Chapter 2

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I look at him. "Let go of me please." "Kitten there's nothing to be afraid of I won't hurt you." "I want to go back to my friend now let me go." "Only if you answer my question." I sigh "what's the question." "What are you doing here? You don't look like the clubbing stripper watching and alcohol drinking type." "My friend dragged me here all because it's my 21st birthday." He smiles. "Well happy birthday Kitten." I blush "th...thank you." "Why don't you take my to you're friend."

"I don't know I barely know you. I don't even know you're name" "I'm Tristan and you are?" "My names Isabella." He smirks "Well Bella we better go find you're friend you don't want her getting hurt do you." "She's probably drunk and dancing with someone guy." He smiles. "Well let's go lead the way my little Kitten." I look at him "I'm not yours." He looks at me "we'll see about that." We walk inside and find Chloe. "Hey Chloe this is Tristan. Tristan this is Chloe." She turns around. "Hi...Boss?"

She sounds surprised. "Boss?" I look up at Tristan. He looks down at me. "Yeah she works for me." I look at her and then at him. "But you told me you work in a..." she nods. "A...And he's you're...." I glance up at him. "'re The....ohh god." The room starts to spin and my eyes close.

I wake to the bright sun shining in my eyes. I sit up and look around. I'm in a huge room with grey walls and 3 door. I stand up 1 of them is a bathroom another one is a walk in closet. There's a few suits, a lot of t-shirts, muscle shirts, pants and shorts. Where am I? I go to the other door and open it. There's a long hallway which I walk down.

I hear noise and I follow it. "No I don't care what's going on I told you he's not allowed back here." It's quiet for a little. "He fucking stole 2 million dollars I don't care what he says or why he needed it he betrayed me. He's lucky I didn't snap his neck." He screams obviously mad. I hear something growl as I'm walking towards what I think is the kitchen. I look and see a dog. She looks like a Rottweiler.

She is standing there growling at me and showing me her teeth. Or at least I think it's a girl. "Shadow shhh." I walk closer and she barks. "Shadow be quiet I'm on the phone." I giggle and pat my thighs though I feel skin. I look down and I'm in a oversized shirt. Whatever I'll figure out why I'm in that later I pat my thighs and she comes running over to me. I kneel down and pet her. "You're such a good girl."

I hear a chuckle. "Good morning Kitten are you having fun with Shadow." I smile. "She's adorable." She pushes me making me fall over she walks over to me and attacks me with kisses. I giggle "stop it. Stop it please shadow." "Shadow stop." I hear Tristan says and she backs up. I sit up and pet her head. "You have her trained." He nods "she listens to what I say and growl and barks when anyone she doesn't know comes near me warning me that someone is coming." I nod "well she seems friendly to me."

"That's cause you're in my shirt which smells like me so she's familiar to the sent and you were in my bed last night." "Speaking of which why am I here." He turns his attention back to the pancakes he's making. "Because you passed out yesterday after realizing that I'm The Devil who you're friend Chloe works for." "Well yeah but I mean I went with Chloe you could've just had her take me home."

He laughs "she was way to drunk to take care of you." "So where is she?" "In the guest bedroom.She's gonna have one hell of a hang over when she wakes up." "Ok so that explains why I'm here but what about you're shirt." "I figured sleeping in pants especially skinny jeans wouldn't be comfy and I didn't want you to wake up with just your shirt on so I put one of mine on you. That way when you wake up confused on where you are you won't walk around with you're ass hanging out because of the thong you're wearing."

My cheeks go bright red. He turns and looks at me. "You're adorable and even cuter when you blush." That makes my cheeks get even brighter. "You know you're big brown doe eyes make you a hundred times cuter." My cheeks somehow get even brighter and I smile. He smiles and walks over to me.

"I'm gonna go take a shower quickly why don't you go get dressed." "In the clothes from yesterday?" He chuckles. "Of course not I have a few changes of clothes in the guest bedroom for when I find Chloe drunk. Do you know how much she gets drunk." I giggle "at least once a week." He nods "the guest bedroom is right before mine." I nod "ok" he kisses my forehead and starts to walk towards his room." "Ohhh and once you're dressed you can start to eat just save some for Chloe and me." I giggle.

I walk into the guest bedroom I look and find a few outfits in the walk in closet. 2 walk in closets in 1 house damn. Anyways I go to the closet. I put on legging, a black t-shirt then I sneak into Tristan's room to grab my sneakers. I go to pick them up when.. "What are you doing in here?" I jump. "God you scared me." He chuckles "kitten what are you doing in here." "I...I came to get my sneakers. I..I didn't mean to." "Woah calm down I know you weren't trying to look at me. You don't seem like the spying pervert type. I know what you were doing. I just wanted to mess with you."

"Ohhh" He chuckles "you look adorable in all black especially with you're blackish brown hair and you're cute brown eyes." I blush. His phone goes off. "That's work why don't you go in the kitchen and start to eat." I nod and walk out of his bedroom. I see Chloe sitting at the table rubbing her forehead. "Hey how are you this morning." She puts her hand out. "Shhh my head is throbbing." I whisper "did you take medicine." She rolls her eyes "geee Isabella I never thought of that." She says in a overly sarcastic voice.

My voice gets soft "I was just asking you don't have to give me attitude." She looks over at me. "I'm sorry I just feel like crap right now." I get some pancakes. "That's why I only had 1 drunk yesterday." She glares over at me. Shadow comes running in from Tristan room and she starts barking at Chloe. "Shut the fuck up you annoy dog." "Don't be mean to her she's just doing what Tristan trained her to do."

I walk over to Shadow and kneel down. "Are you ok?" I ask her as though she's going to respond. "She's a dog Bella she doesn't have feelings." "You don't know that." I say as I pet shadow. "Don't baby her then she'll get use to it and run to you every time someone yells at her." "That's because she has feelings to." "She doesn't understand English." Chloe says in a annoyed voice. "She may not understand what we're saying but she can understand what's happening from the time of our voice." I say "stop defend her she's a dumb dog." "Don't fall her that." I say as I pet her. "It's ok you did nothing wrong." I say as I pet shadows head.

"Why are you babying my dog?" Tristan  asks "Chloe yelled at her all because she barked and growled at her like you trained her." Tristan starts laughing "what's so funny." "You're defending Shadow all because Chloe is hung over and grumpy." I look at him and I talk in my usual innocent voice. "Well yeah she did nothing wrong so she shouldn't have gotten yelled at." That makes him laugh even more. I sit on the floor and look at the ground and I fiddle with my fingers.

After a while Tristan comes over to me. "What's wrong." I shake my head and Tristan sighs. "Kitten tell me what's wrong." I look up at him, but since I'm in the ground and he's standing I have to look way up so I can see him. "You laughed at me all because i defended and babied Shadow a tiny bit." He crouches down and grabs my chin between 3 of his fingers forcing me to look up at him. "Kitten you're so innocent and sensitive. I laughed because she's a watch dog she gets yelled at quite a lot and look at her she's still happy." I glance over at her and then look back up at him. He chuckles and grabs my hands. "Come on stand up." He pulls me up. "You better be ready." "Why?" He looks down at me smirking "You're coming with me to work."

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