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Peter and Gamora were currently getting ready to have a late night swim. Peter was already at the lake waiting for Gamora. He didn't mind waiting for her though. It was quite nice outside there was a light breeze that contrasted with the heat outside. He closed his eyes soaking up the nice feeling of the atmosphere around him when he heard footsteps coming towards him. He opened his eyes to see Gamora in a black one piece that had a cut out in the front with black mesh filling that cut out (similar to the outfit she wore when Peter had first met her) Peter couldn't help but stare as the black one piece she wore showed off every curve on her body and he thought she was absolutely stunning. As Peter was staring at Gamora, Gamora was staring right back at her boyfriends 6 pack and admiring his toned muscles. Gamora realized what was happening and snapped out of it.

"Hey you want to stop drooling over me" Gamora said jokingly

"Right after you stop drooling over my 6-pack" Peter shot right back

Gamora just blushes at Peter's remark

Peter feels a sense of accomplishment when he sees that he made Gamora blush.

"Are you ready to jump in" Gamora asked Peter

"Way ahead of you"

With that Peter ran off the dock and jumped into the water causing a big splash. Gamora knew it was her turn and ran right off the dock and jumped into the lake with a big splash just like Peter. When Gamora got up to the surface she looked around to find where Peter had gone.

"Eh I would rate that a 3/10 it was nothing compared to mine"

When she heard the voice behind her she quickly turned around to see that Peter was only a couple feet away from her.

"Are you talking about my canon ball." Gamora asked looking at Peter

"Yes, it was pretty weak"

"Oh I'll show you weak" As Gamora said this she was already swimming back to the dock ready to do another cannibal.

She ran off the deck at full speed and leaped into the air while tucking her legs and landing in the water with a bigger splash then her previous jump.

"How was that" Gamora asked with a smirk

"Pretty good...I'd give it a 8/10 because I could still do better"

"Oh really" Gamora said crossing her arms


"Be my guest" Gamora said

Peter got out of the water and went on the dock he went all the way to the end and ran as fast he good pouncing off of the dock doing a flip in the air while tucking his legs and making a big splash.

When Peter had gotten up to the surface he looked at Gamora and could see that she was unimpressed.

"So how was that" He asked very confidently

"Eh...it was okay I'd give it like a 6/10"

He swam over to her and looked her straight in the eyes

"That was a perfect 10 and you know it" he said giving her a pointed look

"Your form was not very good" she shot back at him

"Your just jealous"

Gamora responded by splashing water in his face.

"Oh two can play that game" he said as he wiped the water off his face

Peter than splashed Gamora with water and Gamora did the same right after him. They spent the next 5 minutes splashing each other with water. Neither one of them wanted to be the one to give up but eventually Peter gave in and stopped splashing her.

"I won" she said as she swam towards him

Once she was close enough to him Peter started to speak "Oh really did you..." he said as his hands creeped up her sides. He started tickling her as she started laughing and splashing water everywhere.

He quickly scooped her up in his arms catching Gamora off guard and started taking her to a deeper part of the lake where he could still stand.

"Peter!" she said with a smile

Once Peter got to a spot he put her down and she quickly realized she couldn't stand and went under water.


Gamora just chuckled and leaned her body against Peter and he wrapped his arms around her to keep her from going under water. They just stood there in each other's embrace stargazing for a little bit.

Gamora started to break her way from Peter's grasp to face him.

"You know how much I love you right" she said grabbing on to his neck and leaning her forehead against his

"I have a pretty good idea yes"

With that Gamora softly pressed her lips to Peter's kissing him for a good couple minutes. They pulled apart realizing it was getting late and they needed to head inside.

"Thank you for this I had a lot of fun"

"Of course anything for you"

Gamora just chuckled and leaned her head against Peter's shoulder while he snaked his arm around her as they walked back to the house.

✰Starmora Stuff✰Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin