smile for the camera gwaine

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Gwaine's POV:
Three giant blokes walked toward us , i recognised them , their faces breaking through the haze .
"Nice to meet you fellas. As Merls so nicely put, i am Sir Gwaine but any friend of his is a friend of mine -so you can just call me Gwaine , you lucky bastards."
I stood up and outstretched my hand so i could shake it with the guys.
"i am Dean Winchester." The first one spoke , i could smell stale alcohol on him , i like his style , "and this is my brother Sam ." Sam too shook my hand , "It is a pleasure to meet you Gwaine , i , we have heard much about you ."

I look at Merlin , his face red at being exposed . I trapped his head in my arm and noogied it playfully . "Talking about people behind their backs huh Merls? Thought you'd know better than that ." i kissed his hair in a familiar fashion before pushing him away .

Castiel remained , he was weird ; seemed a bit too tight and non human for my liking . I should get him drunk , i should get drunk . I miss ale , they didn't have ale in a Avalon . He also stood a bit too close to Dean for it to be platonic , i call it.
When he shook my hand i pulled him in and whispered into his ear .
"You know i know you like him , Dean i mean . If i can see it within minutes then everyone else knows too . It is painfully obvious buddy . He likes you too and if you want my advice , i say go for it . Just fuck or something.I didn't and i died incomplete so chop chop mate ."
I studied his face as i pulled away , burning and red . Aha i just made an angel embarrassed , how class is that? i'll answer for you shall i? very . it's well cool.

"Merlin how about some food for our guests?" i suggest , by that i really do just mean more food for me but i suppose they can eat it too .
Dean looked ecstatic at my words , he must be really hungry, probably hasn't eaten in weeks.

"Dean , you only ate like an hour ago . you can't already be hungry ?"
"well Sammy , not all of us can survive off rabbit food ."
I heard Merlin say an incantation and before us was a picnic - full of Camelot style food and what i assume is more modern food .
I drop back to the ground and start eating immediately, i lock eyes with Dean who is doing the same . Both of our mouths were stuffed full with food and our eyes were contesting- a rather funny sight if i do say so.

"You really haven't changed have you Gwaine ?" Leon asks in disbelief from beside me .
"Nope" i say poppin the p .

Merlin's voice was small , almost incoherent, yet still i heard . "How are you ? How are the rest ?" He seemed almost timid , Merlin doesn't get like this ? He probably feels guilty , blames our deaths upon himself yet he shouldn't .

"I'm great Merlin . Seriously i'm beyond happy . My time in Avalon was almost perfect , you and Leon were the two missing pieces , but now i'm with you . I'm with my brother and my best friend - life's good . Of course i'm missing Percy and the others but i'm sure they will join us in time . We are irresistible after all eh?"

He chuckled at that , his lips curled at the corners . But the smile didn't meet his eyes , it was sad ...longing .

"And the others Merlin . They miss you , they miss Leon and they are certainly now missing me too. Arthur misses you the most , blames himself for his death - he's forgiven Mordred , we all have and i suppose you did too ."

He nods slowly agreeing with my statement,
"It was all Morgana's fault which in turn makes it mine, he's a puppet and he was used for Arthur's death" His words stung deep , how could he say such things ? I wanted to slap him yet i continued.

"Mordred is guilty as hell , he feels dirty and corrupt but he's scared , he just wanted to do good - He's found peace with us now .

Lancelot is so proud of you . He's watched you and help guide you every step of the way . He told us stories and let us know that Morgana brought him back and it wasn't him , not really . He spoke highly of you Merlin , still loyal to you in death . As was i."

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