Chapter 49 - Only Option

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I lean my back against the wall, my breathing is slow as tears fall from my eyes. I clamp a hand over my mouth to muffle my sobs. Jane was so kind to me. She was Willow's world and Willow had to watch her die in-front of her eyes. The pain I feel for Jane and Willow is unbearable.

I had gone upstairs to grab my boots before Harry and the gang arrived. When I was ready to go back downstairs I heard Harry's frightening voice and then a gunshot. I peered down the stairs staying hidden, and almost fainted at the sight of Jane's motionless body and Willow's frantic cries.

I've stayed here against the wall ever since, trying to think of how I can help as I wait for the men to carry away Jane's body. Harry was good at covering his tracks and leaving her here to rot was asking to get caught. Jane deserved so much better, she deserved to find love again, watch her daughter grow, play with her grandchildren. Instead her life ended abruptly at the hand of the man she used to love.

I pick myself off the floor, knowing I have only one option. Alec and Willow aren't on great terms but, he is my only hope and he loves Willow.

I leave through the back door in case any of the gang are still near the house. I walk for almost half an hour finally reaching Alec's gang house. My feet are aching and I'm coated in sweat. The house looks still even though it's only early afternoon. I knock on the door and wait for a reply.

Noah opens the door and grins when he sees me. "Hey Erika. What are you doing here?" The sound of his voice and his kind smile are the last straw. I crumble to the floor sobbing with relief and pain.

"Erika, what's wrong? Come on, come inside." Noah gently helps me off the floor and brings me inside to the couch. By now, everyone knows I've arrived and are gathering around to know what the commotion is all about.

I look around at everyone and notice that the person I came for is not here. "Where's Alec?"

"He's still sleeping." Liam answers. "Why are you here?" His voice is cold and harsh.

I take a deep breath to compose myself, I can't be weak right now. Willow needs me.

"Harry came this morning to hear Willow's decision about joining the gang or not. He didn't like her answer and went ballistic. He killed her mother and threatened to do the same to Alec if she didn't leave with him."

Everyone's faces are in a state of shock. As Issac opens his mouth to respond, someone interrupts. "What?" Alec asks in a small voice, he looks tired with dark circles under his eyes and wearing wrinkled clothes. He stares at me with confusion and pain in his eyes.

I stand as he comes over to join us. "Alec, it's Willow. Her Dad took her back to New York."

"I heard everything." He mumbles staring at a single spot on the floor.

"Good, so how are we going to rescue her?" I ask ready for him to leap into action with a flawless plan.

"I can't help you Erika." He says raising his head to meet my gaze.

"What?!" Shock and anger ignite in my stomach. "Is this some kind of sick joke? Your girlfriend is in danger and I need your help to save her."

"I'm sorry Erika but, I can't."

"You better start making sense because she left to save your life. Or did I stutter when I said that bit?" I can't control the anger building inside me. "You would be a rotting corpse in the ground right know if she hadn't left."

"Erika I think you should go." Alec mumbles clearly getting frustrated.

"I am not leaving until you give me a reason why you're acting like a dick. Jane is dead, Harry is angry and Willow is in danger. Don't try and convince me that you don't care." I spit.

"SHE CHEATED ON ME!" He roars, taking a threatening step forward. "SHE CHEATED ON ME AND BROKE MY HEART, SO NO, I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!"

Cheated? This man is delusional. Willow cared about him enough to leave with that monster. There is definitely a misunderstanding here.

"Alec there's no way.."

"I have evidence in black and white."

"Alec her safety isn't worth sacrificing over something I'm sure has an explanation." At this stage I'm desperate for him to understand.

"Willow is dead to me now." His words cut through me like knives. "I'm not risking anyone's life in a mission to rescue a lying, cheating whore."

I stare at him in utter shock. "Fuck you." I turn towards the rest of his gang and Willow's 'friends' who have stayed completely silent the whole time. "And fuck all of you for pretending to a give a shit about her."

"Get out." Liam growls.

"I guess you're just a pathetic bitch who's life wasn't worth saving after all." I say to Alec and storm out of the house slamming the door behind me.

When I'm a good distance from the house I burst, I kick a tree and scream. How can he say those things about Willow? I can't even imagine how Willow will feel, expecting a rescue team just to be let down and stuck there forever.

Before I can think of a plan b my phone rings. "Hello?"

"Erika, why weren't you at the house this morning when we were there?" My Dad asks.

Shit, I forgot he was coming too. "I was just out for a walk," my heart is pounding. what do I say? "I'm on my way back now." my voice is unsure, scared to tell my Dad that I was there and decided to hide instead of leave with them.

"Don't worry, we've managed to locate you, we'll be there in 5 to pick you up."

"Are you bringing me home?"

He sighs, "Unfortunately, Harry has ordered you to finish your training in Boston at our branch there. He thinks you and Willow need some time apart."

My heart breaks. "But-" I begin.

"No objections Erika. This will be good for you."

I don't reply. I hang up and sit on the grass with my head in my hands. I'm so sorry Willow. I'm sorry I couldn't save you.


A/N: thanks for reading and continuing to support this book. It means so much to me.

Sarah xoxo

Song recommendations:
Motorcade - Circa Waves

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