Part 8

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Returning to Los Angeles a few days later, the flight was quiet.
Both of them sat looking out the window. Olivia had to head back to LA for a briefing with the FBI on whether to continue the case since Riley was allowed to get into such a dangerous situation with the pretending agent.
It hadn’t been confirmed if the debt had been dropped or not. Riley sat there thinking about the mess from the night before last. She’d never been so scared in her life. If it hadn’t been for Olivia...
She looked over at her old friend looking out the window. She thought about their kiss. She needed more than a friend that night; she only had Olivia. She did save her life. She did wonder about that night and if Olivia could have saved her from her loneliness too. She knew Olivia would give her her heart if she asked for it.
But did she want it?
Could she be intimate in a sexual way with the woman she’d known most of her life? Could she look at her like that?
In her wonder, Olivia looked over at her. For a moment, those coloured eyes stared back at her. She leaned her head back against the headrest.
“Are we going to have to say goodbye again? Is this what this is all about?”
Olivia sighed, shrugging her shoulders. “I don’t know.” She straightened up. “What will you do while I’m in my meeting?” Riley looked out the window for a second.
“I’m going to go to work. I have a phone conference at 2 pm.” She looked at Olivia for a moment. “You will let me know if this is it, won’t you?” Olivia gave her a nod.
“Of course I will.”

Attended her meeting, Olivia did not know that Riley had been pulled into her own due to what had happened the night before the FBI had the idea of sending Riley down to Los Vegas to confront the Romano family and set them up. Riley agreed even if she did have to pay the debt. After her experiences over the last year, she just wanted to regain her life.
Olivia was in her meeting in the next room, trying to get her out of it.
“There is no way she would want to do this; after everything she’s just been through, how could you think of putting more stress on her? I know I fucked up but don’t do this!”
PI Cruz leaned over the desk, dialling a number on the phone.
“Has she accepted our offer?” He looked up at Olivia standing opposite him, arms crossed. “Good.” He put the phone down, looking up at Olivia.
“No.” She looked at the opposite wall before exiting the room into the hallway. Barging into the next interview room, Riley sat talking to PI Raymond.
“Are you crazy!?” She looked between them. “After the other night, you wanna put yourself in more danger!” Riley looked up at PI Raymond. He flicked his eyebrows getting up to leave them to it.
Riley reached up for her hand. “Livia, please calm down.”
Olivia ran her hand through her hair and sat opposite Riley, still holding her hand. Riley bit her lip.
“I know this is crazy.” She put her other hand up, stopping Olivia before she said something. “I can’t live in fear anymore, Liv. It’s killing me having to look over my shoulder every day, every night. The other night was the scariest night of my life.” Her voice broke. It was still so raw in her mind. She ran her fingers over the bandage on her neck.
Olivia swallowed. “That was my fault.” She put her other hand on Riley’s. “Why do you want to do this? It’s too soon. Everything is still so raw.” Riley squeezed her hand.
“That is why I agreed to do this. I must get mad and face this instead of running from it.” She leaned over the table. “Babe, I need to let Derek go so I can get on with my life.”
Olivia searched her battered friend’s features. “I need you to do this with me, Liv. I need you to support my decision.”
Olivia sighed. “I’m not happy about this.”
“I didn’t ask if you were happy. I asked for your help?”
Olivia looked at her. “You’re fucking insane; you know that.”


They arrived down in Los Vegas a couple of days early.
Riley had told everyone she was going on a well-deserved holiday for a few weeks, so she was not interrupted. Olivia dared not tell her family what Riley had got her into. They’d all done undercover work before, but getting involved in FBI stuff concerning the Mafia was just suicidal.
They’d been put up at a hotel discreetly the night before. They had been going over the plan for hours on end. Riley was to go into the Casino on her own and ask for a member of the Romano family. Olivia and a few others would be undercover as patrons, but Riley was to do this on her own.

Riley walked out to Olivia on the balcony after having her shower. She could tell it was Maggie she was talking to on the phone. She held up the bandage she needed to put on her neck. It was healing, but she still had a week or so left before leaving it uncovered. The last thing she wanted was a permanent scar. Laughing, Olivia watched her walk up to her handing her the bandage.
