Chapter 12: What Lovers Do

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"What are you waiting for, woman?"

Edward's voice broke me off my reverie. Then again, could he blame me? He was such a gorgeous specimen of a man with his glittering amber eyes, devilish smile, and those charming cheekbones. I could stare at him all day every day. But I think he wouldn't be down for it much less invite me.

"Are you freakin' sure, Edward? I mean," I wasn't in the best of behaviors as of late. Ever since we found out my Dad and I were targets for Victoria and Laurent's rage; I was extra cautious with everything. My bad girl streak was getting a nice rap for a change and it was bugging me off. Not to mention, Edward was getting off on my misery.

He glared at me. "Come on! How bad can it get?"

I smiled. Oh, my darling naïve 200-year-old vampire don't know what you gave me permission for. Taking one small little feather and tying his hands down so he couldn't resist me—not like vampires could be stopped but he had promised not to break free which I highly doubted—I closed his eyes and counted down.

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

My heart raced when I saw him licking his vampire teeth in anticipation. This was going to be an epic day. I just knew it.

"You ready?"


"Alright, I admit. You are the genius when it comes to calming the mind." Jasper said in a mock bow. "I admit defeat to thee, o-siren of the sea!"

I just shrugged while Alice threw a napkin on Jasper's face. He gave her a salacious wink before we all dug into our food. Alice and Jazz ate the extra tender meat like it was dessert while Edward wrinkled his nose at me when I ate my avocado toast with hashed potatoes on the side.

The dining day was fun. But the most fun was the fact, there was no sun rising in the east to bother us today because we had finally arrived at Oregon state.

Oregon where the lush trees and damp weather kept us humans and vampires comfy enough to live great deal of time in bliss. It had been three days since I had arrived here at a remote part of Oregon where the Cullens apparently owned a wood cabin/mansion of epic proportions.

We were welcome to stay there as long as we wished while the Volturi came down on the Victoria chick and her dude Laurent for their violation of vampire laws. It had bothered me to leave LA knowing my Dad was unsafe and would remain so for a while. But I knew the sooner I moved; the better off Dad would be.

Not to mention, the white-people convention of not knowing which black person is which was a real deal for Victoria...or at least I thought so. It was a bad decision nevertheless, to leave Forks for LA after the Cullens killed James. I still have nightmares of when I had been bitten and went under.

The helplessness...fear of not seeing Edward ever again...

Just thinking of it gave me the chills and I wanted to never again remember those days when I was under a deep coma. Yet...I did remember them.

From time to time my mind did wander on the 'what if' zone. What if I had died? What if I could never see Edward again? What if we never had enough time to live?

Even today, the sun's sudden peeking made my gut wrench with fear. The sun with its ever-present ticking of what has and is happening. I hated it more now.


I turned around to see my angel beside me. His arms wrapped around my soft skin. His touch colder than snow and comforting than a sunny day. Edward was all I would have when my Dad died, when everything would go awry...right before I died, alone.


Did I want it to stay the way I had dreamed of? Did I want to commit him to the landscape of my active and sometimes odd life?

Surprisingly the answer...was yes.

I had said I loved him. But a love which meant I wanted him to be at my deathbed was an entirely different concept to me.

Yet the answer was clear. I wanted him. I needed him. I would do so...till death would I part. Till death...would I remain by his side...

Looking so enticing, Edward pulled me closer to him. Best thing was, I responded. I closed the gap. I took the step.

And for the love of my life...I had my answer forever ingrained. Even if I died, I wanted him by my side and it was all I could ever hope to offer and never hope to let go. 


Alrighty! Finally a new update since...I don't even know how long! Ugh! 

Stephenie Meyer is finally releasing Midnight Sun! Yay! So we can always use a dose of Twilight fanfic especially at this quarantine time don't we? 

As always, Thank you to everyone who supported me. All these wonderful people I am attached to and am in love with...Thank you for being awesome! 

@lilgompas @ho_sanna @Jazlen_Bella @LnDscripts @yanieboi @subuna8598

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