My Star-Lord

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Ever since Gamora escaped Thanos and the Guardians formed she has healed a little each and every day.

When the Guardians went to Xandar for a meeting with Nova she saw a starving family and used the units she had to buy them water, clothes, and food. They were so internally grateful they thanked her and said "You have very kind heart thank you very much." She really appreciated that since that was the opposite of how most people thought of her.

When the Guardians went on a mission to find a missing child. Gamora stabbed the enemy before he had the chance to hurt the child and wrapped the child safely in her arms. She brought the child safely back to her parents and the tears of joy that the parents cried told her everything. They told her "You are very brave, you deserve the world. Thank you for saving our child." She smiled at them and again very much appreciated what they said.

All of these little comments from people that they have helped and saved were nice and very much appreciated. Same with the love she feels when she is around her family. But no one healed Gamora more than Peter Quill.

Thanos cut Gamora deeper and in more ways then she thought possible. She has an uncountable amount of scars from Thanos that she thought would never be able to be healed by anybody or anything. But Peter Quill, the love of her life heals her the most everyday with "good morning beautiful, I love you"

"You're more perfect than you realize" bandages a scar on her heart every time he tells her

"I am so happy that you chose me and that we are together" it patches a hole inside of her

"Mora my love" he calls her and she forgets why she is aching

"Being with you makes me happier than I can ever remember being and it is all I've ever wanted" he's half asleep snuggled up right next to her and yet somehow he still makes her a better person

At night she thinks about is all the ways Thanos has cut her and scarred her but then Peter kisses her forehead and all her thoughts slip away from her. She decides something warm and safe in his arms. If her bad dancing, singing, goofy Star-Lord is able to make her feel like the most perfect thing in the universe than love must be magic.

The love that Peter showers her with everyday is more important and precious to her than anything in the entire universe. The little gestures, the big gestures she cherishes them all equally. He brings her little knick knacks he finds on supply runs, he brings her flowers because he knows she thinks they smell nice. He teaches her how to dance therefore teaching her how to be free. Since she's has always been alert about people poisoning her food Peter takes the first bite of everything she eats to show her that she will be fine. Since he knows she gets quite cold when doing the night watch in the cockpit he bought her a big warm blanket so that she wouldn't be cold. 

When he holds her hand he always likes to trace little hearts on the back of her hand with his thumb. When they get into bed he always gives her such a gentle kiss on her lips and kisses her just as soft as she falls asleep. He likes to softly hum along withe the music as they dance, slow and close. 

She goes to sleep wrapped in his strong warm arms and wakes up every morning to cuddles and a fresh breakfast. They get to battle together and lead the team side by side. Her romantic relationship with Peter Quill is more than she could have ever asked for out of life and she is so incredibly happy. She knows they will be together forever. The relationship she has with her Star-Lord is easy and simple and just being in a relationship with him, knowing that she always has him by her side not just as her boyfriend but also as her best friend heals her everyday little by little.

She loves Peter Quill more than anything and she will never doing to hurt him or lose his love because Peter Quill is all she has ever wanted and now that she has him she will never let him go.

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