Twenty Five

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word count:2508 

The harsh lighting shines down on the table, reflecting off. It was cool in here, painted a boring grey color. The table was the same color as the walls, as was the uncomfortable chair Carissa sat in. She bounced her right leg, the chains shaking with it. Her hands and feet were covered, an attempt to keep her from using her powers. Fury leaned against the table, watching her intently.

"How long since you've been interrogated?" He asks.

She places her covered hands on the table, looking up at him. "I wasn't. I was just arrested and placed." They had the evidence they needed, obviously. 

Fury pushes himself off the table. "We're here to talk about your dad."

"What's there to talk about? He's not around anymore. End of conversation." Riss snaps.

"And how did that feel?" Fury asks her. He takes in her irritated tone and body language. She was more annoyed than anything else. She didn't know why she was here. She glares up at Fury. What the hell was he doing? "How do you think it felt?" She tries to dive into his head, hitting a wall. She shuts her eyes, the force of him fighting her off had actually hurt.

"Don't answer my questions with a question. That gets us nowhere."

So, they were trying to get somewhere. "It sucked." She answers.

Fury raises an eyebrow at her. "It sucked?" He asked. He knew her, knew he wasn't about to get descriptive detail of her feelings.

"Yeah, it sucked." She stuck with her answer.

Fury furrows his eyebrows, but continues. "Did Natasha's death suck?" He hated asking her that. He didn't like the fact he had to hurt her on purpose. Fury had gained respect for Carissa and not to mention, Tony would've killed him personally for what he was putting her through, that was what Riss hoped he was thinking right now.

Her hands sit in her lap. "Yes." Obviously, it sucked. He'd know that, he had to live through it, too. He hadn't seen it like she had. He hadn't seen the dance her dad had shared with Peggy the way Riss had. He hadn't seen half of the shit Riss had.

Fury nods. "What about Tony's?" He asks. He watches the girl's face go pale. 

Her mouth went dry as the color drained from her face. The image of her, Morgan and Pepper pops into her head. Now, this was a little too far. "No." She forces out through clenched teeth. She set her hands back in the table.

"No?" He asks.

"That one fucking sucked." She answers. "That doesn't even begin to explain it."

Fury eyed her. "Where's Bucky?" He asked. He was being careful, knowing if she really wanted to, she could rip him in half even through the covering. She'd gathered that much from his body language. She wished she could hear his thoughts. 

"At home." She answers, pulling her hands back into her lap. She forgot how it could be perceived as a threat, placing her hands on the table, covered or not.

"Does he know?" Fury asks. He was less wary when her hands were hidden, though he knew her power radiated through her body.

Tranquility. {bucky barnes}On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara