Chapter 17 - Confessions

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It's been a week since Alec and I kissed in the darkness of the underground car park, after I had slipped through death's finger tips. My heart still swells at the thought of his soft lips against mine, and in that moment I knew that I had stronger feelings than just friendship towards him.

My brain hasn't been all happy the past few days, what that gangster said to me scared me shitless. My father has asked every gang member in the country to look for me. I can't walk down the street or in the school corridors without feeling like somebody is watching and following and plotting to just take me away and bring me to him. My limbs shake at the thought of being in my father's hands. My nightmares have returned, I thought Alec had gotten rid of them for me but, they have returned with even scarier storylines. My mom has been blaming herself for me being in danger, she cries and sleeps all day and every time I see her like that my heart breaks.

I haven't seen Ivy since her and Issac are too busy doing 'couple' things together. I can't lie, I miss her but, she seems preoccupied with Issac, which is fine...I just wish we could have a chat without the boys around. I sigh and fall back on my small bed. My mind is spinning at everything that has happened, but it always goes back to Alec and how amazing he is. He saved my life, without him I would be dead right now. He doesn't even ask questions about why it happened and I appreciate him so much more for that.

There's this tiny voice in my head telling me that Alec and his gang are looking for me too, the prize does sound tempting but, there's no way he would know I'm Harry Gale's daughter. I wonder how that gangster at the street fight knew who I was, did someone tell him or did he figure it out on his own? Either way he's dead and fingers crossed he took my identity to the grave with him.

The moon shines through my window as I realise how late it is. I can't help but think about everything wrong in my life right now and when I think about all the good things, I only come up with one...Alec. I get ready for bed and climb inside my covers, submerging myself with soft blankets. I try to drift off but all I can hear is my mother crying downstairs. I sigh and squirm trying to get comfortable.

I can't just listen to her cries but, the last time I tried to go into her room and comfort her, she made me leave. She has isolated herself for the whole week after that.

I don't understand why all this had to happen to me, I had a perfect life before I heard my mom on the phone that day. I had a best friend, good grades and a joyful mother. Now I have an absent best friend, a lot of days missed in school, a crying mother, a gangster father and four gang members and one of them I have feelings for. Could my life get more complicated.

I hear a loud bang come from my window like someone just threw something at it. My blood turns cold as my mind wanders to all the possibilities of what and who it could be. I get out of bed and creep towards my window slowly. I pull back the curtain and peer out to see a Greek god standing on my front lawn with a smirk.

I instantly relax and sit down on my window seat as I open the window. "Hello Darling." He calls up with a gorgeous smile on his face. "What are you doing here Asshole?" I ask, amusement shining in my brown eyes.

"I came to talk to you." He says back to me, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. I sigh and pull the window closed, I pull on a large hoodie and rush downstairs to open the front door. Alec starts walking away from my house his head hanging low, my eyebrows draw together in confusion. "Alec, you coming in or not?" I ask and he turns around suddenly to face me.

His figure is lit up by the bright moon and he holds a burning cigarette in his hand while wearing a smirk. I walk back into my house and he follows behind quickly. "Don't even think about bringing that cigarette in here." I warn as I climb the stairs, hearing his ringing laughter follow me. Once inside my room, I close the door allowing him to sit down next to me by my window.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask, tying my hair up and away from my face. He stares down at his hands, looking almost nervous to tell me what's on his mind.

"Alec don't be nervous, it's only me." I say quietly. His electric blue eyes meet mine and he takes a deep breath. "I haven't stopped thinking about what happened Willow, you own my mind and I can't just ignore the feelings I have towards you. I feel drawn to you. My breathing hitches when I see your beautiful face and gorgeous eyes and you feel like the missing puzzle piece in my life, and now the puzzle that is my life is complete with you in it." He explains, avoiding my eyes and tugging at his black messy hair as a blush heats up my cheeks. A small smile plays on my lips as I hear him explain exactly how I've been feeling.

"I just wanted to know, what your thoughts are?" His face holds worry for my response. "Alec, I couldn't have said it better myself. Not only did you save my life but you care about me and protect me and make me laugh, I guess you're perfect." I chuckle, feeling embarrassed. His face lights up at my words and I can't help but smile widely. "Really?!"

"Yes Alec." I roll my eyes playfully.

Alec places his hands on my hips and leans in, our lips crash together and my skin burns where his finger tips trail up and down my bare leg. Butterflies crowd my stomach and he pulls me forward deepening the kiss. Our lips move together in sync as my hands get lost in his hair.

We pull away from each other to catch our breath and he stares deeply into my eyes. "I think I really really like you." He whispers stroking my face a stupid smile on his face.

I laugh quietly and lift his chin. "I really really like you too." And I seal it with a kiss, showing him I truly mean it.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Make sure to comment and vote and stay tuned....

Sarah xx

Song recommendation:
Seventeen - Troy Sivan

P.S sorry it's a really short chapter, I just thought the ending was nice.

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