“You know, Mag, that would never happen, right?” She laughed down the phone. Riley smiled. It was nice to hear Olivia laughing. They’d had such a rough few weeks they hadn’t relaxed. Olivia tucked the phone under her ear and pulled the seal of the sticky patch. She laughed again. “Can you stop trying to set me up?” She glimpsed at Riley, her lip curling. Pulling her forward, she pulled the tape back and readied to stick it on her neck. “Gees, you don’t let up, do you.” She gently placed the bandage over her wound. Smiling up at Riley, her eyes flicked over the soft lips not far from her. “Yes, the millionaire-ess is looking after me.” Riley smiled cheekily. Olivia laughed, blushing. “Hey, don’t be so rude; of course, not like that.”
Riley noticed the redness come to her cheeks. She didn’t have to hear it; she could tell Maggie was asking about their relationship.
She cracked up nervously, looking at Riley watching her.
“Mag gees, no way; I’ve known her way too long to assume anything.”
Riley grinned. She flung her arm over Olivia's shoulder, moving in closer. Olivia looked at the devilish grin on her face. She wet her lip.
“Maggi, getting involved with a client would be totally inappropriate.” Riley flung her other arm over Olivia’s shoulder, wrapping her hands around her neck. Olivia searched the cheeky eyes before her. “Well, technically, Mrs Deveruex is a client, but...” She looked down again at the smiling lips getting closer, feeling Riley’s body pressing into her own. Her hand found the side of the Blonde’s waist. “Miss Munroe, on the other hand...” she felt her nerves coming alive. Riley stepped into her; she parted her lips just hovering inches away.
“Mag...” Olivia swallowed. “I’ve gotta go.” She grabbed the phone under her ear before she dropped it. Riley moved away from her, laughing. Olivia stood there looking at her. “What the hell was that?”
Riley laughed louder, skipping back inside. Olivia followed. “If you keep that up, you’re going to find yourself in a situation you can’t just wiggle yourself out of.” She laughed, throwing the bandage rubbish at her.
Riley smiled from behind the couch. She looked over at Olivia, smiling to herself. “It’s good to hear you laugh, Livia.”
“Yeah, it’s been a hard few weeks, aye.” She sat on the back of the couch.
“Yeah, we need to go and have some fun while we can.” Riley leaned on the couch in front of her.
“Yeah, we do. What is there to do here that doesn’t involve casinos or strip clubs?” She looked at Riley beside her. “Have a look.” Riley picked up her phone.
Olivia watched her. Ever since New York, Riley had been different around her. She had to be touching her somehow, like a safety blanket or something. Olivia didn’t mind, really. Their lives had been shaken up the past week, making them emotionally closer. Looking at her, Olivia couldn’t help but compare her relationships with Riley & Maggie. These two women were the reason she had started living again.
“Found something, Adventure dome.” Riley handed her the phone.
“Cool, let’s go.”

After spending the day out being big kids again and looking around the city, they returned to the hotel. Walking in, Riley went to the phone and called room service.
“Hi, can I get a couple of bottles of Chardonnay sent up to room 304 with our dinner order, please?” She glimpsed over at Olivia in the kitchen.
“Ah, sorry, can you cancel that?”
Olivia looked up at her. “It's fine, get them,”
“Are you sure?”
Olivia smiled. “It’s fine.”
“Ah, sorry, my roommate doesn’t drink, but I will have the two bottles; thanks.” She put the phone down, heading over to Olivia. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think.”
Olivia leaned over the counter. “Don’t worry about it. We’ve had a good day and must enjoy our shelves before tomorrow.” She smiled. “Trust me; you need wine.” She laughed. Laughing, Riley touched her shoulder.
“Wow, so I’m never going to have a drink with you?”
“I’m never going to see you drunk or plastered...or.”
Olivia cleared her throat. “Well, um...” she looked at Riley. “I know I’m not supposed to, but since I don’t have any other legal options...”
Riley’s face went serious.
Olivia stood up straight. “You may see me...stoned.”
Riley put her hand over her mouth. “Olivia, you smoke weed?”
Olivia nodded.
“That’s illegal.”
“Not in California.”
“We’re not in California.”
“Ahh...” she smiled. “But it’s from California.”
