Returning Home Pt 3

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What are they gonna do about it? Does Peter tell Aria?

Peter decided to go back to bed and deal with it in the morning while Gamora was still sitting against her door contemplating everything that just happened. Why did I almost do that? I told myself there would never be an us again...ever. Of course, she knew that wasn't true but when she said that she had just been so angry at Peter for moving on. Gamora knows that before they were dating they were best friends and as Peter's best friend she knows she should be happy that he has found someone else that makes him happy. But that is easier said than done when the feelings for Peter that Gamora denied for so long are still there. Gamora still loves Peter but there is nothing she can do about it...I guess he is just happier with someone else.

To quiet her mind Gamora got into bed and sleep overtaken her. She would deal with Peter and her overwhelming thoughts tomorrow. For now, Gamora was going to allow herself to get more sleep than she had in the last two years.


Peter woke up the next morning and glanced over at Aria in his arms but this morning something felt...different. Normally when he saw Aria in his arms he felt safe and secure but today it wasn't the same he couldn't pinpoint exactly what he was feeling but he knew something was off.

He had to tell her. It wouldn't be fair to her and it would kill him if he didn't.

"I'll tell her the minute she wakes up" Peter whispered to himself

Once Aria's eyes fluttered open and she caught Peters's gaze she smiled and leaned in for a long kiss that Peter hesitantly reciprocated but to Peter's surprise it when unnoticed by Aria.

"I have something to tell-" Peter tried to say as they pulled apart

"You know I have to say I am so proud of you." Aria interrupted

"You are? Why?"

"For now you've handled yourself since Gamora got back," Aria said as she got up out of bed and picked out clean clothes to take to the shower with her

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...well, I guess I was just worried that when she got back it would spark up some old feelings but I guess I was wrong. You haven't let her drive a wedge between us and you haven't done anything behind my back." she said as she walked toward Peter

"Well it's funny you should say-"

"So thank you" Aria interrupted once again

Aria leaned in and kissed him

"I love you," Aria said as she was walking toward the door

"Wait before you go I have something I have to-" Peter was interrupted by the door shutting

Peter just sighed

"I guess I'll tell her later then."

While Aria was taking a shower Peter knew he needed to go talk to Gamora.


Of course, Gamora wasn't sleeping. She had always been an early riser and Peter would know that better than anyone.

Peter eventually found her training in the makeshift workout room they had built on the ship. Peter didn't say anything as he walked in but thanks to Gamora's enhanced hearing she already knew he was there.

"What do you want Peter," Gamora said punching the dummy they had in the corner

"I want to talk"

Gamora continued to punch the dummy "About what?"

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