Chapter 3

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*89 days to go before the wedding~

Hours has passed since me and Aj literally made out in the kitchen floor. My peaceful sleep was suddenly interrupted when I heard my phone rang repeatedly, making me groan in tiredness.

Rd: "Aj.. Turn off the dang phone." I mumbled while placing a pillow on my face, but Aj dint respond.

So I removed the pillow on my face and looked to my side, I saw Applejack sleeping on the floor while hugging a pillow.

I giggled softly while crawling out of the couch to approach my lover's cute sleeping face.

Rd: "You got wild back there babe." I whispered in her ear as I gently placed her in my arms and carrying her back to the couch.

I then gently placed her down and wrapped a warm, comfy blanket around her. I lastly smiled while glancing at my soon to be wife before walking towards the table to stop my phone from ringing.

When I grabbed my phone, I first saw the time it was 3:00am , but what shocked me the most is the dozens of messages comming from the same person, my online fan/ secret admirer.

Rd: "What does she wants now?" I asked myself before pressing her message icon.

But as soon her chat head opened, my eyes widened when I saw a picture of me and Aj making out on the couch.

Rd: "What the hell?!" I gasped in shock. I immediately grabbed my bathrobe and wearing it before running outside.

I glanced around our yard and the dark road but theres no one there, I was panicking at the time so I ran back to my house, closing and locking the door afterwards.

I decided to seat down beside Aj to reply back to the unknown user but before I could even type..

"T H U M P !"

I heard something fell on the spare room, making me gasp in shock. It was dark at the time so I turned on my flashlight on my phone before slowly making my way to the room while Im shaking in fear as heck.

As soon I got in front of the door, I took a deep breath before placing my hand on the door know and twisting it slowly. I peeked inside when the door slightly opened, making this terrifying creek sound which scared me even more.

Rd: "H-hello?" I nervously asked into the darkness of the empty room.

I immediately slammed my hand light switch to open the lights but.. The light wont open.

Rd: "Huh? I just fixed you last week.. Why wont the light open?" I asked myself while repeatedly pressing the light switch but it still wont work.

Rd: "Stupid thing..- ARGH!" I gasped in pain as soon I felt something sharp on the back of my neck.

I fell to the ground, causing me to drop my phone while the flashlight is  faced the ground, making the room very dark.

Rd: "Applejack? APPLEJACK HE-"

Before I could even finish, I felt a strong impact on my head which made me pass out.

But before my eyes slowly closes, I saw a blur vision of the same tall person back at the living room..

Before I even knew it, I passed out while blood slowly poured out from the scratch mark the person made.


"Rainbow dash?!"


My eyes slowly opened as soon I heard a familiar voice yelling my name, I looked up and saw Applejack with a worried look.

"Final shot at love: The Unknown User" |Appledash Fanfic| Book 3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt