Jungkook - Tired

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    It was 11:30pm at night and I was sitting on the couch waiting for Jungkook to come home. As I was about to leave the living room to go to bed, the front door swung open. Jungkook walked in all tired and exhausted from practice.

I immediately went to him and asks if he wanted to eat dinner. "Kookie, do you wanna eat some dinner? I'll heat it back up for you."

"No it's fine I already ate" he said, walking towards our bedroom. You followed him into the bedroom. You sat on the bed watching him change. He quickly walks to the bed and slumps down into the covers.

You lay down and Jungkook pulls you closer to him. His face on your neck breathing softly. You run your hand through his fluffy hair, making him feel sleepy.

"Y/N," he softy mumbles. "Yes baby," as you stare at him. "I love you and good night," as he slowly drifts off into dream land.

You lean in and kiss his forehead "Good night Jungkook, sleep well." And soon you slowly drift off to sleep as well.

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