He's Jealous Part 3

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Gamora is sitting in her room changing out of her clothes from that day and changing into her usual lounge attire which is a black tank top and some black shorts when she started to think about what Drax had said to her. She decided to go talk to Peter.

She walked out of her room and knocked on Peter's door very softly
"Peter" she said softly
Peter was calmly listening to his music on his zune thinking about what Rocket had said to him when he heard a soft knock on his door

"Peter" he heard Gamora say softly

"Can I come in I want to talk to you?" Peter was tired of just not talking to her so he caved and let her in

"Yeah come in..." Peter said nervously

Gamora walked into Peter's bedroom and immediately felt at home she felt like she belonged because she knew that this was her safe place.

"Hey.." she said

"Hey.." he said

"Umm..so can I explain myself before we make the final decision about...us..." she said nervously with a slight bit of guilt filling her voice

"I guess..." he said exhaustingly

"Okay...so not even a minute after you had gotten up to go to the bathroom did Jack sit down in the booth across from me-"

"Wait a second...who's Jack?" Peter asked confused

"He is the guy who was sitting across from me in the booth when you came out of the bathroom...anyways he sat down and in that moment I wish you would just come back and tell him off because I knew he was going to start flirting with me. He sat down told me he saw me alone and wanted to come talk to me and told me his name. I told him that it was very nice to meet him and I said..."

"You said what...?" Peter said a little nervous about what her answer would be

"I said that I had a boyfriend and that he was in the bathroom but he told me that he could change that and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and smiled at me I was so caught off guard that I didn't know what to say so I just smiled nervously back." Gamora made sure she sounded very calm.

Peter had been previously staring at the ground almost as if the floor was putting him in a trance but when he heard what Gamora said he looked up at her in shock.

"Right then and there I heard you stomp towards the door and I tried to run after you and when I got to the Milano I tried to explain myself but you didn't let me and I had to go to bed alone." Gamora said as a tear slipped out of her eye

Peter saw in the corner of his eye that Gamora was crying and that made his heart break into a million pieces.

"Peter...I would never do anything to break your heart let alone your trust. I woke up this morning and you weren't there. I need you there to hold me and kiss me when I have a nightmare, to hold me in your arms until I fall asleep, I need you there with me in the morning when I wake up....I love you Peter." Gamora said sounding so broken

Peter heard Gamora's entire speech and couldn't help but start to cry

"Gamora I love you too I always have and I always will. It broke my heart to se you with another guy I didn't want to believe it and I knew it couldn't be true and I knew you would never do that." Peter said sounding just as broken as Gamora has previously

Gamora just stood there for a second staring at Peter

"So does this mean we're back together." she said standing up

"Does this answer your question." He got up from the bed grabbed her waist and pulled her into a kiss they stayed there for a minute or two just kissing each other and just being happy that they had each other again.

"Yes it does...now that we're back together can I sleep here." She asked not sure if she's allowed to anymore

He just grabs her hand and they both climb into bed Gamora falls asleep in Peter's arms to the feeling of him running his fingers through her hair.

They were back together and they couldn't be happier.

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