
10.4K 223 141

word count: 1852 

"Let me go to Queens." Carissa said to her dad as calmly as she could possibly muster.

"I can't." He told her.

"Let me go to Queens." She repeated. She wasn't about to pass up this opportunity.

"Carissa." Steve told the girl, pinching the bridge of his nose. He couldn't bring himself to let her walk out that door.


"I can't let you go to Queens."

"Let me go to Queens."

They'd been at this for about an hour, back and forth. Same argument. Peter had invited her back to Queens, asking her to help Spider-Man. She refused to pass up that opportunity, which lead the blonde pair here.

"Be my sidekick." Peter had said. She laughed and placed a hand on her hip, raising an eyebrow at the boy.

"I will not be your damn sidekick. I'm the daughter of Captain America, you asshole. You're just stickier than other teenage boys. And your webs shoot out of your hands instead of your dick." His face reddened at the end of her sentence, but he persisted.

"Then be my partner, Riss. Come on." He whined. He pulled puppy dogs eyes on her and she was sold. He also waved a bag of gummy bears in her face but that was beside the point. And that was what had gotten them here. Steve and Carissa arguing in their kitchen. Back and forth. They were both having a hard time.

"Let me help Peter."

"I don't want you helping Spider-Man." Steve told the girl.

"I can't stay here, dad. I can't sit in this house and watch the time slowly click by as we wait for that phone to ring telling us he's coming home. I can't stay here. Please, let me go to Queens."

"If you leave, I'll be here alone."

"Then get a dog, dad. Seriously. I've been wanting a dog for so long. Please." She begged again. She felt bad for leaving her dad, but she just couldn't take it anymore.

"Do you want a dog or do you want Queens?" Steve asked his daughter.

"The dog was for you, dad. Queens is for me."

"Fine." He finally gave in. He was tired. She had known he hadn't sleeping, but he'd stayed quiet at all hours of the night, unaware his daughter couldn't sleep either. He tried. He was trying. She appreciated it, but the energy in the house was draining her. They were both miserable, unsure of how to continue. They'd lived their lives without Bucky just fine, but that was before he was still alive. It was easier to lose someone and know you were never getting them back. She forced a smile. She already had her bags all packed and shoved into her yellow Volkswagen camper. She knew she'd win the argument, but she still felt guilty for leaving. He was alone, but at least this way he could distract himself. He wasn't happy for giving in so easily, but he knew she'd be fine. Peter wouldn't let anything happen to her, or so Cap hoped.

"When are you coming home?" Steve asked her.

"Who the hell knows, dad. I'll call you. I love you."

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