He's Jealous Part 1

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The Guardians had just landed in Xandar for a supply run but they decided they would do it the next day because it was a little to late to do it. Peter and Gamora were getting hungry so they decided to go to a little restaurant on Xandar and get something to eat.

They walked into the restaurant and a shiver ran through Gamora's body because it was a little chilly in there and she hadn't brought a jacket. Peter immediately noticed her shiver and took off his jacket and draped it over her as he snaked his arm around her shoulders.

The waiter had sat them down at a booth near the back wall of the restaurant. Peter and Gamora sat across from each other and talked a little until Peter realized that he had to go to the bathroom.

"Hey, I am gonna hit the Men's room I will be right back" he said to her

"Okay" she said looking at him as he started to get up. He kissed her on the cheek and made his way to the bathroom.

For a minute or so Gamora was just sitting alone and looking around at the restaurant when a man sat down in front of her where Peter had been sitting before he went to the bathroom. The man was about 6 feet tall, brown hair, brown eyes, and had about the same skin tone as Peter. Gamora could not lie she was the slightest bit attracted to him but only because he looked very similar to Peter but Gamora preferred Peter's blondish browninsh hair and green eyes over this guys brown hair and brown eyes any day of the week.

"Hey I was sitting at the bar and turned around to see you were sitting alone" he said with a light smile on his face

"Okay" Gamora was nervous but didn't let it show in her voice. It's not that she couldn't protect herself if this guy tried to hurt her she just knew this guy was probably here to flirt with her and she didn't like that.

Her thoughts were confirmed when she saw the way he was looking at her. Now Gamora was starting to get even more nervous.

"My name is Jack and I thought you were kinda cute so I thought I would come talk to you seeing as you are alone." He said smiling a little bigger this time

"It is very nice to meet you Jack but I have a boyfriend and he is just in the bathroom right now" she said sternly

"Oh you have a boyfriend well maybe I could change that" he said as he reached his hand up to Gamora's face and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear while smiling at her and she smiled nervously back at him.
Peter had just walked out of the bathroom when he saw a guy sitting across the table from Gamora where he had been sitting before. He decided to see if she and this guy would do anything. In that moment it was like the guy knew exactly what he was thinking because he reached up to Gamora's face and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and smiled at her and Peter looked at Gamora's face to see her smile at him as well Peter could tell it was a nervous smile but he didn't care. He immediately stormed out of the restaurant and ran back to the Milano.

Before he knew it he was in his and Gamora's bedroom sitting on the edge of the bed as a tear rolled down his face as he thought about what he just saw. He loved Gamora but would she really break his trust like that.
Gamora suddenly heard loud stomping and realized Peter had seen Jack tuck the piece of hair behind her ear and now he was storming out. Gamora had followed him out but Peter was running away so she decided she would walk back to the ship just to give him some time to cool off. When she arrived on the ship the rest of the Guardians were looking at her wondering what had happened.

"Long story" she replied not wanting to explain everything that had just happen

She knew Peter had gone into their bedroom and most likely locked the door. She didn't even bother trying to open the door because she knew it was locked. She softly knocked on the door.

"Peter are you in there?" she asked sounding worried.

"What do you want Gamora?" he said sounding very broken

Gamora almost started crying because of how broken he sounded and she knew she made him feel that way but she had to keep it together so she could respond to his question.

"I just want to explain myself."

"There is no explanation needed I saw the way you looked at him when he tucked that piece of hair behind your ear." Peter said starting to get a little annoyed

"Peter I-"

"No Gamora you don't love me if you did love me you wouldn't have let him do that. Since you obviously don't feel the same way about me as I do about you then there is no reason for us to be together anymore" He said as a tear rolled down his cheek

"Peter don't do this" Gamora couldn't help the tear that escaped her eye when she heard what he said

"Gamora...I think....I think we should break up." Peter couldn't even talk to her after he said that

"Peter..." at this point Gamora couldn't help the tears that were streaming down her face.

"Just go to bed Gamora..." Gamora just ran to her room on the ship that she hadn't slept in, in months since her and Peter were together or now I guess they were together but not anymore...

Gamora just shut her door and threw herself on to her bed and clutched the jacket that Peter had let her borrow that night. She could smell Peter's scent on the jacket and that made her cry even more.

That night Gamora had finally stopped crying but occasionally a tear would escape her eye when she realized that Peter wasn't next to her. She tried to fall asleep and she clutched one of her pillows trying to act like it was Peter but it wasn't the same.
The minute Peter realized what he had said it was already to late he already heard Gamora run to her room and shut the door.

Now it was about 2:00am and he was trying to fall asleep but he couldn't because he didn't have Gamora right next to him anymore. He knew he couldn't get up and go see her now that they were broken up. A few tears escaped his eyes when he realized that he couldn't go see Gamora he tried to fall asleep and eventually he did but he did not like the feeling of Gamora not being there right beside him as he slept.

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