dude you just insulted THE merlin

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Sam's Pov:
I closed the book and sighed, the impala had come to a stop – i had been describing the pictures and reading the quotes to Dean as i went through. Oh my god, no way...it couldn't be, but that makes sense, oh god that makes total sense. I think that,
"oh my god Dean, this is gonna sound totally crazy and you're not gonna believe me but i think that Emrys is actually Merlin. Like the same Merlin from Camelot"

"Sammy you've had some crazy theories in the past but this scrawny , pasty irish looking foetus? How could he be the legendary Merlin , i mean sure he has an unnatural amount of information on Camelot and his best friend was called Arthur but it doesn't mean that the kid that just broke down in the back of my baby is one of the most powerful witches to ever live."

"Dean think about it, all the names in that book were the names of the Knights of the Round Table, and others in the Melin legends. The clothes they were wearing a really old and outdated. The quotes mention the name Merlin. and the rings, one was Lancelot's and the other was Athur's. Probably King Arthur's at that. I truely believe that this kid is Merlin Dean, i really do. "

"Sammy just shut up, i don't have THE Merlin sat in the back of my car"

Merlin's Pov:
I woke up once the engine had cut out but Sam and Dean had started to talk about me so i just pretended to sleep and i listened in, i was curious plus knowing things i probably shouldn't was my speciality.

As soon as Dean told Sam that he didn't have the actual Merlin in the back of his car, which he sooo did, i decided it would be a good time 'wake up'.
I groaned, shifted and opened my eyes whilst pulling my body out of Sam's embrace, to sitting up right. I rubbed my eyes and sniffled a little –crying is not fun.

"Erm Dean " i say, my voice a little deeper from sleep,
"i don't mean to burst your bubble and i don't want you to freak out, considering im actually a really nice lad...but you do indeed have THE Merlin sat in the back of your car. Nice to meet you sir." I flash my of my signature smiles for full effect.

To my full disappointment Dean just chuckles and says "yeah, yeah sure i do buddy keep it coming" but Sam just sat there staring at me, eyes wide, he fully believes me . i mean he guessed it, so i suppose im actually not too surprised.

"no, really Dean. I'm Merlin. King Arthur's best friend and precious manservant. The greatest sorcerer to ever walk the earth. I am one half of the coin, i am magic itself, without me, magic would cease to exist. I am the last dragon lord, i am Merlin Pendragon"

My voice getting louder and more powerful with each word then i giggle and say "nah just kidding"

i wait for Dean to reply exactly as i knew he would "see i told you Sam, there was no way this kid is Merlin"
before i just straight up deadpan "no all of that was true, my last name just isn't Pendragon, me and Arthur never got married"

i see the smile drop from his face as mine grew impossibly wide, ah this makes me happy, beating a Winchester, more like a losechester. I am the king of comedic genius i swear to Arthur.

"i can show you if you want, and if you really wanted i could place all my memories of Camelot in your heads or transfer it to disc and we can watch it"
despite sarcasm dripping off each word i was deadly serious, and they both could see that. at this point i had nothing to lose so oh well if they manage to kill me at least ill be with Arthur.

I then use my magic to pick up some of Dean's cassette tapes and allow them to juggle in the air, my eyes flashing a glorious gold. Oooh Bon Jovi, this geezer has style.

Sam spoke up again, much to my surprise. "Merlin? Can i call you that? Could you show me your memories of Camelot, put them in my head. I don't know why but i trust you"

I let out a breathe i didn't now i was holding before calmly replying "you can call me Merlin Sam, Emrys was my name to the druids. I will put my memories into your head but only if you are aware that it may cause a dull headache and there is a small chance you may pass out for a second. Dean, are you in?"

They both nod their heads and within seconds i am pushing my magic and memories into their heads. Great just great.

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