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Peter had been gone for over a year now on an assignment that Denarian Dey has given him. He had told him that he didn't go on any mission alone and that him and the Guardians always completed the missions together. Denarian said that the Nova Corps would pay the Guardians 4 billion units but only one person was allowed to go on the mission. The Guardians had to decide who was gonna go and it ultimately came down to Peter or Gamora. The Guardians did not care which one went which left it up to Peter and Gamora to decide. Neither Peter nor Gamora wanted to go because they didn't want to leave each other because they knew they would miss each other too much. Even though they didn't have much information about the mission they could tell it was important to the Nova Corps. Peter wanted to go because he knew Gamora had been through enough. Gamora wanted to go because she believed that she was stronger then Peter and could handle herself better. They both ultimately decided that it would be better for Peter to go. The day before he was set to leave on the mission Gamora and Peter had spent every last second together up until the moment he had to leave. The Guardians gave Peter and Gamora some space to say goodbye.

"Peter no matter what happens I will always love you and when you come back I promise I will be here waiting for you no matter what" Gamora said as she held on to Peter's hands tightly

"I will think of you everyday"

"I want you to promise me one thing" Gamora said in a soft voice while still holding Peter's hands

Peter just nodded at Gamora

"I want you to promise me that no matter what happens that this mission will not affect our relationship and us as a couple. Also promise me that the minute you get back everything will be the same and it will feel like you never left"

"I promise...I love you so so much" Peter told her

Gamora just gently placed her lips on Peter's. They kissed for a couple minutes until they eventually had to pull apart because Peter had to leave.

"I love you more than anything" she said

"I love you too"

Peter gave Gamora one last kiss before walking out.
Present Day:
Over the time Peter has been gone the Guardians had continued other missions they were tasked with like normal. They were all doing really well while Peter was gone even Gamora...or at least that's what the rest of the team thought. Gamora always acted like her normal self around the team to show them that she was fine and there was nothing to worry about. But what they didn't know was that deep down inside Gamora was hurting. Gamora missed Peter so much. She always slept in their room by herself breathing in the lingering smell of her boyfriend that slowly faded away each day. She would think about him all day and all night just wishing for him to come home. She didn't want her sadness to screw up the team so she made sure to always act normal.
What Gamora didn't know was that the mission had ended early and Peter was coming back to surprise her. Everyone knew but her.

That day Peter had made it on to the Milano and greeted everyone with hugs making sure to stay quiet so that Gamora didn't know he was back. He hadn't seen his family or his ship in over a year and he missed it so much but there was nothing he missed more in this entire universe then his girlfriend. He quietly tiptoed over to the door and knocked softly on it.
Gamora was just quietly listening to songs on Peter's zune just thinking about him when she heard a knock on the door.

"Ugh Rocket go away I don't want to see what new bomb you made out of parts of the ship"

"It's not Rocket"

Gamora's eyes widened at the voice. She knew that voice it was the same voice that whispered her Good Morning, the same voice that would tell her she's beautiful, a voice she hadn't heard in over a year.


Peter slowly crept into her room and Gamora jumped off the bed and ran into Peter crashing into him in the tightest hug she has ever given anyone.

"Oh my god Peter"

Gamora never wanted to let him go. She wanted to hold him forever she pulled back enough just to be able to see his face. Then she smashed her lips on to Peter's remembering the feeling of his kisses. She finally pulled away letting Peter breathe.

"I missed you so much" Peter said as he wiped the tears from Gamora's eyes

"I missed you too so so much I love you" Gamora said as she stared into Peter's eyes

Peter waisted no time throwing his bags on the ground and settling into the bed with Gamora. Once they both had finally calmed down they just stared at each other for a while as Peter's ran his fingers softly through Gamora's hair.

"Peter please never leave me again I missed you so much and I never want to be apart from you ever again" Gamora said as she relaxed into the touch of Peter's hand

"I promise you I will never leave you again the next time we get something like this again neither one of us are doing it"


Gamora just settled in resting her head on Peter's shoulder and wrapping her arms around his midsection. Peter leaned and kissed her on the lips. He pulled way before speaking

"Did you ever realize. It feels I like never left" Peter said whispering softly into her ear

"Yeah your right"

Gamora just fell asleep to the feeling of Peter's strong arms wrapped around her waist for the first time in over a year and his soft fingers running through her hair. She missed falling asleep in Peter's arms so much. She was happy Peter kept her promise because nothing had changed between them in over a year and this is when she knew they were meant for each other and she had never been more sure of anything in her entire life.

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