Part 5

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Walking back into the prescient on Thursday morning felt strange.
Olivia left her dad with Riley for a few hours, and Riley was quite happy to have John spend a few hours seeing what she did with her days.
Olivia managed to get to the lift without anyone stopping her and rode to the office alone. She was excited to see Mag and the others, but in some ways, she just wanted to spend time with Riley and her dad. The doors opened, and reality hit.
“Hey girl, welcome back.” Raina, of course, was the first one to see her.
“Hey Raina, how’s it going?”
“Good, good. Maggie and I have been digging around on this case of ours, some juicy stuff, I tell ya!” Raina kept walking into the office with her.
“Hey, Partner!” Maggie screamed out as soon as she saw her. Olivia couldn’t help the big smile on her face.
“Hey, Mag.” She welcomed the hug she was pulled into, acknowledging the other greetings she got from her colleagues.
“Well, well, Inspector Sanchez.”
She turned around seeing her Captain standing in the doorway to her office. “Amazing how much these guys fall apart without you being here?” She shook her head, smiling. Everyone laughed. Olivia kind of blushed.
“In my office, Maggie, Raina, you too.”
The girls all looked at each other and then followed each other in. “Close the door.” Cap said as she sat down at her desk. “Take a seat, ladies. All right, now, I’ve been in discussions with the chief of police, and we have agreed that we hand this case over to the FBI’s private investigation team.”
“What!” Olivia reacted a little too sharply.
Cap put her hand up to signal stop. “I need you back on the team with Maggie starting tomorrow. Someone will contact Mrs Devereux later today, and you will do your hand over then.”
Cap put her hand up again. “This situation is bigger than this Division can handle. Raina and Maggie will be in at ten to hand over from you.”
“This is crap!” Olivia said under her breath.
“I know you all have put some hours and sweat into this case, and I thank you for your dedication, but we have to hand this over.” The room fell quiet. “Thank you, ladies.” She waved them off.
Raina and Mag got up and walked out.
Olivia remained seated.
The Cap sat there looking at her. “Olivia, I know you’ve been hands-on in this, but please, you have done all you can.”
Olivia got up and paced. “Mrs Devereux has just got used to me being around. She’s comfortable with me. Granted, I couldn’t do it forever, but pulling me from this now while she’s a risk, isn’t that a little premature?”
Her senior sat back in her chair, looking up at Olivia in front of her. “Olivia, you are an inspector in my division, not a bodyguard or private detective. Hand this case over and get back to your pay grade. Protecting civilians.”
Olivia stood there, knowing she was defeated. “Yes, Cap.”
She walked out into the offices.
“Liv, I heard the Caps taken you guys off this case. You alright?” CD asked, seeing her come out of the office looking defeated.
“Yeah, I...” She sat up on her desk, just mind blown. “It’s just, she’s got used to me, feels safe with me. That can kind of flip someone out, taking them out of their comfort zone.”
“I understand that, but as the Cap said, this will be handled better with a bigger, more qualified team. She will be well protected, Olivia; you’ve got her this far. You’ve built her trust; she’ll be in good hands.”
Olivia looked down at her. “Yeah, I know she will; I just can’t help feeling like I’m letting her down.”

