showers are the shit

961 36 3

Mordred's POV:
I awake a little after Leon. I see him emerge from the bathroom, steam following him. I get up off the bed i was sharing with him and Merlin and move to the door.

I can see Leon watching me as i did so.
I point to the tall metal contraption, i believe it to be a shower however i have no clue how it works.
"Can you show me how to use this?"
I whisper to him as not to wake the others.
He pulls me into the room and closes the door behind us so he can speak at a low level.

"This dial turns it on. When it points to on its on and when it doesn't it's not ."
I reach my hand out and turn the dial to on, water comes gushing out of the device , it seems so magical yet i can detect nothing even remotely suggesting it.

"And this dial Mordred,"
I focus on the other dial , of which is pointing to numbers.
"It controls the temperature of the water , i like it at 4. Stick your hand in there and tell me what you think."
I do as he says , water spraying upon it . The water is warm, warmer than Camelot's baths yet not skin melting.

I turn to Leon , wide eyes.
"This is rather amazing isn't Leon? The water comes through almost magically and it's just automatically a perfect temperature, how strange."

He nods before giving me more instructions.
"I am going to turn around and you are going to take your clothes off and get in , be sure that the curtain hides you."

I wait till he turns around and remove my top and bottoms , leaving me stood only in my underwear.
"My pants as well Leon?"
"Yep! Don't worry, i won't be able to see anything."
I shrug them off and step out of them , leaving me completely on show . I climb into the shower , being careful not to slip.

"You in?"
I nod my head before realising he can't hear me and instead reply out loud.
"Right put your body under the water and make sure you get completely drenched, your hair needs to be soaked as well. When you're done stick your hand out , palm up."

I let the water fall upon me and run my fingers through my hair , ensuring it's no longer dry . Once i'm sure i've done it right i stick my hand out. I watch as he squirts an unknown substance into my hands, it's shimmery.
"Right Mordred stick that in your hair and rub it around so it's all soapy , try not to get it in your eyes."

I do as he says , i can feel the liquid transform into frothy soap bubbles upon my head.
"What now Leon?"
"Rinse it out using the water and your hands , close your eyes mate."
I do it and open my eyes , the water running clear.
"Mordred stick your head out so i can see how you've done."

I do as he says and feel pride as he gives me a thumbs up and a well done smile. He gestures for me to put my hand out and he puts the same liquid back in my hand.

I repeat the same action , doing it better than before . I stick my head back out once i've done.
"Right mate that was shampoo so your hair is clean but now we need to make it all nice . We use conditioner for that ."
I put my hand out and he puts a pea sized amount in my hands.
"Rub your hands together and then run thag through your hair. Wash it out immediately or your hair will go greasy because it's short."

I do as he says , my hair feels silky under the waters flow .
"I'm sure you can see the bar of soap in the corner , wash your body with that - it's the same as in Camelot so should be pretty simple. Once thats done , turn the dial to get out . Wrap the towel , which is on the side around you. I'll be turned around again."

I do as he says , leaving me upon the bathroom mat and wrapped in a towel, it's similar to those of Camelot's , just thicker and a better material . I dry myself off before readjusting it so that it hides me body.

I reach out and tap Leon on the back , he turns around to face me.
"Well dome , you did so much better than Gwaine."
I chuckle at the thought of Leon having to show Gwaine this , poor soul .
"That's not exactly hard is it Leon?"
He shakes his head with regret.

He picks up a tube , i read the label deodorant.
"Put this one your armpits , it helps stop sweat and stuff."
I do as he says , he then sprays me down with a strong scent in a can , i rather like it . Lynx Africa.

He then hands me my clothes before promptly leaving . I guess i'm just supposed to dress myself now , the modern clothes feel weird against me ; but well done to Merlin for the sizing - it's rather accurate.

I do up the laces on my shoes before clearing the mirror of the mist . I look at myself in it , i look different, very different but it isnt a bad different . Merlin has style (i think) , i'll give him that.

I move my hair around , crimping it in my hands to add definition to my curls ,making sure it is how i like it.

I look to the counter and pick up the toothbrush box labelled with my name. I open it and proceed to brush my teeth for a couple minutes , being sure to actually rinse afterwards.

I exit out of the bathroom and see Leon sitting on the end of the bed talking quietly to Merlin , no one else is awake yet - possibly because it's only 7:30 am.

"Ayo Mordred , looking fresh."
I sit down in the bed , hanging my feet off thee edge.
"Thank you for doing all of this Emrys."
He just slaps the bed.
"Don't thank me , Gabriel however needs his ego fuelled."

I make a mental note of that to ensure that i do infact , thank Gabriel.

"Leon tells me your first shower went well, better than Gwaine's. He isn't crying so there's something kid."
I erupt in a fit of giggles and stuff my face with a pillow to drown them out , not wanting to be the cause of the others awakening. Alas i failed and Percy awoke up , he tiredly looked over to us.

"Shower?" Leon asks , wishing he didn't have to . I mean it's not like he does? He appointed himself head of the shower not us , it's his own fault.
"Shower." Percival nods in agreement.
Leon sighs deeply , running his hand through his hair.
"Here we go again, wish me luck?"
Merlin speaks out to him before Leon fully disappears into the depths of the bathroom.
"Coffee Leon?"
"Please Merlin."

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