bye bye bitch

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Castiel's POV:
I cocked my head to the side as i inspected Merlin's exterior, he still looks the same after all these years - it is rather strange.

He looks at me with questioning eyes , of course i had changed my vessel since our last encounter- one that fits me better .

Deans thoughts penetrate my mind , distracting me from my own .
damn son , that ass i could do such things to such a pretty little item. wait , shit he can hear me.
I try to block him out for the mean time , when standing in-front of a being , seemingly more powerful than yourself , you do not want to hindrance or annoy him .

I had never really known him , merely had a few interactions over the past few decades. If he were to become friends with the Winchester's , as i feel is fated , i would be seeing a lot more . I didn't observe his time or his life , i had barely even noticed him until i bumped into him; the stories he could tell would be beyond mine. I know that i would like hear them sometime.

"How are you ? How is Gabriel? I haven't heard of him in some time , that's rather unusual for the dickhead - he seemingly spends his life trying to annoy me , who does he think he is ? Arthur?."
I stared into his soul as his words filtered into my head , it's damaged - almost beyond repair.
His questions unheard by either brothers , as they were telepathically pushed into my own .

I reply , making conversation short as more urgent matters pressed that would rather been seen to .
"i am well and i trust you are yourself ? Gabriel went off my radar , it's been a while but he can take care of himself as we both know. "

I turn to face Sam , i feel a slight guilt wash over me for the things i have said in the past . Being with Dean , falling for Dean , has pushed emotions i never thought i'd feel into existence- it was painful , it was different and it was human.
"Hello Sam."
He nodded in recognition, a forgiving smile on his face.

"I come here not of good news yet of bad , the griffin needs to be detained and i can not do that myself - i do not possess the power to do so , Emrys however does."

Merlin's POV:
I started moving on the spot , adrenaline rushing through my body - fuelling the magic that runs through my veins.

"Well what the hell are we waiting for ?! Get up , get up let's go . Come on Dean faster old man , faster ."

As i said that i prepared for a goblet to be chucked at my head , my mind still living in the past - but as none came, i darkened. My face hardened and i became the leader i was born to be.

Sam listened intently and Dean looked almost shocked that i could sound so dominant, so much like an actual leader ... Castiel just looked like Castiel - his blank stare and cocked head . The thing i like about angels is that they like direction , you ask them to do something and they comply ; Castiel however was different and as annoying that is , i congratulate him for it - free will is a pretty little thing.

"Right we need a lance or something alike , long distance is safer for us but close range will benefit the kill - it will be cleaner and faster .
Remember that this is a homicidal , flesh hungry creature - it will not think to spare you . 
More importantly, it is my magic that will actually end the beast , so do not and i repeat DO NOT go against my word. Do you understand? I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

I even surprised myself at the tone of my voice ,  i had always been strong willed and i laughed in the face of danger . Sarcasm was my biggest defence and even the late Lady Morgana was stumbled by my wit . But to hear myself sound so much like Arthur , so much like Uther and all those after really shocked me - i had always been named the King of the Druids but i didn't believe i ever really lived to that reputation. I guess now is a good a time as ever to prove my worth .

They didn't bother replying, but their gathering of equipment and rushing to the impala was a good a response as any . I stared at the car , almost unsure , then turned my gaze to Castiel . Couldnt he just take us , he is a damn angel of the lord after all.

"Dean we don't need your car , we need me - i will take all of you , however i will not be much use in the fight."

Sam and Dean looked between each other, nodding before taking part in a synchronised turn towards me - affirming my confirmation. I gave a short , curt nod and held onto Castiel's outstretched arm .  Taking deep breaths and preparing for a flight.

Heavy weight pressured me , knocking not only my air but my magic out of me - leaving me feeling weak and defenceless , however just as quick as it was stolen , it returned. Sam ran his hands through his hair , looking around disoriented and Dean bent over , clutching at his chest and gasping for an intake of air .

"Cas , Cas buddy - never again will we do that. I'd sooner return to hell."
I looked at Cas , he just smirked- eyebrows raised . (nothing compared to Gaius' eyebrows of doom though)

A ferocious roar ripped through the air and the ground beneath us shook lightly underneath the moving weight of the hellish beast . I chucked the lance at Dean , praying he'd catch it - he did .

"Run at it, aim at its heart . DO NOT STOP , CHARGE!"

He ran , he ran fast - his face twisted in a scowl and a battle cry escaping his lips . I didn't waste time admiring that scene , i started to repeat my spell , my volume and intent increasing with each set .

"Bregdan anweald gafeluc!"
"Bregdan anweald gafeluc!"
"Bregdan anweald gafeluc!"
The lance lit a cool , yet fiery blue and Dean struck it in the heart , effectively slaughtering it .
Damn am i good at this stuff or what ? Lance can you see me ? Did it again didn't i - an absolute hero am i right or am i right ?

Dean collapsed to the floor , panting heavily , a wicked smile etched onto his face .
"WOOO DAMN BROTHER , that was completely AWESOME . i just killed a griffin ."

erm no he didn't.
i sassily remind him of my presence , earning a guilty smile .
"...sorry Merlin."
"it's safe g , don't worry bout it bruv."
i hated myself for that but i could not stop it from tumbling out of my mouth .

MERLIN- THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING (spn) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now