Returning Home Pt 1

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After two years Gamora is finally returning home...well she considers the ship her home and of course, she considers the Guardians her family. Helping Nova Prime protect the power stone from being stolen by the last of Ronan's men for two years took a toll on her. She couldn't be more excited to return to her old room and her old life. She has missed Rocket, Drax, Mantis, and Groot more than anything but most of all she has missed Peter.



"Why can't we all go with you? We can defeat the last of Ronan's men together." Peter asked

Gamora just sighed

"I am the only one who knows what Ronan's men are capable of that is why Nova Prime only requested me."

"Yeah but you're gonna be gone for god knows how long! What if I never see you again!" Peter told her

"Peter...I have to do this if Ronan's men succeed at stealing the power stone they could destroy Xandar and kill many innocent people."

Peter had only one thing left to say

"...what about us?"

Gamora's breath caught in her throat. She looks down at the ground and then back up at Peter again.

"...what about us?"

"Us. Our year-long relationship. What happens to that."

Gamora gazed at him softly trying to keep the tears at bay as she said "well if I'm not allowed any contact with you guys while on the mission then...there can't be an us."

Peter just stared at her in silence as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"So that's it? We're done? We fought to be together so long and hard just for it to be over like this?" Peter asked her harshly

Gamora was getting a little irritated

"You think I want this? You think I want to break up with you Peter? You think this is any easier for me because it's not. I love you so much and the fact that I won't be allowed to have any communication with you for god knows how long is killing me let alone the fact that we have to break up because of it."

"Then why are you leaving?" Peter said in defeat

"Because I cannot stand by and let innocent people get hurt when I know I can help."

Peter said nothing...he said nothing because she knew he was right. If they had requested him specifically he would have been doing the same thing right now. He knows she has to do this but the thought of not speaking to her for two years and breaking up with her was killing him just as much as it is her.

"I know I just...I love you and I'm gonna miss you." Peter said as he looked down towards the ground as more tears fell

"hey..." Gamora says as he cupped his cheeks softly guiding his face to look up at her

As he met her gaze once again he saw that her face was just as wet as his

"We will see each other again. I promise I will come back to the ship, my family...I promise I will come back to you."

Gamora brought his face closer and kissed him softly

Peter just smiled at her. He knew that she never broke her promises so the fact that she promised she would come back to him gave him a sliver of hope that it might be true.

*End of flashback*


Gamora just hopes that hopefully everything and everyone is the same especially Peter. She's hoping that if everyone is the same she and Peter could potentially pick up where they left off.

Of course, none of the Guardians know that she is coming home so it will be a big surprise.


When Gamora finally stepped back on the ship all she could think was it was oddly...quiet. Considering it was early in the morning she wasn't too puzzled by that. Everyone was of course still sleeping.

She was about to walk toward her room until she heard a familiar voice

"I am Groot!"

She turned around and looked down to see Groot already tugging at her pant leg with a little tear rolling down his face. Gamora let him crawl into her hand.

"Did you miss me?"

"I am Groot!"

"Yes, I know should've told everyone but it's supposed to be a surprise so don't tell anyone else."

Groot nodded

"So where is everyone?"

"I am Groot"

"Then let's go to the kitchen!"

Gamora tiptoed over to the kitchen with Groot

She turned the corner quietly and stood at the opening of the kitchen as she watched everybody turn their heads and gape at her. She was surprised to see everybody but Peter. All of the Guardians ran over to her and hugged her one by one even Rocket.

"It's good to have you back," Rocket told her sincerely

"It's good to be back"

They both smiled at each other for a second before she asked "So where's Peter."

"In his room..." Rocket told her hesitantly

Gamora nodded as she turned around to head towards Peter's room which she knew all too well. Right before Gamora reached Peter's door Rocket beat her to it and stood in front of it blocking her from going in.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you."

Gamora smiled at him kindly "I know it's been two years but I think I can handle seeing Peter after two years."

Gamora then softly pushed Rocket out of the way and opened the door to Peter's room.When she took in the sight of Peter's room she quickly realized why Rocket told her not to go in there. She just stood there with mixed emotions on her face. A mix of heartbreak, shock, betrayal, and sadness.

Once Peter saw her he instantly gaped like a fish


She couldn't believe what she was seeing...

*Cliff Hanger*

*To be continued*

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