Olivia drove down to the address Riley had given her earlier. She exited the car and walked across the road to the building with Munroe Textiles Ltd written on the door. Walking up the stairs, she could hear the receptionist on the phone. Rounding the corner, she got her first glimpse at her.
“Sure thing Mr Shultz. I will get Riley to ring you when she gets into LA. You too, Bye.” The brunette looked up at Olivia, automatically smiling. Olivia’s stomach fluttered.
“Ah, hi; I’m here to see Riley. She has my dad with her?” The girl looked down at her notes and then back up at Olivia. Her smile was even more noticeable.
“That’s me.” Olivia smiled. This girl’s smile was becoming contagious.
“Hi Olivia, I’m Mandy...” She stood stretching out her hand. “Riley’s personal assistant.” Olivia couldn’t stop the smile on her face.
“Ah, nice to meet you,” Olivia said, reaching out to shake her hand. Wow, she thought, very friendly, soft hands.
“My pleasure indeed,” Mandy said with a slight twinkle in her eyes. “Riley is expecting you. Please... follow me.” She moved out from behind the desk and swayed down the hallway. Olivia followed a few steps back. She couldn’t stop her eyes from trailing up and down the back of Mandy’s toned body and tight dreadlocks. Suddenly she felt very warm and dare she think it... is she flirting with me?
Mandy stopped just inside the doorway and turned to Olivia.
“They’re just in here.”
Olivia reached the doorway and looked inside. She could feel the heat from Mandy standing only inches away as she turned and looked eye-to-eye with the attractive girl.
“Thanks,” she said without thinking. Her eyes darted down to the girl’s full lips, then back to her coloured eyes. Mandy smiled, noticing the look.
“Any time.” She winked, slowly turning to head back to her desk. Olivia took a deep breath; she couldn’t believe she had just flirted with Riley’s receptionist.
Entering the room, she heard her dad laughing. She heard Riley’s voice coming from the same direction. Setting eyes upon them, she was drawn straight to Riley, who was stretched across a pool table, trying to take a shot.
“Hey, Livia!”
“Hey, Liv.”
She walked over to her dad, kissing him on the cheek. “Hey, dad.” She couldn’t take her eyes off Riley, smiling back at her. “What are you doing?” She seductively smiled.
“We’ve been playing a few rounds of the pool, haven’t we, John?” Riley couldn’t take her eyes off Olivia, glowing in front of her for some reason.
“She’s not half bad, Liv. She’s giving me a run for my money.”
“Oh, I’m sure she is,” Olivia commented, her eyes still locked with Riley’s. Riley attempted to retake her shot. Olivia could see two perfect mounds sitting in Riley’s top from where she stood. Tilting her head, she didn’t look away. Riley was trying to concentrate on the ball when she looked up momentarily at Olivia, noticing the look on her face. She slipped, missing the shot.
“Oh no, Riley, you’ve finally lost it!” John laughed, clapping his hands.
“She lost it a long time ago, dad.”
Riley stood up, brushing her hair back nervously, still looking at Olivia. “You distracted me.” Olivia’s smile got cheeky.
“If that’s what you call it.” John looked between the two friends. He began to feel a little uncomfortable. “Well, my girl...” He directed to his daughter. “You’re going to have to take over for me. I’m sure Riley’s had enough of your old man for the day.” He handed his pool cue over to her.
“Yeah, sorry, dad, I do need some time alone with Riley.”
“Hey, thanks, John...” Riley walked around the table, placing her hand on his shoulder. “I’ve really enjoyed spending some time with you today.” She led him over towards the door. “Mandy?” She called out.
“Aww, Riley, You know you are a part of Olivia’s family. That makes you mine too, you know?” He placed a kiss on her head. “Mandy, can you get Tony to drop Mr Sanchez off where ever he’d like to go, please?”
“Sure, right this way, sir.” Watching John leave, Riley closed the door behind her. Turning around, Olivia was setting up the table for another game.
“So what was that about when you walked in?” She asked curiously. Olivia continued setting up.
“What do you mean?”
Riley moved on into the room, standing at the side of the table. “You know what I’m talking about?” Olivia’s face instantly went into a big grin. “Olivia?” Riley was curious. Olivia stopped for a second, looking down, trying to control herself.
“Mandy, she’s quite the flirt, isn’t she?”
Riley let out a chuckle, more at Olivia’s reaction. “Are you telling me Mandy hit on you?” She moved closer around the table. Olivia couldn’t stop the smile on her face.
“I think so; she’s not exactly ugly..” Riley stopped next to her friend. “Do you want me to set you up on a date?” She teased.
“No, I’m not interested in her,” Olivia said, finally looking up. She still had the same look in her eyes she had when she’d entered the room. Riley had known Olivia for so long, but she hadn’t seen this glow in her eyes before. She could feel butterflies in her stomach.
Olivia held her eyes, taking a moment to look at the lips not that far away. She cleared her throat. “Up for a game?” She brought her pool cue up between them, flicking her eyebrow. Riley rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

