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*some are concerned about her age so just to clear up: they don't get together for a few chapters. not until she's 19. this is to get to know carissa (:
Winter Soldier
Word count: 1520

Before the sun even had the chance to come up, Steve Rogers was out running. Daily. The super soldier also had no idea how to leave quietly, of course. Having given up on going back to sleep, Carissa had gotten dressed to wait for Natasha. She may only be 15, but she was always helpful to have around, or so her aunt Nat had always said. She taught Carissa as much as she'd figured she'd retain, promising to make her an even better assassin than Nat when she got older. There was already the promise of giving her a second gun when the time came. She didn't know what that meant, exactly. She assumed it was an age thing, not a maturity thing. She had hoped so.

They had pulled up to pick up her dad. They saw him talking to another man. "Hey, fellas." Nat said. "Either one of you know where the Smithsonian is? I'm here to pick up a fossil."

Carissa laughed from her spot in the backseat. "That's hilarious." Her dad responded.

 "Duh." She replied. Sometimes she wondered if he really had a sense of humor. He was so uptight all the time. She knew he was Captain America and was supposed to be that way, but sometimes she wished he could just be her dad, not her security guard.

The guy her dad had been talking to leaned down to see through the window, looking at Nat. "How you doing?" He'd asked her.

She responded with a simple "Hey." before Steve turned back to him. "Can't run everywhere." He'd said, referring to the car.

"No, you can't." He responded.

And with that, they drove off. They had a mission to brief on. Riss had hated that part, the waiting. It got boring way too quickly. Later that night, she'd found herself in the jet above the Indian Ocean. This was what she'd been waiting for all day. She had strict orders to follow Natasha, set by her father. She had a gun placed in her thigh holster as she pulled her long, blonde hair out of its ponytail. It laid around her and her black catsuit like a blanket in soft waves. Natasha nodded and smiled at her. She'd always called Carissa her mini-me, only blonde. She'd spent so much time grooming Riss to be like her, it was only fitting. She was almost an Avenger; Tony had told her. Almost.

The adults talked about everything they needed to know and be prepared for as she just awaited her cue. Nat was told to kill the engines and await instructions. Those were the orders she was to follow as well. She stood behind Nat as she tried, once again, to set Steve up on a date. She failed every time, but she tried anyway. He hadn't been even thinking of seeing anyone in two years, since Riss's mom had died.

"He'll never go for it, Tash." Riss told her. She shrugged and kept trying. "Too shy, or too scared?" She asked him. He raised his hands around him before pointing to Riss. "Too busy." He replied. He jumped out, lacking a parachute.

"Idiot's gonna die before he goes on a date." She mumbled. Nat laughed. 

"I'm sure you'll go on a date long before he ever does, Riss." She smiled and they jumped out, activating their parachutes. Nat tried again to suggest a date before she was told to secure the engine room first. "I'm multitasking." She defended, before launching herself over a railing to get down to the lower floor. Riss followed her lead. She didn't like the feeling of falling, but the railing wasn't that far up.

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