"Yeah, just go do your errand, nerd. And take all the time in the world! I won't miss you!" You smirked and turned away from the spider, who was sprawled on the ground. Turning to take a quick peek at his face, you could see him feigning hurt.

"Aww! How could you NOT miss this sexy, hot spider demon~? C'mon babe, don't be so harsh~" Angel groaned, rolling to his side to pose in a suggestive manner. Though, you were used to his antics, so it didn't cause you to blush....too hard.

"Ugh, Angel! You should hurry and go. I need to sleep more anyway. Shoo!" You gestured to the door, flinging your wrist in that direction.

Angel pouted, attempting to buy you into letting him stay, completely forgetting how stubborn you are. Hopping off the bed, you grabbed one of his limbs and dragged him to the door, a bit surprised to see he didn't actually weigh that much. Angel didn't put up much of a fight, so it didn't take long to pull him out into the hallway.

"Thanks for the lift, babe. I'll ask for your services next time~" The spider pushed himself to his feet, sending a wink your way.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," You replied, shutting the door to your room.

Angel's POV

As soon as that door shut, I felt that sense of fury coursing through my body again. Who wouldn't when you were forced to walk back to the same damned place every day.

Then again, I'm so fucking used to it, I just don't give a shit anymore.

The same, stupid building was just out of my reach. From here, I could smell the scent of sex and alcohol. I'm used to it, but it still disgusts me. And that stupid, annoying voice belonging to my boss; I hate him.

But what can you do? Money is money, right?

Really, I was only bothered by the fact that he had called me at such a bad time. It was supposed to be my break. I was supposed to be fucking free. Was it too hard to ask? Some peace with my new lady friend?

Of course it is, Angel.

I nearly broke the door off its hinges as I stepped inside. Valentino was already standing there, impatiently glaring at me.

"Weeeeell, you've been a very rebellious, bad boy, haven't you? Well, I'll be nice and let you off the hook this one time, since you're helping with our new employees," Valentino turned to his dirty office, waving at me to go in.

Inside the tiny room, there were two demons standing side by side. They both held cigars to their lips, puffing out smoke and grumbling angrily. Already, I knew they were gonna piss me off.

"Angel, these are our new recruits. Their new to hell, so I want you to show 'em where they'll be filming. These two will be performing in the same hall as you, got it?" Valentino sneered over his shoulder, at me. I wanted so badly just to walk over there and crack his lil' head open.

Somehow, I managed a smile. "Yes sir, Mr, Valentino~". I swear I hurled a little just then.

With a dismissive wave, my boss turned his attention to his old computer, turning on some porn of his employees. I couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh as I pulled the two asshats with me to the streets. The woman was looking me up and down with a lustful gaze, and the guy honestly didn't look like he gave two shits about any of this.

Honestly, I wasn't in a good enough mood to give a tour, so I snatched up some torn newspaper near my feet and pulled out a pen from my pocket. The bitch looked expectant; probably for my number.

"Listen here, I'm not in a good fucking mood, so here is the address to where we do our business. Don't you go tellin' Val that I didn't show ya where it was, or else I'll murder your asses, got it?" I growled, shoving the paper in the male's hands.

The disgusting woman gave me a wink. "My, you look troubled. How about we have some fun, and loosen up that tension~ I do need some practice, don't I~?"

"Nah, ya don't need any practice, you slut. When we were alive, you fucked men left and right, whore," Grumbled the guy.

Annoyed out of my damned mind, I turned away from their pathetic bickering and walked away, relieved to hear their noises slowly fading away. Of course, just when I was gonna hop in a pulled over taxi, the annoying voice of that bitch rang throughout what was probably all of hell. She would put Al's voice to shame.

"Bye bye! Consider that offer, you hear, dear..!?"

I still had the sense to ignore her. And I was never so glad to be in a taxi in my life until then. My head pressed against the glass window, my eyes shut tightly 'cause of a massive headache growing inside. I groaned loudly.

"Damn it. First Val, now that annoying chick? What the fuck is this...! HELL?!"

A/N: It took awhile to upload this chapter. It was a bit harder to write in Angel's perspective, but I think I did pretty well for my first try. Do you guys like how this one turned out?

But I did want to say that my internet hasn't been so friendly with me lately, so we needed to get that fixed. That also happened to delay this, as well as me being a bit selfish. I kinda wanted to keep this chapter to myself for a little bit longer...

But now it's finally here! By the way, school is starting very soon for me. I hope the younger audience of my book has a lovely school year (I'm talking to both the school and college students!)

Anyways, I love you all so much! Bye!

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