Riley just looked at her. “You’re a cop.”
Olivia turned and looked at her. “I am a recovering alcoholic, and if my only enjoyment is pot, then yes, I am a bad cop.” She nodded to herself.
Riley leaned over the counter. “Have you got some?”
Olivia leaned over towards her. “I have. You want some?”
Riley stood up. “Nope.” She stepped back. “I am going to enjoy my wine...and enjoy the entertainment.”
Olivia laughed. “Is that right?”
“Yip, I think you will be hilarious.” Riley grinned.
“Oh, we will see whose hilarious, missy.”

Their dinner arrived, and Riley was straight into opening her first bottle of wine. Olivia was out on the balcony finishing her smoke. They watched each other all through dinner, waiting to see who had the first effects from their recreational substance.
About twenty minutes later, Riley noticed Olivia singing to herself. Smiling, she went and found the music channel. Hearing the music, Olivia suddenly got louder. Riley laughed to herself; she poured herself another glass and sat back at the table with happy Olivia.
A couple of hours later, after Olivia’s second smoke and Riley being on her last bottle of wine, she sat there, her stomach and cheeks so sore from laughing. Olivia had been so entertaining. She’d attempted to sing or dance to every song that played. She’d dragged Riley up to dance many times. Riley felt like they were teenagers again.
Finishing her last glass of wine, she looked at her dancing buddy in the lounge. Olivia caught the look.
“Come here, beautiful.” She smiled softly.
Riley put her glass down.
The whole atmosphere changed.
Biting her lip, she slowly walked over, placing her hand in the waiting one. Smiling, Olivia pulled her into her arms. Riley wrapped her arms around her neck as Olivia slid her hands over her hips, biting her lip, her eyes glazing over Riley’s.
“Have I told you...?” She wrapped her arms around Riley’s waist. “A few years ago, I chased this idiot; he’d ripped over the bank in North Broadway. We got into a brawl, and I slipped a disc in my back.” Riley's hand moved up under the dark ponytail to play with the base of her hair. Olivia flashed back. “I was out for about two months. I’d torn some of the muscle in my back, and at times,” she looked at Riley. “Still to this day, sometimes my back gives me grief.”
“I haven’t seen you in pain or anything?” Riley searched her face.
Olivia relaxed her hands. “I’ve had pot and painkillers on me, but it hasn’t been too bad.” She scratched her nose. “I normally have a smoke if I know I’m going to be doing something physical.”
Riley nodded, not catching on, and Olivia cleared her throat.
“Just in case that’s where tonight is all...leading?” Quietly she searched the brown eyes looking back at her. “If I’m not...mistaken?”
A little smile came to Riley’s cheeks, and she dropped her heels, blushing a little as her hand fingered the lapels of her jacket.
“I’m a little nervous. I haven’t seen this side of you before.”
Olivia wet her lip.
“But you know me pretty well, though, right?”
Riley nodded.
“And you know that I love you?”
“Yes,” Riley whispered.
Olivia looked down and met her hand at the lapels of her jacket.
“Then let me show you.” She quickly searched the eyes upon her before she took Riley’s lips in her own. Riley’s eyes closed, and her mouth came alive. Olivia didn’t move back. Her lips had found where they wanted to be, and she would not give them up. Riley felt herself getting pulled in deeper. Olivia’s lips drew her in, whether it was the wine or not.
Unconsciously she wrapped herself around Olivia, letting the sensations in her body take over. Olivia was in heaven, but her mind kept reminding her that this was Riley. Her pulse was racing, she had to make this perfect, and she had to be perfect.
She forced herself to stop. She opened her eyes and searched the face before her. Riley’s eyes were half-closed, looking at her lips. Olivia wet hers.
“This only has to go as far as you want.” Riley looked up at her searching her eyes, and tilted her head.
“Anything could happen to us tomorrow.” She placed her hand on Olivia’s chest. “I’m not wasting any more time.” Her eyes fell to Olivia’s lips again as she leaned forward, taking them in her own.

The nightlife of Los Vegas lighted up the dark sky, and the deep sounds of nightclubs vibrated below at street level. Olivia leaned over the balcony sipping her juice. Looking over her shoulder, she heard the sliding door close as Riley tiptoed across the balcony. She wrapped herself around Olivia’s arm, shielding herself from the cool night air. They looked at each other for a moment.
