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*the age of consent in NY is 17, and Carissa is 17 in this chapter. BUCKY IS NOT A PEDO, please stop commenting that. thanks*
word count: 2869 

"Thanks, doll." He said. She smiled.

She hovered the knife over the webbing covering Sam. "Say please."

He rolled his eyes. "Please. I take it back. I hate both of you. I was worried about how pale you were, but I take back all that concern." 

Bucky's face read pure amusement at the girl. He wondered about who her mom was, impressed that Steve had been smart enough to choose a dame that raised a great girl. It was obvious Steve hadn't done it alone, just look at her.

"You know why." She simply replied. "I'm fine." 

Bucky grabbed her hand again, after checking to see how pale she actually had been and they go to meet up with Steve. She was thankful he hadn't asked any questions. Their team ran towards the Quinjet just as Vision stopped them all. Vision was soon joined by the rest of his team plus Peter. They stood face to face. She'd never seen a divorce get so messy. Well, she'd never seen a divorce. Just take the fucking Porsche, Tony.

"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asked.

"We fight." He said. She had been worried that was going to be the answer.

Bucky looked down at her and nodded. She nodded back. He hesitantly let go of her hand and they all walk forward. Soon they were running at each other until they all clashed in the middle. Wanda fought off the webbing of Peter, Sam flew around with Rhodes, Bucky fought Mr. Kitty, Natasha flipped Lang over her shoulder and Steve was head to head with Tony. She watched Wanda throw Natasha off of Clint. Carissa flinched as she groaned in pain. Messy divorce, kids involved. Kids heavily involved.

"Carissa." Steve called. That was the wrong thing to do because not only did it distract him, but it also momentarily distracted Bucky. But on a good note, it also distracted Peter. She pulled her gun out of its holster and aimed for the webbing. Steve beat her to it, slicing through it with the shield.

"Fuck." She mumbled.

Peter grabbed Steve by the arm and leg, pulling him. She shook her head. He didn't want her help, she knew that. She turned around, facing the fight. Clint's arrows were being shot midair by Tony. She hesitantly raised her gun.

"This isn't gonna hurt him." She whispered to herself. "This isn't gonna hurt him."

"The rest of us aren't getting out of here." She heard Sam say though the ear piece.

"Go." She told Bucky. "Go, both of you."

"I can't leave you." Bucky said.

"You have to. Go. Dad, go. I'll be fine." And with that, a shot rang out. It made a clinking sound as her bullet hit Tony.

"Did you just-"

"I had to." She cut him off. He shook his head at her. A look of disappointment crossed his face. A look Tony had never directed at Carissa before. She slid her gun into her holster, not sure if she wanted to hit something or cry. Or both.  He wasn't mad that she'd tried to hurt him, he knew she hadn't but it was the fact that in his eyes, she picked the wrong side.

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