Chapter 2 - Science Class

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I breathe a sigh of relief when Alec and his friends pass us in the hall, breaking our eye contact. I slump against the wall of lockers. Should I be scared for my life?

"Emmm Will, was Alec just staring at you for a minute straight?" Ivy asks glancing between me and his retreating figure.

"I think so." I mumble my head down staring at my white converse. My short brown hair falls in front of my face, forming a curtain for me to hide behind.

"But, why?" Emma joins in. "Why you?"

"Because she is easily the hottest girl in this school and she doesn't even try, why wouldn't he be staring?" Ivy says nudging my shoulder with hers.

I laugh at my best friend, she always knows what to say and what I need to hear, and I love her so much more for that.

"Thanks Ivy." I smile. "Now come on, or we'll be late for science class." I say tugging her by the hand and waving a goodbye to Emma over my shoulder.

We arrive at the classroom with two minutes to spare. I walk over to my counter and Ivy to hers. She takes a seat beside her partner and they start to chat.

I take a seat at my work table and notice that my partner isn't here today. They must have wanted a longer winter break. I sigh and take out my books to prepare for the class.

Mr Foley walks into class, dumping a stack of papers on his desk, making the whole class jump. A series of groans and complaints ripple through the class about the noise. Mr Foley holds his hands in the air. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He mumbles.

Before he can start the lesson the classroom door opens, revealing one of Alec's friends. He wears a leather jacket over a white shirt and blue skinny jeans, his dark hair messy.

He smiles politely at Mr Foley, and hands him a slip of paper to explain his reason for being late. Girls whisper to each other, probably because of his good looks and that he's Alec's friend.

He gives the class a charming smile that girls swoon at, he seems to be enjoying the attention. "Ok Mr Rush, you can take a seat beside Ms Clark," Mr Foley says pointing my way. "Please raise your hand Ms Clark." He orders. My eyes widen as I lift my hand in the air shyly as everyone stares in my direction, girls in envy.

He walks over to my counter and sits beside me quietly as Mr Foley starts writing notes on the board. "Hi I'm Noah." He greets turning to me with an outstretched hand. I shake it and look down shyly. "And you are?" He questions giving me a friendly smile. "Willow." I mumble, continuing to write the notes down.

He ignores my shyness and carries on talking to me. "Wow, Willow is such a nice name. Quite unusual too."

"Yeah." I nod, feeling awkward and shy as ever. "Hey don't be shy, I'm just trying to be nice." He says his voice soft.

"I'm sorry," I say meeting his eyes. "I'm not very good at small talk."

"That's ok." He grins. "I do wish all the girls would stop staring." He rolls his eyes.

"It looked like you enjoy the attention." I say a small smile playing on my lips.

"I don't mind it for awhile, but ever since I walked through those doors it hasn't stopped."

"Well, everyone is just intrigued, Alec Darwin is quite the celebrity here," I explain. "And you walked in with him."

"I guess so. I just wish I could blend in. You know not stick out so much." He complains joining me in taking down notes.

"Well, it also doesn't help that you are crazy good looking." I reply. I can't believe I just said that! The words just tumbled out of my mouth. While my head is having a panic attack I notice him smirk. "N-not that I'm interested." I quickly say.

He laughs. "Well you don't look so bad yourself. Not that I'm interested." He smiles.

I roll my eyes, biting back a smile. "You're nicer than I thought you'd be." I say, instantly regretting it. Why is this happening to me?

"Yeah?" He asks, I nod. "Then what did you think I would be like?" He seems interested and is looking at me expectedly.

"Cold, mean, rude. Not as friendly and kind as you are." I answer quietly.

"Why did you think that? Because I wear a leather jacket and have tattoos?"

"Well...yeah." I answer a smile breaking onto my face. "What did you expect me to think, that you love puppies and lick lollipops all day?"

He chuckles,"Well, I do love puppies." He reasons, once he's calmed down.

"Everyone love puppies though." I laugh.

"True." He agrees smiling from one ear to another.

"I guess I should never judge a book by its cover then." I say.

"It's the cover of the book that makes you choose the book, but it's the story that keeps you reading." He replies his dark brown eyes shining in the weak morning light.

"I have never heard that before, it's a good way of putting it."

"I am very smart like that. I'm good with my words." He tells me a cocky grin on his face.

We listen to Mr Foley drone on for another hour, throwing each other funny looks now and then. After he pulled a face I would clamp a hand over my mouth causing my face to turn bright red, hiding my laughter.

The bell rings in our ears, as the class has finished. He stands up and grabs his bag, "Nice meeting you Willow." He smiles.

"You too Noah." I smile back as he turns and leaves the classroom.

"Woah, you're the first girl to speak to him. Was he funny, was he even hotter up close, were his teeth straight?" Ivy questions me leaning across the counter and studying my face, gradually leaning closer and closer.

I'm lost for words and open my mouth to reply when I'm interrupted. "Yes, yes and yes." Noah replies smirking and leaning on the table. She jumps back at the sound of his deep voice. Ivy's face instantly heats up from embarrassment and I start to laugh.

"Just forgot my book." He says a smirk still on his face. He picks up his forgotten book and turns to leave after giving Ivy a wink.

Ivy turns to me and embarrassed and dazed smile on her face. "Please tell me that didn't just happen?" She questions her shoulders falling forwards.

"Yeah it did." I chuckle again at her humiliation. "Oh shut up Will, and buy me a sandwich." She rolls her eyes and leads me out into the corridor.

"A sandwich? Why?" I ask my brows knitted together in confusion. "Because it's your fault I got embarrassed." She defends. I laugh and eventually give in even though her argument was poor.

As we walk into the cafeteria, Ivy and I immediately join the growing line of students waiting for lunch. As we near the front of the line, I feel the weight of someone's eyes burning through the back of my head. I turn around and see that Alec Darwin's crystal blue eyes are trained on me.

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