Chapter 21: Reconciliation

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Waking up, I saw everything in 4K HD. Everything was so clear. The small dust particles raining down on me. The daylight shining bright with beauty. The oddest of all—no glare!

Not once did I see any glare in my eyes. Nothing made my eyes cringe. I just—saw without having the nasty side-effects of human eyes. Colors were more vibrant. There were some different colors there as well.

I was in absolute shock and pleasure. The world seemed so much nicer when I saw it with the eyes of a vampire.



His voice drew me to him and without a nudge, I zoned in on him. My breath caught. The selenite skin, the fiery hair, and those eyes—those deep amber eyes—Edward was perfect. Still, I saw the unevenness of his skin. The bumps, and the lumps were now visible. There were small scars as well as the uneven tilt in his lips which made me want to kiss him more.


His name was a breathy whisper and with it, the feeling of overwhelming love washed through me. He didn't hesitate and with a jump held me tight in his arms. His scent—honeysuckle, and pine moss—permeated my nose intoxicating my senses.

No longer was his skin the arctic temperature it always was. Now, his flesh felt soft, yielding. His temperature was just a tad colder than mine but it was more than comfortable for me. His body—oh so magnificent body—molded around mine to provide the affection I had been missing for so long!

"I love you."

His voice with its deep baritone bell, sent a shiver down my spine. I wanted to curl up into him and stay there forever.

"I love you more!"

Yes, I did love him more.

I loved him enough to keep a piece of him forever with me. I wanted him more to bind him to my skin. Sadly, I was now a vampire and I didn't know whether he'd even want me anymore.

My heart sank and I shifted to look him up in the eye once again.

"Y—You're not mad—"

"Trust me, I'm mad." His fingers brushed my face with a knowing caress. "But I know better than to stay mad at you, Bella."

I wanted to squeal in joy. I wanted to kiss him and keep him there forever. Yet...

"What happened at the meeting? Did the Volturi—?"

"She wanted me to turn you." He gave me a serious glare. I looked away, waiting for the blush to paint my face which would never appear again. Edward sighed.

"We negotiated that we'd do it after you and I get married."

"Well, isn't that a wasted effort now?"

He lowered his face to my neck taking in my scent just as much as I had wanted to do not moments ago. I wondered whether this rift between us would ever be repaired again. I had deceived him. I hadn't told him about our son. I—

You're a monster.

"No, you're not."

My neck snapped and I saw the frown painted on his face. The blush never came while my startled eyes spoke volumes to him than my mind ever could.

Oh shit! You can—

"Yes, I can. You didn't keep the shield up when you died. I saw it all."

Oh no!

His frown deepened. He kissed my nose with a boing and then looked at me with a pout. "I know you were human. I get it that my family's been adamant with the turning. But it doesn't mean I won't respect your wishes, Bella. You're my heart. You're my other half—my better half. If you want it I will give you the world. After all, I love you."

The words singed my soul more than any other words ever could. I wanted to cringe so bad! How could I have ever thought—

"But I understand your human sensibilities, Bella. So," He lifted up my chin to stare deep into my heart. "Please let me know what I can do. Don't hide from me, Bella. Please, don't leave me alone."

I just wanted to crawl into his arms then and assure him of my love. I wanted to tell him—Yes! I love you Damnit! Instead, I grabbed him and with a yelp smothered him with a kiss.

You are my heart and soul. I might not share it all with you. But I love you.

I heard his gasp and then his words back.


Removing my lips from his I raised my eyebrow at him. "Ditto? Really?"

He giggled. "Hey! 'Ghost' is a classic movie!"

"I love 'Ghost' but seriously, just say the words."

"I love you, Bella. Will you marry me?" His voice was steady and strong. I smiled and gave him another peck on the lips. "Now, we're talking." I patted his cheeks. "Yes, Edward. I will marry you."

"Till death do us part?"

"Till death do us part."

He touched his forehead to mine and it occurred to me then. With some concentration I asked my mind to put up the shield once more. There was a tingle behind my head and with a tickling pleasure, I felt it snap into shape once more. Like a cling wrap but it was stronger and had a sweet lilac scent.

"Oh, come on!" Edward complained but I gave him a playful pinch.

"Now, now! It's not right to peek."

Giving me a salacious wink, he put his hand around my waist in a protective stance. I did the same and with it we went out of my room which was adjacent to the corridor. A new life awaited me and I couldn't be more excited for it. 




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Well hell! There's another Chapter for y'a! 

On to the Next one! 

Thank you everyone for reading this fanfiction. I am so grateful to all of you for your continued support. Hope to see you in the next chapter. 


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