Chapter 19

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*66 days to go before the wedding-

A few days has passed by quickly, and yet there is still no signs of an attack or break in which made me confused as heck but its a good thing that my friends are still safe. I guess they give up.

What bothers me the most is my lover, since we dint knew when will the potion take effect, Applejack was continuously throwing up this past week, I think it was the effects of the potion.

Because we have school today, I let Pinkie and the girls go ahead while I stayed home to take care of Applejack because she was feeling dizzy.

Since my lover is painfully struggling move a muscle, I decided to carry her onto our bed and made her a warm yet delicious soup afterwards.

Rd: "Here ya go Aj." I smiled, giving her the bowl of soup.

Aj: "T-thanks sugarcube.."

Rd: "You feeling alright now? You've been vomiting all week.. Im starting to think that drinking Twilight's potion is a bad idea.."

Aj: "Nonsense sugarcube, this is just its side effects.. Im sure I can move around tomorrow."

Rd: "You sure? I hate to see you all messed up like this.."

Aj: "Aww Rainbow.." She started, cupping my cheeks afterwards. "I'll be fine sugarcube."

Rd: "I.. I know Aj. Listen, I dont know when will this potion will work but I promise that we'll live a better life with our 5 kids in the future."

Aj: "Aww Rainbow.."

Rd:" After that, We'll buy a new bigger and better house! So we can have s*x everyday!!!" I laughed while wiggling my eyebrows, making Aj's cheeks turn red.

Aj: "R-rainbow! I do want to make out with ya but.. I cant quite move right now."

Rd: "That's why you need to finish your soup and rest, I'll do all the house chores for today okay?"

Aj: "I can help yo-"

Rd: "Nope, you need to stay in bed and rest."

Aj: "But-"

Rd: "No buts." I giggled after giving her a quick kiss in the forehead.

I then grabbed the tv remote on the nightstand beside me so we can watch some romantic movies to pass the time.

I felt my lover wrapped her arms around me, snuggling closer to me after. I just giggled as I placed my arm around her.

Aj: "Babe?"

Rd: "Yeah?"

Aj: "Do you think sending Twilight and the girls to the school without us safe?" She questioned worriedly.

Rd: "I think so.. I mean we've been safe for days now since they're staying at our house."

Aj: "What if they strike Pinkie after school? Should we pick them up? We should have gon' with th-"

Rd: "Apples relax! You should be resting right now. Im going to pick them up later, you can come if you want."

Aj: "Well.. It's kinda scary over here when Im alone so- yeah, I wanna join."

Rd: "Fine but please dont worry to much, okay? I already have Pinkie and the girls pepper sprays to defend themselves."

My phone suddenly rang a call, making me pull away from Aj's cuddle to crawl out of the bed.

When I made it to the table, I picked up my phone and saw a unknown number calling me.

Aj: Who is it sugarcube?"

"Final shot at love: The Unknown User" |Appledash Fanfic| Book 3Where stories live. Discover now