After their game, Olivia plucked up the courage to tell Riley about what had happened at work earlier. “Hey, ah, Riley, I need to talk to you about something.” Riley put down her pool cue seeing the seriousness appear on Olivia’s face.
“Come here.” Olivia reached for her hand, taking her over to the couch on the other side of the room.
“Liv, you’re scaring me.”
She sat them both down, clasping Riley’s hand between her own. She bowed her head. “I’m not too sure how to say this.” Riley fell silent. “It has been decided today...” She looked up at Riley as Inspector Sanchez. “That your case be handed over to the FBI’s private investigations team. This will be my last day with you.” Riley looked at her in shock. She got up, turning her back on her. Olivia continued. “Your new case manager will contact you later this afternoon.” Olivia looked at the back of Riley. She got to her feet. “I’m sorry; I don’t know what else to say.” She put her hand on her friend’s shoulder.
Riley turned around angrily, pushing her in the shoulder. Olivia stumbled but managed to keep her balance. She saw the heartbreak just as Riley stepped into her tucking her head against her shoulder. Olivia brought her arms up, wrapping them around her friend.
“I did try.” She sighed.
“You didn’t try hard enough,” Riley muttered.
“You know, I’m better at arguing with you.” She felt Riley pull back out of her arms. “I’m sorry.”
Riley wiped her cheek. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about this. I mean, it’s been addressed seriously, but...” She looked up at Olivia, searching her face. “I feel safer with you. I know you, and I can be myself with you.” She trailed her hand over the shoulder she’d punched then had found comfort in. “I don’t want to be scared like that again.”
Olivia heard her voice break. “Hey, hey, hey.” She pulled her back into her arms. “They are professionals. They will keep your life as normal as possible. You won’t even know they’re around most of the time.”
“I’m going to call you every day.”
“Yeah, umm, about that.” Olivia pulled Riley’s arms away, holding her out at arm’s length.
Riley searched her eyes. “No, don’t you say it,” Her brows knitted.
“Don’t say it, Olivia!” Riley stepped back, pointing her finger.
Olivia put her hand to her chest. “I’m too close to you.”
“Damn it, Liv! This is about you and protecting your job.” Riley bit.
“No, it’s not! I can’t help you if I’m too close to you.”
“You can’t help me now anyway, so what does it matter?”
Riley went and leaned against her desk. Olivia didn’t know what to say. They found themselves just looking at each other. There was nothing they could do.
Both their phones rang at the same time. Picking up, they looked at each other, realizing they were having the same conversation.
Olivia hung up first. While Riley was still talking, she approached the pool table and took a few shots. This was probably the last time she was going to see Riley. If the FBI found a reason to dig into Riley’s past, bang, there’d she be. She’d be black-marked for withholding her relationship with Riley and never be able to get involved in the case again. What sucked the most was in the last couple of weeks, she’d felt happy again, normal, like Olivia.
“They’re coming around at 8:30.”
“I know. I will be there.”
Riley turned around and picked up the phone again. “Mandy? I’m going to take off for the rest of the day. Can you stay on till...” she looked at her watch. “Say 11.30-12, and switch the phones over before you go. I don’t intend to be reachable until tomorrow.”
“Not a problem Mrs Devereux.”
She hung up and looked at Olivia. “Let’s get out of here and do something.”
Olivia put down the pool cue.
“Alright, let’s go.”

Olivia got Riley to ring her limo driver and get him to drive somewhere as a decoy in case someone was still following Riley. They waited 10mins then ran across the road to Olivia’s car. They went to the airport and took Riley’s private jet to LA.
Olivia rang her brother John Jr’s mate and turned up at his place not long after. Not telling Riley what they were doing, she was gobsmacked when Olivia handed her a helmet and a leather jacket. But she went along with it.
Olivia loved being on a motorbike, and it had been like déjà for both of them, remembering the times Olivia had been on the back of her bike when they were younger.
A smaller bike at that.
It had scared her, but it was where she’d got her trust in Olivia.
Riley wasn’t watching where they were going. She was just happy to be with Olivia feeling the sense of freedom she always did riding with her. She had started to see familiar streets, but Olivia wasn’t stopping. Straight through Hollywood, she kept riding. It wasn’t long until Riley saw the buildings disappear and the grass and green hills becoming the only scenery. She’d only been in the city, so she had no idea where Olivia was taking her until she noticed a familiar mouse ears logo. She uncontrollably laughed, wrapping her arms around Olivia.
Olivia was feeling the embrace and smiled. She had thought about where to go in LA while riding. She didn’t want to go shopping with Riley; she didn’t want to go sightseeing. Then she had thought of it. The one place where you could be a kid again and not worry about who was watching. Disneyland.
She pulled into the car park and found the closest park she could. Getting off the bike, the first thing Olivia saw was the big smile on Riley’s face. “I did good?”
“Soo good!” Riley jumped excitedly.
She grabbed her hand and dragged her to the gates.

