Chapter 8: Truth and Nature

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Edward and I were getting along. It seemed like I was becoming more and more vibrant with each day when Edward was around. However, our time became short since the snow weeks were gone.

Spring was in the air and in Forks it meant the sun might be up most of the time. This scared me. I hated the sun. But, the worst thing for me was I hated to not see Edward. Thus, today...I was miserable.

While the day droned on, I felt the pace to have slowed. Everything slowed down just to tease me. The sunlight was brilliant and it made me more self-conscious. My dark brown braids weren't doing any good with it either.

Why had I gone for such a dark color anyways?

Because, Edward.

Yes, love?

This was also a new addition. Edward's supernatural abilities. I couldn't quite put my finger on it how I knew he had some form of...psychic power...but I did know he had them. And he also had a revelation for me.

"You're immune to psychic attacks."

His face was straight when he talked about such matters. I on the other hand joked with it more than anyone around.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. I can't read your thoughts."

It elicited a different reaction than he was expecting going by his saucer eyes when I spoke up. "You can't read my thoughts?" I frowned. "Why?"

He had concentrated the whole day. Just to give me an idea of how difficult it was to actually carry out a psychic attack on me. I wasn't sure why but it never stuck to me.


I spoke his name in my head and a small chuckle gave me shivers while I stared up at my reflection in the washroom mirror. I was coal-black. My skin was matt. My face held beads of water while I scanned my oddly dark eyes for any clues.

I am insane.

Another chuckle and I confirmed my suspicion.

Edward? What the heck? I thought you said you couldn't—

I couldn't when you had your guard up. His cruel laughter made my rage boil. But your guards are down. You're upset again, love.


So, I was upset before. He had heard my thoughts before? Fear clenched my guts and I scanned around myself.


His voice was fuzzy this time.


What the heck? I looked into my reflection again. No change in my expression. Nothing. I blinked. Nothing. No change. How was I upset? I never showed any emotion. How—


My heart felt hollow like I had been disemboweled by someone and the pain radiated throughout me paralyzing my limbs and searing my skin. Jacob...Black...

The rest of the day went away with me moping while my anger boiling all over my skin and around my senses. What had Edward seen while I was upset? What had he seen?

I resolved to know what it was and when I got home, my resolve became cement. Dad wasn't home. I had already managed dinner. I had more time on my hands than normal. What to do?

Take care of business.

I got dressed in leather and checked my complexion. It was still just as black as it had been. I sighed. I'd never change anyways. But the weather sure would.

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