Don't eat my food!

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Peter Quill was sitting in the kitchen tapping his foot to the beat of the music playing through his earbuds while enjoying his lunch. He was so caught up in the music that he didn't even notice Gamora walk in.

Gamora had walked over to the fridge and looked inside for the sandwich she had made earlier that day for lunch. She looked around in the fridge in a couple of drawers and still couldn't find her sandwich. She closed the fridge and turned around to see Peter putting the last piece of her sandwich in his mouth. She marched over to him and took his earbuds out of his ears.

"Hey babe what was that for" He said snatching his earbuds back

"You ate my sandwich"

"Well I didn't know it was yours" Peter said unapologetically

Gamora just glared at him and walked back over to the fridge. Peter assumed she was just upset and went back to listening to his music. Little did he know Gamora went over to the fridge and pulled out a green plastic box of the Girl Scout cookies they had bought on Xandar that they only got once a year. She walked back over to him with that box in her hands and slammed it down on the table. Peter stopped listening to his music once again and looked down at the box than up at Gamora.

"What are you doing with my Girl Scout cookies" He said giving her a pointed look

Gamora didn't say anything she just opened the box and popped a cookie in her mouth. She chewed it obnoxiously trying to make Peter upset.

"Since you ate my sandwich I am going to eat your cookies" She said as she popped another cookie in her mouth

Peter was getting upset that Gamora was eating his cookies.

"Okay I didn't mean to eat your sandwich I didn't even know it was yours. So could you stop eating my cookies"

"I didn't even know these were yours"

Peter wanted her to stop eating his cookies so he did the first thing he could think of he got up out of his chair, grabbed her waist, and smashed his lips into hers. Gamora loved it when Peter kissed her. Both of them would always get lost in the kiss. This time was no different for Gamora she most definitely got lost in the kiss and completely forgot what she was doing and just let her lips move against Peter's. Peter barely had any willpower to keep himself from getting lost as well but he managed to keep a grip on what he was doing and slowly grabbed her hand and brought them up to his neck. Once he did this he slowly put the lid back on the box and shut it. He quickly pulled away from their kiss grabbing the box and running off with it.

Gamora was completely shocked at what Peter just did but she knew Peter couldn't out run her and immediately caught up with him and tackled him causing the box to slide across the hallway. Peter and Gamora both looked at each other and both got up at the same time. Gamora kicked Peter in the gut so that she could get to the box first. Once she grabbed the box she opened the door and ejected the box of cookies into the vacuum of space.

" cookies" Peter screamed in despair as he dropped to his knees

Mantis heard him scream and came to find them.

"Is everything okay" Mantis said very concerned

"Yeah everything is fine he is just being a baby" Gamora said staring down at her pathetic boyfriend

"Oh alright" Mantis then walked softly back to her room

"My cookies why would you do that we can only get those once a year" Peter said with sadness filling his emotions

"That will teach you not to eat my food and most importantly it will teach you not to kiss me just to get what you want." Gamora said sternly

Peter got up off of his knees and went up to Gamora and grabbed her by the waist once again.

"I am sorry I did not mean to eat your sandwich I really didn't know it was yours. I am also sorry for tricking you by kissing you and then making you get lost in this kiss because I am a great kisser and then running away with the box of cookies."

Gamora just rolled her eyes at Peter's compliment to himself playfully

"You are a good kisser" Gamora said with a smirk on her face

"Oh really" Peter retorted

"Yeah you want to give me lesson. I would love to learn from the master"

"I would be happy to" He said with smile

With that he connected his lips to Gamora's allowing himself to get lost in this kiss time. They kissed for longer then they normal. They didn't pull away until they heard someone clear their throat. They looked over to see that Rocket had started to make another bomb out of parts of the ship.

"You morons need to get a room"

Peter and Gamora just rolled their eyes and Peter grabbed Gamora's hand and dragged her along to their bedroom.

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