A Little Reconnection(1)

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Hey Everyone!

Since the Coronavirus has stopped me from school and I would rather be doing things I love than worrying, I decided to come back a bit earlier than expected. I have been working on this story for the past few months (Ironic due to the situation), so I hope you enjoy!

If the virus thing gets better soon, I will have to put a pause on the story until the date I was originally supposed to return!

As a kid, most of us were either stuck inside playing some stupid ass videogames, or truly living and shit outside. I was neither of these kids. You see, I was living and I was inside, but I was kinda dead and never in my house. When I was ten years old, I was rushed to the hospital from collapsing at my elementary school randomly. While I twirled my thumbs and whistled the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song, the doctors came back to tell me that basically have a fucked up body.

My immune system is shit.

Making me, a person who is susceptible to everything.

So I have been living by ten rules my entire life:

1. No touching things that haven't been sanitized

2. No going outside without my mask, gloves, and having every inch of my body being covered

3. I can not be near individuals who are sick, have been sick in the past week, or do anything that can cause harm to me (smoking)

4. I am to go to breathing treatments every month and have regular checkups with my lovely nurse Alison

5. If I do end up catching something, like a cold, I am to immediately go to the hospital

6. I am to log my health status everyday, explaining how I feel and what's been happening (barfing, diarrhea, sore throat, fever, whatever else)

7. I am only allowed to be outside for about 5-7 hours a day

8. No pets

9. No foods that do not follow protocol

10. No human touch unless necessary

Most of these rules are fine. I don't have to socialize with too many fucked up people, I also am not required to attend any assemblies or outside activities my school has, and the best, I can escape my clingy sister. I am usually a hundred percent fine with this, honestly I love it. Many call me anti-social, but I prefer to say I am EXTREMELY selective on what humans I like.

But things of course change, they always do.


The soft knocking at my door was unbearable today. I didn't want to get up, I really didn't, but Alison came in with her bag of 'goodies'. Her footsteps were much lighter than my families, also much faster. Instead of every few seconds came a soft tap, it was almost every second. She fluttered about my room, dusting and opening up the curtains for me to have some form of life enter. As much as I love the idea she is trying to keep me somewhat optimistic, I fucking hate the sun.

"Noah," her voice reminded me of hummingbirds, soft and vibrant, "if you don't get up, I'm going to have to call for assistance." I shot up as quickly as I could, afraid of having Chase come and treat me. She handed me the clothes that were disinfected, my usual black hoodies and jeans. She opened a bag with my new mask, having a panda face on it. She started getting me the weird ones because she said I needed more 'happiness'. I slipped on my gloves and my mask, tugged on my hoodie since it hugged my neck and groaned at the stupid pills she held out, "Don't give me lip."

When The Sun Came Up, You Were GoneWhere stories live. Discover now