Chapter 53 - Up in Flames

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Blue is all I can see as the plane sails effortlessly through the infinite sky. The money safely packed into a suitcase and tucked under my seat, we make our way to Florida for a deal I couldn't resist.

Erika sits opposite me flipping through the glossy pages of some trashy magazine. Zack and Bella sit in a few chairs away laughing and holding hands.

I lean back in the cream leather seat and contemplate my future as leader. Without Harry around whispering in my ear, all decisions are fully mine to make.

The plane lowers to the ground and we've arrived. Waiting outside on the tarmac is a tall broad man standing beside a black van. "Nice to meet you miss Clark." He nods opening the sliding door.

We climb into the van and drive to a remote area beside the docks as agreed with the dealer.

We arrive just as the sky has darkened and the moon risen. I take a deep breath and follow the others out of the van. We approach an old building on the edge of the water as planned. Old shipping containers and wooden crates surround us as we wait for them to arrive.

Suddenly blinding headlights appear slicing through the darkness, causing us to shield our eyes. When the vehicle comes to a stop in front of us, the person who appears makes my heart fall to my stomach.

Alec, Issac, Miles and Sam all step into view. We stare at them in shock and confusion and they stare back, the exact same expression on their faces.

"What are they doing here?" Erika hisses in my ear staring Alec down like he's her prey.

"I don't understand...Willow...?" Alec trails off approaching us slowly. I notice he too holds a small suitcase in his hands. What the fuck is happening?

"You stay there." Erika barks at Alec coldly her dark eyes narrowing. He stops and frowns.

Silence and confusion is shared between everyone as we all stand around awkwardly waiting for something  to happen.

"As amusing as this is..." Miles speaks up stepping forward. "I think it's time to put you all out of your misery, eh Bella?" A wide smirk spreads across his face as his gaze falls on Bella, whose eyes are shining.

"Miles?" Alec asks bewildered.

"What is going on here?" I demand staring at Bella. 

"I guess it's time to come clean." She laughs mischievously.

"Well then... let me tell you all a story," Miles grins. Erika and I share a worried glance.

"Bella and I are brother and sister and Travis, the man you killed, was our cousin." My blood runs cold and my eyes immediately find Alec's wide ones. Their shared blonde hair and eye colour stands out to me now as I swallow nervously.

"After he died at the wedding we were determined to get our revenge, so we made a plan. Get close to each of you individually and then ruin your relationship and eventually kill you. I mean it was easy, as we already had Bella spying on Harry's gang." He chuckles watching our shocked expressions. Alec's fists are clenched in anger and Zack stares at Bella in disbelief.

Bella beams. "That was Travis' idea. I made Zack fall in love with me and used my position to get information to him about the New York gang. When Travis died we figured I could use my place for revenge." I can almost hear Zack's heart break.

Miles smirks, "The plan was easy. First, I kissed Willow in that club when she was drunk and Bella snapped a photo before she managed to push me away." Alec's face drops.

"Then I got a place in Alec's gang and packed the photographs into an envelope to make Alec hate you." He turns to me grinning as I stare back in shock.

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