They spent the best part of the afternoon enjoying the experience that was Disney. They must have gone on every ride they possibly could, even the merry-go-round, which Olivia wasn’t that excited about, but Riley managed to drag her on in payback for the spinning cups where Olivia had almost made her throw up.
Olivia loved Space Mountain. She’d wanted to go on it again, but Riley wouldn’t let her. The haunted house was a classic. Olivia spent most of the time laughing at Riley, screaming at everything.
The cop showed off her skills in Wild West town, winning the fashion designer a soft toy at the shooting range. She couldn’t help mocking Riley on the tour through Cinderella’s castle, though. The princess jokes Olivia had laid on Riley when they were younger came out.

Keeping an eye on the time, they got something to eat before heading back towards LAX.
With darkness falling upon them, the realization was setting in. Olivia figured Riley was thinking the same thing when she felt her hand slide up under her jacket and rest around her waist. Along the straight, she acknowledged her by placing her hand upon hers. As soon as they touched, their fingers intertwined briefly until Olivia had to return to the handlebars. Seeing the familiar lights of the Airport, Olivia once again felt Riley reach for her. Riley missed a layer this time and laid her hand upon her bare waist. Olivia didn’t know if it was accidental, but Riley didn’t remove her hand. Her stomach muscles tighten, unsure whether to respond. It was only a couple of miles to the turnoff. In over an hour, she probably wouldn’t see her again for how long, she didn’t know.
Her father’s words entered her head. 'Second chance Olivia ’.
She took a chance.
She straightened up, causing Riley’s hand to slide around more. Memorizing the roads left on the journey, she tightened her grip on the handlebars and once again sorted out Riley’s hand. Rubbing the back of her hand, she gripped it asking Riley for control. Trying to still concentrate on balancing the bike and focus on the road, she moved the palm of Riley’s hand further over her stomach, slightly guiding it over her skin. Riley didn’t fight her off and only pressed into her back more. Knowing she was approaching an intersection, Olivia squeezed her hand and gently pushed the slender fingers out from under her shirt. Riley acknowledged but didn’t move back. She stayed where she was against Livia’s back for the rest of the ride.

Pulling into the drive of Riley’s Estate, a black vehicle sat out the front and one in her driveway. Parking her car, a couple of gentlemen stepped out of the vehicle in the drive. Olivia quickly stood in front of Riley, shielding her until the men had identified themselves.
“Inspector Sanchez?” One of them asked.
“Who wants to know?” She questioned, unable to see their faces in the dark. Riley came and stood behind her. One gentleman flicked on a torch and shone in upon the badge the other gentleman produced.
“I’m Lucas Cruz, a Private Investigator with the FBI. This is my partner Mick Raymond.”

Olivia sat in the dining room with PI Cruz, while Riley was in the lounge with PI Raymond. Olivia tried to stay focused on debriefing the case so far. This was all coming to an end. The next day she was back with the division working on a brand new case with Maggie.
All she was worried about was missing the chance to say goodbye to Riley. Talking with PI Cruz, she convinced him to have a few moments alone with Riley to say bye before she walked off the case altogether. The gentlemen went back outside to speak to the officer who was the night's posted guard.

Hearing the door click, the two women just looked at each other.
“Thank you,” Olivia said sincerely.
“What for?” Riley said, stepping closer.
Olivia shrugged. “For reminding me who I am.”
Riley gave her a crooked smile. “I think I can say the same.”
Olivia leaned back against the table. “You will be ok, you know. These guys know what they’re doing,” She said. Riley crossed her arms.
“I know. It won’t be the same, though.”
“No.” They both smiled shyly. Searching her eyes, Olivia shook herself from the table, changing the mood. “Ok, this is hard, so come here.”
Riley walked into her, not able to hold back her tears. She wrapped her arms around her and held her tightly. “I love you, you know.” She whispered.
“I know,” Olivia whispered back.
“I won’t forget today.”
They giggled.
“Me either.”
Neither of them wanted to let go.
Olivia sighed heavily. “Ok, I’m going to go.”
“Ok”, Riley whispered; Olivia squeezed her tighter, feeling the tears finally fall.
“I love you, Riley.” She pulled back, bringing her hand up to Riley’s cheek. Before she knew it, she pressed her lips against hers.
Not daring to look back, she turned and walked straight out the door. She jumped in her car and started it up. Pulling out of the driveway, tears came to her eyes.
She’d fallen in love with Riley Munro again.

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