He's Jealous Part 2

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Gamora woke up and rolled on to her side and realized Peter wasn't there. At first she was confused but then the memories from the day before hit her like a ton of bricks and she had to keep herself from crying.

All she really wanted in that moment was to roll over and hug Peter and have him kiss her on the forehead and tell her "Good Morning" but she knew she wasn't gonna get that now that they were broken up.
Peter woke up in similar way to Gamora where he woke up and realized Gamora wasn't there but unlike Gamora he knew immediately why she wasn't there and knew she might never be there again.

Peter had hoped it was all a dream and that when he woke up that Gamora was just going to be laying right there next to him and he would hug her tightly kiss her forehead and tell her "Good Morning." and maybe cuddle a little bit before they had to get up for their supply run that day. But that obviously was not going to happen so he just got up.
Peter and Gamora both got dressed for their supply run they had to go on that day and they both walked out of their rooms at the same time and saw each other. They both knew the other wanted to apologize right in that moment but instead they both walked in the opposite direction of each other.

Peter grabbed his blasters and Gamora grabbed her Godslayer and her other sword and Rocket, Groot, Drax, Peter, and Gamora all headed out of the Milano.
When they got to the shops on Xandar they all stood there for a minute.

"Okay Rocket, Groot you'll come with me and Drax you'll go with Gamora okay?" Peter said trying to get no one to question him.

"Uhhhh...Quill you always go with Gamora" Rocket said confused

"Yes well today we thought that we both needed a little bit of space from each other and we decided that we would be in different groups on the supply run." Peter said nervously

Gamora just looked at Peter as he talked and she knew she had to keep herself from crying because then everyone would know something was wrong even though they probably already had a good idea of what was going on.

"I am Groot"

"Yeah I'm confused too but we probably shouldn't bother with their relationship I don't want to have to deal with that" Rocket whispered to Groot

"I guess Me and Groot will go with Peter today and Drax will go with Gamora" Rocket said very confused

"Alright then let's go"

Then Peter, Rocket, and Groot headed off in one direction for supplies while Drax and Gamora headed off in another
Peter, Rocket, and Groot were making there way over to a store for supplies that was still a little ways away.

"Quill are you and Gamora okay...?" Rocket asked the question that was leaving him and Groot concerned

"Uhh yeah...yup...all good..." Peter said trying to sound convincing

"Uh huh...so there's nothing going on between you and Gamora that me and Groot should know about?" Rocket asked sarcastically

"Uhh nope...not at all..."

"Um...okay." Rocket said annoyed

Peter knew he meant well and Peter knew he should tell Rocket and Groot now that the flora colossus was back to the way he was before Ronan happened. So Peter caved and decided to tell Rocket and Groot what happened because he had to get his feelings off his chest.

"...MeandGamorabrokeup..." Peter said it so fast he almost didn't understand what he said

Rocket and Groot understood perfectly and just looked more concerned then they were before.

"Before you even ask we went to the restaurant last night and I had to use the bathroom so I did and when I came back I saw this guy who was not gonna lie pretty good looking tuck a piece of hair behind Gamora's ear and smiled at her and she smiled back granted I could tell it was a very nervous smile but I ran out of the restaurant and back to the Milano and Gamora tried to explain herself but I wouldn't let her I felt like she didn't love me anymore so I broke up with her." Peter was a little out of breath and a little upset after having to relive what happened last night.

"Ya d'ast idiot why would you do that. More importantly if you didn't know what really happened why didn't you let her explain herself." Rocket said talking to Peter like he was the biggest idiot in the galaxy

"I am Groot"

"I know he's stupid that's why I called him a d'ast idiot" Rocket said to Groot

"You know you guys calling me names is not really helping my situation here." Peter snapped back at Rocket

"You still love her so why not just talk to her and here what she has to say." Rocket said trying to give him some advice

"Well I guess your right." Peter said feeling very stupid

"Of course I am right and you better talk to her when we get back to the ship or I will grab you both by the ears and put you guys in a locked room until you guys makeup." Rocket said very rudely but meaning well

At this point they had reached the store they were trying to get to and got the supplies they needed so they started to head back to the Milano where Peter was not looking forward to talking to Gamora about what happened yesterday.
"Hey Gamora why didn't you go with Quill today you two always go together?" Drax asked

"It's a long story..." Gamora said sounding really exhausted

"We got time we are still pretty far away from the location of where we are supposed to be buying the supplies."

"Okay" she said giving into Drax

"When Quill and I went to the restaurant yesterday he had just gotten up and gone to the bathroom when this guy sat down in front of me. I was really nervous but I knew he was sitting their trying to flirt with me. He told me his name was Jack and I told him I had a boyfriend. He told me "I bet I can change that" and pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear and he smiled at me and I didn't want to be rude but I didn't know what else to say so I just smiled back at him very nervously. That is when I heard stomps towards the door and realized it was Quill and I figured that he had just saw what happened so I went after him and when I finally made it back to the Milano I knocked on the door trying to explain myself but he didn't want to hear it and..."

"And what?" Drax asked very curious about what happened

"...And he broke up with me..." Gamora's eyes started to well up with tears

"I had similar situation happen to me when I was dating Ovette I saw her with another guy and thought she was cheating on me but after a day or so we let ourselves cool off and we forgave each other I bet the same thing will happen between you and Quill as long as you just try talking to him again."

"I don't know if he is going to let me talk." She said nervously

"I didn't think I wanted to hear what Ovette had to say but then after I actually let her talk I knew I was wrong. You just have to get Quill to listen to you." Drax said very confidently.

"I'll try I guess." Gamora said now dreading going back to the ship

"If he doesn't listen call me I will get him to listen." Drax said sternly

Gamora chuckled a little it felt good to laugh after everything that has happened.

Drax and Gamora had finally arrived at there location. They picked up the stuff they needed and headed back to the ship.
The whole team met back up at the entrance of the Milano. The sun was setting on Xandar and they all headed back in to the ship to sort out the supplies in the kitchen.

Once they had put everything away the room was a little tense because everyone knew what was going on. So to make it less awkward Peter and Gamora both went to their separate rooms and shut the door Drax and Rocket both slapped there foreheads with the palm of their hand in annoyance and confusion.

"I am Groot"

"Yeah I know, they are stupid" Drax and Rocket said in unison.

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