Final Goodbye words

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Sitting on the bench as I was throwing a bouncy ball against the wall, the old clothes I had on was now torn of Danzo keeping me in here.

It looks like I finally broke through now..

Hearing an echo coming towards my way, the gate was being unlock seeing the Anbu member and Danzo in front of me with a smirk on his face.

" Uchiha?" He said as he came closer within the rails " How is your new home?" He smirk as I didn't say a thing to him

" ha.. haha!!" I laughed seeing everybody look at me with full of confusion " Go to hell" I said activating my lighting Jutsu through his chest

His eyes became shock as blood started spilling through his mouth " Do you know why they call my the Cold Blood Uchiha Danzo? It's because"

pulling out my arm out of his chest appeared his heart slowly throbbing " I kill without hesitation" seeing Danzo falling down on the floor the Anbu member pulled out there Kunai weapons as I dropped Danzo heart onto the floor

This is pathetic wasting my time with this old man. But at least his seal is now gone from my body.

Breaking the gate with my bare hands, I walked pass the Anbu members hearing the utter fear from there breaths " looks like someone really tried to annoy me"

Walking out of the prison cell, I finally was able to feel the fresh air of the outside world. My hands filled with blood as I had a restless expression on my face.

" Looks like someone had finally awoken" From a distance appeared a man with a shape cone bamboo hat and the familiar clocking design from the other man with the mask

" I made my choice and I'll join the Akatsuki if it means to protect Sasuke too"

" Indeed Lady Uchiha" he said as I gave an angry expression " then it's time to visit some old friends


Running our way the three of us with my katana in my hand, there blood who works for Danzo was killed by me.

Spilling around the village made it pour on me as well, my hands and my clothing as it felt like the incident of the Uchiha clan Village.

There chest was slice through as well as there necks, without hesitation it felt more bodies was being buried by me.

For the sake of Itachi's and Shisui death, You will know how it feels like with my own blood hands

" U-Uchiha!" The anbu said frighten " looks like your time is up now" Mangekyou!" Burning there body into flames, I ran through who ever was next

Each one and another it became multiples without stopping my mind was filled with nothing but blank thoughts

If this is what I'm born to be then I am a monster after all.

" that's the last of them" I said softly cleaning out my bloody katana

" well let's head then-" before madara was bout to finish I stopped it when a serious look I had on " no there's something I need to do before we go" running off, I went to go back to my home

Forgive me but this is what I must do.

Entering my home quietly through the window in my room, I quickly went to change my old clothing filled with blood into a new one. Taking what I needed felt like it was the last time I was going to see this place.

" Your leaving again?" Stopping midway from escaping the window a voice I haven't heard in a long was something that made feel relief " Sasuke" I said softly

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