Jin- Wisdom Teeth

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Today Jin is gonna take his wisdom teeth out. For the past week Jin kept making things up in his mind. It was making him feel scared to get his teeth out.

"Y/n what if they cut my mouth by accident and making me into the Joker!"

"Y/n what if I die during the surgery!"

"Y/n, what if they kidnap me when I'm asleep"

"Y/n, what happens if they mess up and everything turns out bad and I'll be ugly!! I can't let my handsome face be ruined!"

"Y/n what if-"

I cutted Jin off before he makes up more crazy ideas. "Jin nothing is going to happen to you. There's no need to be afraid. They're professional and they know what they're doing sweetie."

"Sorry princess, it's just that I'm scared and I can't help but think of all the negatives things that might happen when I'm asleep." Jin said softly with a pout.

"It's ok Jinie you'll be perfectly fine" I said. I walked up to Jin giving him a hug.

End of flashback
When we got in Jin was feeling a bit nervous. "Y/n I'm scared." "It's ok Jin everything will be alright."
As we were chatting Jin's names was called. He got up and looked at me. I gave him a reassuring smile, telling him it's gonna be ok.

30 minutes later

Jin was wheeled out when he was finished since he couldn't walk well. His face was chubby since it was swollen but it was a very cute look on him. He looked like a chubby baby, with a handsome face. Jin was laughing like a maniac. He kept blabbering about random stuff.

The dentist surgeon told me some instructions on what to do for Jin. After that they wheeled him out to our car. Jin was just sitting in the passenger seat all dazed out with a huge smile on his face and laughing . He looked like he was high.

As I was driving home, I asked if he was ok. His response, "Princess, I'm feeling really good" he said laughing. I giggled, since his mouth was full with cotton balls to stop his bleeding.

When I parked the car. I had to drag him since he didn't know how to balance well, cause the local anesthesia was still in affect. I placed him on the couch. He was about to stand up again but I pushed him down knowing he can't stand up well.

Out of no where Jin started blabbering again.
"Y/n I feel like a million bucks right now, wait no make it a billion bucks."

"Did you know whenever I'm sad, I read my blood donor ID because it always says 'B poSITIVE' he laughed making windshield noises.

"Did you know me and my jokes are quite le'jin'dary!"


I rolled my eyes and walked to our room letting our dog RJ out. Then I heard a scream. I ran out to the living room seeing Jin scream while pointing at RJ.

"Ahhhhh!!! AHHHHHH!!!!" he screamed.

I stare at him and Jin looks at me.

"It's ok y/n it's just a dog don't be a chicken."

I stare at him in disbelief, thinking to myself; Y/n this is gonna be a long week.

I was gonna order some porridge and a milkshake for him, since he can't chew on anything for a few days. "Jin what flavor do you want your milkshake to be?" I asked.

"I want a hippo." He said.

I started laughing, "I'm just gonna get you vanilla."

"No I want a hippo!!!" Jin yelled.

"Jinie there's no hippo milkshake flavor." I said

"There is a hippo milkshake flavor and I'm looking at it right now." He giggle.

I was shocked. He just called me a hippo!!! I was about to beat his ass but remembered, he was not in the right state of mind. I'll beat him up when the anesthesia wears off.

Food arrives
Jin was sitting in his seat no know what to do with his food.

"Y/n I need help eating!" he said with a pout.

I giggled "alright Jin I'll feed you."

As I put the spoon right in front of his mouth, I expected him to open wide, instead he started licking the porridge.

"Jinie what are you doing?"

"I'm licking the icecream"

"Jinie it's porridge not ice cream, so eat it before it gets cold."

1 hour later
After a long ass time feeding Jin, we finally finished.
I put Jin in bed so he can rest. As I finished cleaning up I went into our bedroom seeing Jin sleeping soundly with drool coming out of his mouth.

I smiled at him.
"When Jin anesthesia wears off he's gonna have a whole lot of embarrassing stories ahead of him."


I wrote this imagine because I just got my wisdom teeth out and I look like a potato after I was done. A few hours later my face looked like a square. Thank god for quarantine. My square face:

 My square face:

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