“I just took some painkillers.”
“Did I break you?”
Olivia smiled at her. “Hmm, you can break me anytime.” She kissed her on the forehead. They both looked out over the city. “You still want to go through with this?”
Riley leaned into her more. She sighed. “Do I really have any other choice?” She sat her chin on Olivia’s shoulder. Olivia looked down.
“I will try to keep my emotions in check.”
Riley smiled. “You did last time.”
Olivia smiled at her. “Yeah...But I have more to lose now.”
Riley touched her nose. “I’m not going anywhere.” She glimpsed at the juice. “Come back to bed.” She whispered. “We have to get up in a few hours.” She dropped her hand down into Olivia’s.
Olivia leaned over and kissed her softly. “I do love you.” She whispered, touching Riley's forehead with her own.
“I love you more.”


Riley walked into the Sahara Casino on the Los Vegas strip, where she’d been informed that the Romano family had not long entered. Olivia and a couple of others had gone in before she had set themselves around the tables and machines. Riley had no wire or anything apart from a mobile phone with a tracker and a microphone planted in it. She walked into the lobby and straight up to the desk.
“Hi, I want to speak to a member of the Romano family, please?” The young man at the desk looked at her suspiciously.
“And you would be?”
She straightened herself up. “My name is Riley Munroe-Devereux.”
The young man turned around, picking up the phone. Riley couldn’t hear what he said, but the conversation was short. He turned around and signalled to a guy standing by the door.
“Mickey, can you take Ms Devereux up to the office.” The solidly built guy moved towards her eyeing her up and down.
“Follow me.” Riley took a deep breath and followed him through the Casino. Trying not to be obvious, she looked out the corner of her eye, trying to find Olivia or any face she knew. It was only 4 pm, but the place was busy. Seeing they were coming towards the end of the room, she panicked. She couldn’t see anyone. She began to doubt herself. Was she all alone? She knew she couldn’t back out now; it was too late. She was bumped into, and a cup of coins landed on the floor. She turned around, looking at the blonde-haired woman scrambling to pick up the coins. Riley bent down to help.
“I’m so sorry; I didn’t see...” The woman looked straight at her.
“Are the rest of us invisible?” Riley’s shoulders dropped. It was Olivia.
“Look.” She said calmly. “I don’t have time for this.”
“Hey, no one asked for your help, lady!”
Riley reached over and picked up a coin slamming it into her bucket. “Fine!” Their hands touched.
“Snobby Rich bitch.” Olivia stood up.
Riley knitted her eyebrows. “tight ass.” She said before turning to exit the hall.
The door was closed behind her. She closed her eyes quickly and took a deep breath. She would be ok now that she knew Olivia wasn’t far away.
She was directed towards the door at the end of the hallway. She stood there looking at the wooden door, her nerves starting to arise. She knocked on the door and waited.
She reached for the doorknob and walked in. Behind the desk was a man in his late forties dressed in an Armani suit. A couple of gentlemen were standing on either side of him.
“Ms Devereux, I am surprised to see you here.”
Riley stood there confidently. “I had no other choice. It was either come here or find myself six feet in the ground.” The man chuckled.
“This is true. I must apologize for the actions of my family.” Riley looked at him, not knowing what to expect.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are?”
“Ahh, I am Jeano Romano. I was your husband’s business partner.”
“May I?” Riley pointed to the chair in front of her. Jeano nodded as Riley sat down, her nerves disappearing. “See, I didn’t know anything about you, the casinos, anything.”
Jeano sat forward, grasping his hands together on the desk.
“Your husband was a great businessman. We’d been in business together for about six years.” Riley sat back, astounded.
“Then, if you don’t mind me asking, how did it all end up like this?”
Jeano cleared his throat. “Let’s just say a few winning streaks do not make a man invincible. He made a bad call, a seriously bad call, and unfortunately, he paid for it.”
“Was it you that killed him?” She asked boldly. Jeano laughed.
“You ask a lot of questions, Ms Devereux.” He sat back in his chair. “Your husband upset many people, including two powerful families in Nevada.”
“That did not answer my question.” Riley pushed.
