Twenty Six

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word count:3313 

Carissa was panicking. She didn't know where she was. She'd blasted her way through the maze. 

"Stupid bitch." The now familiar voice said. It belonged to Beck; she'd figured out. 

He hit buttons, pulling the drones back up. The illusion illuminated around her again. She shied away from it the best she could, tossing herself around. They were everywhere.  They stopped suddenly as the doors closed in front of her. She was on a train. She looked around.  This wasn't New York, she knew that. Man, Fury was going to kill her. The train keeps going, tunnels occasionally. Before one tunnel, the train jolts. 

"What the hell?" The girl wonders out loud. She was in an empty train car until the doors opened. She heard grunts and groans as someone landed a few seats behind her. She felt the heavy emotion of betrayal enter with the person. She was curious, standing to see if they needed help. Peter laid on the seat in front of her.  "Parker?" She whispers. His face is cut and bloody as she reaches to stroke his cheek. She hesitates. Was this even real? She wasn't sure what real even meant right now.  She sat in the chair beside him. He was passed out and it wasn't long before she fell asleep right beside him. 

Peter was snoring loudly in the cell as Carissa laid against his shoulder. His head jolted forward, waking him. He sat up abruptly. He looked around the room at the men by him. He also noticed the girl laying against his chest. He looked down, and orange shirt laying across his chest. He pulled it off, wrapping an arm around Carissa. 

"Where am I?" He asked. Riss stirred. 

"Municipal holding facility." One of the guys answers Peter.

"They said they found you unconscious in the holding facility." Another told him. "Very dangerous." 

"And we gave you the shirt because you seemed a bit cold. We didn't have one for your girlfriend." A third guy told Peter.

"Thanks." He said. "You guys are nice. You speak really good English." 

"Welcome to the Netherlands." They all greet him.

"I'm in the Netherlands right now?" Peter asks.

"Yep." They confirm.

Peter shakes Riss lightly. She sits up. Peter jolts out of the chair, pulling the girl along. He groans, his right leg shooting pain through it. 

"Morning, sunshine." Riss greets.

"Guard!" Peter yells at the cell. 

"Guard is on a break." One of the guys tells the pair.

"Break it." Riss tells him. Peter reaches his hand around, pulling the lock off. The pair walks off. Peter stops suddenly, seeing the guard wearing his mask.  "Parker." Riss harshly whispers to him. 

"Why are you here?" He asks her. 

"Hi to you, too. I haven't seen you in a while, I've missed you. I heard you needed my help and I dropped everything to show up." Riss replies.

"Hi." Peter says, not even bothering to look at her. 

She scoffs at him. "Whatever, Parker." 

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