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"Seems like lunch was a waste," I wipe my mouth, Chase flushing away my remains. I quickly washed my hands, letting the water run off before I placed my gloves on. Chase assisted me, making sure that my skin was covered from the world. He made the report as I mumbled a little tune.

"It's about time I get you to your ride," he opens the door, gesturing for me to exit again, "make sure not puke on the leather, it's a pretty brown." I gave him a glare, which he returned with a laugh. Alison was waiting for me, along with some other girl in a trainee outfit. "Be careful, he just let out all of his lunch a minute ago," Chase chuckled.

"Die in a hole," I climbed into the car, "Alison, can I just have you follow me around all day?"

She shook her head, "You two act like children." The trainee climbed in front of me, fixing her mask but her ponytails fell out, almost hitting me in the face. I instantly flew back, causing Alison to see, "Sam! Your hair!" The trainee named Sam jumped, quickly placing her hair back into it's plastic wrap.

"I'm so dearly sorry! I completely forgot!" From how panicked she appeared, it seemed like she was about to cry.

I glanced out the window, allowing Alison to handle the situation. When the car began to move, I watched the trees go by. Staring out a window was much easier than listening. When you listen, you must be engaged and understand. When you are staring, you only have to have your eyes wonder around. But what is it like to fly?

Fly like a bird? Maybe more like a plane. Being a bird would suck if you think about it. I would be subjected to the endless swatting, the disgusting noises they make, and never being liked by anything. I would be a pest, but then again, humans are that, right?

Alison assisted me inside, the house being bare. Not one soul was there since it was only two o'clock. She pulled out the medicines and food I was to have, but I simply got up and waved it off, "I'm feeling it. I just want to lay down for a while."

"You have to have your medicine Noah," she brought the cup filled, "and eating is the best way to take them."

"I just emptied my stomach," I coughed into my arm, "I'd rather lay down right now. My medicine can wait for an hour or two. It's not like it stops me from dying." Being a nurse, she was forced to be persistent, so I signaled to the servants to take care of it. Anything medical was obnoxious to me, that happens when you've been surrounded by it your entire life.

I stripped from my clothes, placing them in the hazard bags to be cleaned. I quickly changed into the evening outfit Alison had laid out for me. A part of me wanted to lay down and sleep, but another thought that would be way too depressing. So I decided to just read. I started off with The Hunger Games series, then ended up watching On My Block on Netflix. Don't ask.

The loud slam outside told me my sister was getting dropped off, so being a nosy brother, I crouched over to the window. She was wearing her cheer uniform and her boyfriend, I think his name is Chris, was grabbing her bag. My sister is only 5'3 and this mother fucker is like 6'2, so he towered over her. She jumped up to wrap her arms around him and right before my eyes would burn for eternity, I pulled myself from the window. No brother wants to see his sister kiss someone, it's just not it.

I went to the stairs, waiting to catch a glimpse of her walking by. Immediately, she untangled her hair, letting it fall all over her shoulders, and dropped all her stuff on the floor. She threw her tight shoes off and crashed onto the living room couch. Alison went over to her, "You seemed to have a busy day."

"I hate school," I could barely understand the gibberish coming out of her, "do I have to change?"

"You don't, but your brother may foam at the mouth," she pushed the clothes to her, pointing at to the bathroom.

She grabbed her bag, staring down at it. Suddenly her hands tightened and her aura went dark, "Alison... is he getting any better? Even a tiny bit?"

A huff came from her as she took a seat, "Noah... he's stable for right now. Sense the doctors have no exact idea what is wrong with him, all they can do is prescribe pills and hope he doesn't react poorly."

"We used to play outside," she mumbled, "he used to hug me when I got home... he used to push me on the swing." When I just turned ten, my parents got us a swing. Everyday we would run outside and I would push her. Since she was two years younger, I was the one left to do all the pushing as she soared through the air. The best day was when she tried to jump off in a dress our mom bought her for a get-together with the family and it completely tore off. Mom tried to kill me for letting her, but I just laughed.

I couldn't handle seeing her cry, so I went to my room. Kendra was always soft. To her, life was supposed to roses and hearts. I tried so hard to keep it that way but that was broken miserably when she found me passed out on the floor, bleeding from my mouth. Ever since she's been looking at me like I'm this... this weak person and I can't stand it.


"Mr. Christian," I plopped the bag on his desk, "can I ask a personal question?"

"Go ahead?" He opened it up, giving me a sigh, "No work as usual."

I grabbed the seat I always sit in, scooting a bit closer than I should, "If you were dying." His eyes immediately shot up, like a dog when they hear the treat bag being opened, "What would be better to have: A sundae or Brownie?"

He stared at me with the most disappointed look, "If I could kill you, I would."

"Easy! Just touch me!"

He rolled his eyes and flipped through my work, "I wouldn't choose, I would have both." I nodded, watching him mark 100% on top of the packet, "Please show your work Roman. I can't have kids finding out! I will be seen as having favorites."

"Every teacher has favorites, if they say they don't, they are lying," I grabbed my chair and moved to my desk. Again the bell rung and everyone came in like usual. I just played with my pencil, calculating how many I could buy until I would reach one million.

I was happy to leave the class as the bell rung, but a sudden voice captured my attention, "What condition do you have?"

Dominic was seated on top of his desk, legs swinging a bit but since he was so tall they still touched the floor, "Why do you care?"

"I want to go into the medical field, so I'm just curious," he leaned back on his hands, "so do you have a nervous system issue or respiratory?"



I packed up my things, slinging it over my shoulder, "My entire body shuts down when I come in contact with germs. Be it with dirt from outdoors or saliva for other humans, I tend to react poorly. First my body will either produce hives or rashes, then it will increase to my heart crashing, oxygen stop reaching my brain and a stroke will occur. They have no idea why or how this happens, so I am under strict protocol to stay completely covered." I open my arms to let him see me, "As you can obviously tell. Satisfied?"

"Partially, I hate it when there isn't a clear answer."

"Then never enter the literature field, you would be deeply disappointed," I passed him, seeing Chase standing outside, bored and confused, "sorry, I was busy." He simply nodded and we left for the next hellish class.

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