“Ms Devereux, why are you really here?” He asked sternly.
Riley swallowed hard with a hint of nerves. “I want to live without the constant fear that I will die because my deceased husband made a BAD call.”
Jeano laughed. “What would you like me to say, Ms Devereux?”
“I want you to tell me what you want from me?”
Jeano sat forward, looking at her. “You are worth a lot of money, are you not, Ms Devereux?” Riley did not answer. “Your husband’s debt paid in full.”
Riley sighed. “And how much is that?”
“Five hundred thousand dollars.”
“Five hundred! Jesus Christ!”
“Are we going to have a problem?”
Riley shook her head, trying to get it to sink in. “ahh, no. But I will need at least a few days to tap into my resources.” She looked across at him thoughtfully. “If I do this, can you promise I will be left alone? That this debt has been paid in full?”
He looked at her for a long moment. “I give you my word.”

Riley walked out into the sunshine. She stood there looking up and down the street. She hadn’t been given instructions about what to do after seeing Jeano, so she waved down a taxi and started heading back to the hotel. She pulled out the mobile phone she had been given. It was a fake, so she couldn’t ring Olivia. She hadn’t seen her when she came back through the casino, and she didn’t want to be obvious that she was looking for someone, so she had just walked straight through.
Swiping the card into her hotel room, she immediately noticed the silence. She went into the kitchen and switched the kettle on. She leaned over the coffee counter, thinking about Jeano and her husband. They’d been partners for six years! She’d known him for four years and never knew anything about Jeano or the businesses in Los Vegas. She started to doubt that she knew him at all. He was always travelling and would say he was going to LA or London, but never in her mind did she ever check that was where he was going.
She thought about the last year and all the scares she had had. The FBI didn’t want her to pay the money, just get a confession from him so they could make an arrest. After meeting him, she wasn’t sure she wanted to do that anymore. It sounded easier to pay him the money and get her life back. Arresting him would just make the family want to kill her off.
She made her drink and went and leaned over the balcony railing. She didn’t even hear the door open, and Olivia walked inside.
Olivia saw her outside, realizing she hadn’t heard her come in. She quietly closed the door. She walked into the lounge and saw the fake phone on the couch. She knew what she wanted to do at that moment. She just hoped Riley didn’t get a fright. She sneaked behind her, becoming aware of the hot beverage in her hands. She stepped out onto the balcony standing behind her. Holding her breath, she reached out gently, touching Riley’s hips. She heard Riley gasp, but she didn’t jump. She stepped forward, pressing her hips against Riley’s backside. She leaned over her, bringing her lips to her ear.
“Do you have any idea how sexy you are right now?”
Riley swayed her hips, pressing back into her. “I don’t feel it.”
“I’ll show you, but first.” Olivia took her hand in hers and led her back into the lounge. “Shh,” She pointed to the mobile phone on the couch. “Microphone.” She mouthed, picking it up, putting it in the bathroom, and closing the door. She looked at Riley, still standing in the lounge, looking back at her. She strolled over to her, walking straight into an open-mouthed kiss. Riley wrapped her arms around her neck, feeling herself being lifted off her feet. She groaned in Olivia’s mouth, feeling her back touch the wall, and Olivia pinned her up against it with her body. When she heard Riley’s breath become ragged, she stepped back from her out of her reach. Riley opened her eyes, confused.
“Tight ass?” Olivia stood there with her arms crossed.
“As I recall, you called me a bitch.”
“Yes, yes, I did. But a rich bitch. Still....” She turned around and pulled out a chair from the table; turning it around, she sat down. “If it’s a tight ass you want, you should come and get it.”
Riley chuckled, walking towards her. “You think I want you?”
“Mmm-hmm, besides...” Riley pulled up her dress and straddled her on the chair. “I know how much of a control freak you really are, so I’ll let you control me as much as you want.” She smiled. “Of course, only to take your mind off what happened earlier.”
