So Do I(4)

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The trees looked almost dead now. Piles of leaves were left all over the yard, meaning I would have to go rake them up soon. In California, everything is either dead or flourishing. Now that the temperature has cooled, everything is dead. Preparing the meals for everyone today, I quickly boxed them up and placed them gently in the fridge. Heavy footsteps came down the stairs, capturing my attention. Owen was rubbing his stomach, his hand pushed underneath his shirt, and yawning like a little child. When he focused on me, he muttered out, "Going out again?"

"Yeah, I have a friend to see," I shut the fridge, grabbing my bag, "everything you all will need is made already in the fridge. I know it's a hassle, but can you watch everyone for a couple of hours? I'll try to be back around twelve and wait until one of our parents come home. Just pop the food into the microwave with a napkin over it, make to dribble some water over it though, and then heat it up for about a minute or two. Remember, the twins hate their food too hot." I checked to make sure everything was spotless and organized, "Thanks for doing this... I know it can be burdensome but it really means a lot."

"Dominic," he instantly took my attention, his eyes narrowed and his expression firm, "why are you apologizing? It is not your fault, so never apologize to me again." Did I offend him? Did I say something wrong? He moved over to me, patting my shoulders, "Dom, you raised me... you raised everyone in this house. Even as a child you raised other children. At eighteen, you've had more experience than most parents. So don't apologize for taking time for yourself... next time, I'll punch you."

Wagging my head like I dog, I gave him a quick hug, then went out the door. Owen and I have done everything together. When shit hit the fan, he was there to help a bit... like clean the dishes some nights or help tuck the kids in. I hated bothering him, taking away his childhood. All these years went by and I always saw him as some little kid, but in truth... he had grown into a young man.

For some reason... I felt like a proud father.

When I got to the hospital, I waved to the nurses and bid hello to a few patients. As I approached Noah's room, Kendra was in the hall.... crouched into some ball. My feet carried me to her, falling to my knees and shaking her, "What happened Kendra? What's wrong with Noah?"

She threw herself onto me, hysterically sobbing onto my shoulder, "He woke up! He... he's okay... My brother is okay."

My breathing was sharp as the door opened up and his doctor came out. Helping Kendra to her feet, I questioned, "Is it true? Is he better? Is he not sick?"

"He is still sick," he said, sad eyes, "he is awake however. His illness has not improved, but it's good to see him awake and responsive. You can go in, his parents are already inside."

I helped Kendra inside, holding back my own tears when I saw his eyes open. His mother was holding his hand, still teary eyed as she spoke to him, "Oh don't you worry about anything baby... we've been just good. Even your friend Dominic. He comes all the time to see you." Kendra rushed to his other side, pulling him into her arms. He was startled at first, but soon sank into her, rubbing the top of her head.

"When was the last time I've seen you cry," his voice was very weak, weakest its ever been, "what have I told you? Don't cry over your... your big stupid brother."

"You are a big stupid brother! Don't you dare scare me anymore! If... If you do... I'll pound you!" Her cries were a mixture of laughs and sadness. Everything was heavy, but the type of heavy that made our hearts lighter.

I left the room, letting them talk for a bit. My feelings were jumbled up, like a necklace after you keep it in a pocket. No matter how much you tug or spend time with it, it just gets more and more tangled. I'm extremely happy to see him awake, but so angry that he hasn't gotten an ounce better. I know he's... I know what's come one day, but... but I can't fathom it. It's impossible to me. To think he won't be here anymore. It's just so undeniably difficult to see.

For about two hours I mindlessly walked around the hospital's parking lot. At first it was to give the family time with one another, but now it was because I was scared of seeing him. It was freezing outside, especially with the unforgiving wind. Many times I thought about going in, but my feet just kept going in the circle I've created.

As I passed the entrance, Kendra and her parents came out. When she saw me, she rushed over to me, taking my hand, "Why are you out here? Noah has been asking about you, go inside!"

"I will," I mumbled, "I just wanted to give you guys some time together."

"An hour was good enough dear," her mother spoke up, "it's freezing out here, go inside. Noah will be happy to see you. I think he will be happier seeing you than us." A part of me wanted to laugh at her joke, but I couldn't since my fear was overriding me.

Kendra gripped my hand, moving her face so she could see me better, "You're scared... aren't you?" I didn't want to speak, because my voice was definitely going to crack, so I just nodded. She pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back like I was a sobbing child, "It's okay to be scared... Noah taught me that. He said being scared is being human.... but if you keep wasting time out here and avoiding him, you'll regret every moment you missed when he is gone."

Coughing a bit to hide my uncontrollable tears, I pushed away and choked out, "You're right.... I'm going. Get home safe." Slowly I went towards the building, then heading to his room. The hallways were empty, only the sound of low whispers and monitors going off could be heard. I reached his room, seeing him laying in his bed. The blanket reached his neck, his pillows propping him up enough to peer out the window. His face was the opposite direction from me. He was watching the gloomy skies and leaves flying up with the wind, just to fall down. Step by step I entered his room. By my fourth step he had turned his head and saw me.

We just stared at one another, no words being exchanged. His eyes were becoming more and more dull. His skin paler every second. The end was nearing... nearing way to quickly. A smile smile came onto his face as he said, "You're finally here... I felt so lonely without."

Unable to stop myself, my tears flooded down my cheeks as I called out, "So do I."


This book is coming to an end soon! I know, this book is very short, but that's the purpose. I too am sad about how it is ending soon, but that doesn't mean it won't be amazing! Be safe and LOVE YOU GUYS!

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