fear.

Moments later, a vintage looking car parked in front of it, causing the mysterious hooded person to get inside and go at the same track Sunset drove.

"Final shot at love: The Unknown User" |Appledash Fanfic| Book 3Where stories live. Discover now