First kiss

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Peter and Gamora were both currently on the ship while the other Guardians went out to a bar. Peter was in his room listening to his walkman and stargazing while Gamora was in her room sharpening her godslayer. Gamora and Peter both thought they were alone but when Gamora walked out of her room to go get a drink of water from the kitchen she saw light coming from Peter's room. 

She walked over to see if Peter was actually their or if his light was just on. When she crept over to his room she peeked her head in and saw Peter looking up at the stars and decided for herself that it was okay to walk in.

"Having fun" Gamora asked with a smirk

Peter shot his head towards the door to see Gamora standing there and he smiled

" can join me if you want"

Gamora hesitantly walked over to Peter and sat down on the floor next to him watching the stars through the window. 

They sat their for a while looking at the stars through the window together.

"My mom loved watching the stars and listening to music. We always used to do it together. She would always teach me about the constellations and show me her favorite ones if she could find them in the sky."

Gamora looked over at Peter while he still watched the stars.

"She's sounds amazing Peter"

Peter finally took his eyes away from the sky and put them on Gamora. 

"She was...she was a selfless, kind, beautiful person who deserved everything that was good in the universe."

Gamora smiled

"She's exactly like you" Peter said smiling back at her

Gamora's face immediately fell as she took in what Peter had just said to her

"That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. No one as ever called me beautiful not even my parents. From what I remember they always believed that everyone was beautiful and that no one needed to be told that they were so they never really said it to me." 

Peter than tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek as she leaned into his touch "Well I think I should tell you more often really are so beautiful"

They both stared into each other's eyes and didn't even realize they were leaning in until their lips were centimeters apart. Gamora smiled before she leaned in even more closing the gap between them.

They were kissing for a long time and didn't even notice their need for air until they both pulled away simultaneously. They both smiled at each other.

"Gamora I don't really know what this thing between us is but all I know is that I am so deeply in love with you. Every time I'm around you I get butterflies in my stomach and when we're alone together are cherish every single second of those moments. I love being with you and I never want to lose you." 

Peter finally admitted it. He has been in love with Gamora for the longest time and he finally had the courage to tell her today.

Gamora just took a minute to process everything he said and smiled

"Peter I have feelings for you too" Gamora admitted

Peter breathed a sigh of relief and Gamora started speaking again

"I never told you this but a couple of months ago I was feeling very strange and it only happened when I was around you so I asked Mantis to help me out. So for the first time I let her read my emotions and she told me...she told me I was in love...with you." 

Once Gamora finished speaking their was a comfortable silence between the two Guardians.

"Gamora I want to be with you and I want you to be with me...offically" Peter said

"I-I want to be with you too" Gamora finally admitted

Peter smiled

"So no more games then" he asked

"No more games" she responded

"Chips on the table" 

Gamora finally started to memorize Peter's weird metaphors and references form Terra so she actually knew how to respond.

"All in...Today" 

"Tomorrow" he said finishing for her

"And the day aft-"

He cut her off by smashing his lips against her in a passionate kiss. He pulled apart for a second to look at her to be reassured that she wanted this as well and she just nodded and smiled 

"I love you Gamora" Peter whispered against her lips

"I love you too Peter" Gamora whispered back

And just like that they were kissing again.  They were finally a couple Peter was Gamora's boyfriend and Gamora was Peter's girlfriend. This is exactly where the two Guardians wanted to be and they couldn't be happier to see where this relationship would go from here.

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