Riley bent down and kissed her. Olivia responded by slipping her hands under her dress and down under her bum, slightly spreading her and pulling her closer simultaneously. Riley looked down at her, looking back up at her. She reached down and pulled her dress off over her head, sitting on Olivia in only her underwear. Olivia didn’t take her eyes away from hers. She reached up and kissed her again. Riley cupped her face deepening their kiss. Olivia rubbed her hands up her back slipping her fingers under her bra. Riley groaned in Olivia’s mouth, reaching down and grabbing the bottom of Olivia’s shirt to pull it over her head. Olivia had just unclipped Riley’s bra when there was a knock on the door.
“Mmm, you’ve got to be kidding me!” She winded. “Who is it?!” She yelled out.
“Cruz!” She heard from the door. She looked up at Riley and re-hooked her bra.
“I’ll get it.” She sighed. Riley got off her, grabbed her dress and headed to the bathroom. Olivia reached down to fix her shirt before answering the door.
“Hey, come in.”
“Sanchez, I need to speak with Ms Devereux.”
“Yeah, sure. She’s just in the bathroom.” She closed the door just as Riley walked out of the bathroom.
“Cruz.” She acknowledged.
“Ms Devereux.” PI Cruz answered.
“Here. I hope you got what you needed.” She handed him the fake mobile.
“To a point, yes.” He sat down at the table, indicating for her to join. Olivia hung back. “You have given us a couple of days to find out as much as we can about Jeano Romano, which is great, but we still need to work out a plan on how to draw him out of the safety of the Casinos to make an arrest.”
Riley got up and turned away for a second. “What if I just pay him the money?”
“That is not an option Ms Devereux. I have this family on multiple counts of murder, attempted murder, attempted kidnapping, and breaking and entering. The list goes on. We cannot let this go.” Riley sighed, taking a look at Olivia, leaning against the couch.
“What happens after you arrest him? What happens to me? This is the mafia. You may be able to take one of them down, but that doesn’t stop any of the others from coming after me.”
“Ms Devereux, please sit down.” He waited for her to sit. “Please understand that we are aware that that could be the case once we bring him in. We will offer you a new identity for your protection.”
“What!” Olivia piped in.
“Please understand the situation you are in, Ms Devereux. As much as the FBI needs to hit this family hard, we have your safety in mind.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Olivia moved to stand behind Riley’s seat. “Riley is too well known to disappear.” She put her hand on her shoulder. “Not only that, Riley Munroe is a brand, a celebrity. She would lose everything she has worked so hard for!”
“I am aware of that, Inspector.” He stood, picking up the fake phone from the table. “Arrangements can be made to ensure that the Riley Munroe brand continues long after Riley Munroe herself is dissolved. Relax tonight. We will meet with you both in the morning.”
“Thanks.” Olivia followed him to the door shutting it behind him. She looked at Riley sitting at the table, her head in her hands. She sat beside her and put her hand on her arm. Riley turned her head and just looked at her.
“Asshole. What are you thinking about?”
“What do you think I’m thinking about?” Riley got up, tipping her chair over. Olivia looked down at the table. “My name, my life, who I am, all put in a box to become... Mary Lou Tanner, the Texas Cow Milking farm girl.”
“Riley, that’s a bit....” Olivia went to reach for her, but Riley pulled away.
“I’ve just spent the last year scared of losing my life because of my husband’s damn debt, and now the FBI wants to take my life away so that they can get their man. This is fucking bullshit! Fuck you, Derek, you're ruining my life!” She turned around and looked at Olivia, leaning against the coffee bar.
“Say something, damn it!”
“What do you want me to say?”
“Ahh!” Riley yelled in anger. Olivia pushed herself off the bench and took a deep breath.
“Come on, Riley, what’s more important, your damn reputation or your life?” Riley turned around, shocked.
“My life Olivia!” She looked at her and sighed. “I can’t disappear, don’t you get it? I’d never be able to see my family and friends again. Even you. It would be like being on the run for the rest of my life.”
Olivia leaned back on the coffee bar. “Then what do you want to do?”
Riley leaned against the back of the couch. “I wanna pay the debt, Liv and get this over with.” Olivia stood there looking back at her.
“This is dangerous, but ok.”
Riley walked up to her and wrapped her arms around her neck. “Thank you.”
“Well, there goes my fantasy of being tied up by a cowgirl.”
Riley laughed against her, and Olivia held her back slightly.
“I don’t want to sound selfish, but if I fuck this up, I will lose any respect I have left.”

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