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New York was Carissa's favorite place in the world. Or at least that she had been to. It had been her favorite place to live and now it was her favorite to visit. It reminded her of her dad in the best ways, which sometimes she needed. She'd always wanted to travel around Europe, that would probably be her favorite place in the world when she got around to it. Being with her (second) favorite person in the world made it even better. Still, she wanted Bucky there. Peter was only her second favorite. As much as Peter tried to fight it, he couldn't ignore the crush he was developing on Carissa. It had made itself apparent in the Thai restaurant and now he couldn't get it to go away.  Peter was at some party, leaving Carissa to think by herself.

"Get a suit." Tony had said. "A real suit. And a mask. Then you could be seen with Peter."

She didn't think that would change anything. What was the point? Go everywhere with Peter? Trail him like a little puppy? What were the odds she'd fuck up and give up his identity? She didn't think that was the best idea. Plus, she was Captain America's daughter, mask or not. She was always recognizable considering the fact that she was an Avenger. They were all recognizable. She didn't think Tony had thought of that part. She couldn't afford to be the reason Peter's identity was given up. He'd hate her for it. But then again, Tony thought of everything.

"Just call me when you need me." The girl had told him. He nodded before walking out of her makeshift room in the back of her camper. She had spent about an hour making it feel more like her room at home, but it didn't. Her dad wasn't here, so it wouldn't really be home. She wondered how things had been at home. Had her dad gotten a dog like she'd told him to? She wanted to call him but she promised she'd only call on her way home. So, she called the only other number in her phone that mattered.

Peter stood by Ned. Ned looked up at him suddenly. 

"What's the deal with the girl?" He asked. 

"Carissa?" Peter asked. 

"Yeah, what's her deal?" 

"She's an old friend." Peter replied. 

"Oh?" Ned asked. "I know all of you friends."

"Yeah, Ned. You knew her, too. She went to school with us in the eighth grade until she was pulled out by her dad."

"She have a boyfriend?" 

Peter thought for a second. The technical answer was no, but there was no way he was about to tell Ned that. "Yes." He answered.

"You hesitated." 

"N-no I didn't, Ned. I'm putting the suit on now." Peter said, walking out of the party. 

"Hey, Princess." Tony's voice rang through Carissa's phone.

"Hey." She replied.

"What's up?"

"Well, Peter's at a party and I'm in my van. Couldn't afford to give up his identity, considering I've been seen with Spider-Man." She answered.

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