Your everthing for me

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Inspired by NCIS Los Angeles
Gamora walks into the cockpit seeing Peter just sitting there looking up at the stars.

"Hey" She says as she's walking over to him

"Hey" Peter said

They both just stand there in silence for a moment not knowing what to say. They both were just looking at the stars and never made I contact once.

"...You know that was the hardest thing I've ever had to do..." Gamora says calmly

"What trying go to sleep or single handedly killing your father with the the sword that he gave you" Peter said still not looking at her

"Having you promise that you would kill me"

Peter had finally looked up at Gamora in pure shock. He was speechless he didn't know what to say. He knew she didn't want to make him promise that but he never thought that she would actually admit to it.

"I can't go through what Drax went through..." Peter said as his eyes start to well up

Gamora just looked at him not saying a word

"I mean honestly I don't even know how that guy get's up in the morning considering he lost his wife and daughter..." Peter said turning away from Gamora not being able to look her in the eye

Gamora just turned around and looked directly into Peter's eyes

"Your everything for me" Peter said staring straight back at her

"And umm...I hate feeling like I am gonna lose you all the time because...your my world" Peter said finally letting a tear escape his eye

At this point Gamora could not hold back the tears that were threatening to fall out of her eyes. She just walked up to him and wrapped her arms tightly around him.

"And you are mine...I promise I won't leave you I love you" Gamora said as she leaned in and kissed her boyfriend

"I love you too" He said

They just stood there for a while hugging he each other. They finally let go but their hands still loosely intertwined and they sat down and they just stargazed for the rest of the night as Gamora rested her head on his shoulder.

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