Chapter 9 - Men in masks

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We park up, the bright red target symbol lighting the parking lot. Ivy and I share a smile as we grab a shopping cart and make a bee line for the candy/junk food section.

Ivy throws half the isle into the cart. She sends me a huge smile as she chucks sour patch kids and Hershey chocolate in too. I roll my eyes and follow her pushing the cart around the massive store.

All I can think about are my feelings for Alec. I haven't even had a proper conversation with him and he already owns my thoughts. "Willow, I asked chocolate or vanilla ice cream?" She snaps me out of my thoughts. "Both." I answer without missing a beat. She gives me a nod of approval.

Ivy leads me to the checkout area and pays. We carry the bags full of food back to my mom's car, squeezing all bags into the trunk. We make our way back home, blasting music from the speakers and singing at the top of our lungs.

We unpack everything into the cupboards once we're home. My mom has left for work since she has the night shift today, so free house I guess. Ivy and I collapse on my small bed, drained from the night. "Can I borrow some pj's, this dress is the opposite of comfortable." Ivy explains.

I mumble a response that only Ivy could understand. I bury my head in my cushions as Ivy strips off and borrows some joggers and a oversized shirt.

"I'll be downstairs picking the movie." Ivy sings as she leaves the room. My head shoots up but, she's already gone. I sigh and change into pj shorts and a tank top.

I make my way down the stairs and spot Ivy sitting in front of my tv searching through my DVD's. I grab the food we bought and dump all of it on the coffee table, Ivy and I's eyes scanning them with excitement. She hands me beauty and the beast and takes a seat on my sofa, I push it in and join Ivy. Our ears are filled with enchanting music as our eyes are hypnotised by the old animations.

We crack open a tub of ice cream each and eat with a spoon before swapping every now and then. As we go deeper into the night, I feel myself drifting off into an uneasy sleep.

I'm strapped to a chair as I watch my father walk towards my injured mother. She lies on the ground groaning in pain. "Don't touch her!" I scream as he nears her. He pulls out a gun and points it at her. "She took you from me she deserves to die." He mutters. "NO! Stay away from her!" I cry, tears pooling in my eyes.

He leans down and strokes my mothers hair placing a light kiss on her head. "Goodbye." He whispers. A wicked grin on his face. "No! Please! No!" I plead struggling in the tight ropes around my limbs. He squeezes the trigger and her body goes limp. I feel my chest cave in and my heart plummet to my stomach.

"Willow wake up!" Ivy shakes my shoulder firmly and my eyes fling open. I suck in a deep breath and realise it was just a dream. I feel my cheeks and they're soaking wet from tears. "Sorry you had to see that." I mutter getting up from the sofa and seeing the movie has finished.

"Willow, are you okay?" Ivy asks concern gracing her features. "I don't want to talk about it." I respond. "It was your dad again, wasn't it?" Ivy asks. I nod "Just drop it please." She reluctantly agrees and helps me clean up the food we failed to eat and the wrappers of the food we did.

"I'm heading up now, see you in a bit." Ivy says climbing the stairs to bed. I pull my hair up into a messy bun and crash on the sofa, exhausted from my nightmare. His identical eyes haunt me whenever I close my eyes and it scares me how I remember them so well. The darkness and silence in the room wrap around me leaving me with my thoughts. It was easier when I thought he was dead. All I had to do was comfort my mom and mourn a man I never knew.

Suddenly somebody is pounding on my door. I suck in a breath and check the clock. It's almost midnight, my mom shouldn't be back until morning. I ignore the noise but it grows louder and louder - more desperate. Ivy comes stumbling down the stairs. "What's all the noise?" She yawns. She meets my eyes that are wild with worry. She stares at me for a while longer before sharing the same look.

I approach the door and open it, peering outside. Before I can see who it is, four figures come running into the house, two are dragging an injured one. They lie the injured person on the sofa and pounce on Ivy and I, they slam the door shut and I scream as does Ivy. The man who grabs me pushes me against the wall and covers my mouth with his. He stares at me in the dark. "Willow?"

I knee the guy in the balls and slam him against the wall, pinning him in place. He winces under his mask in pain. He rips off the mask and I'm met by pleading brown eyes. "Noah?"

I turn around, my head spinning with confusion and see Ivy punch the two guys around her sending them both stumbling backwards. They pull off the masks. "Issac?" Ivy breaths. The other I don't recognise. He has tanned skin and messy brown hair. His eyes are similar to Alec's but they're duller and more haunting.

"What the hell is going on?" I exclaim. Noah and Issac and mysterious man share a look. Before they can reply, they're interrupted by a loud knock on the door. They're eyes widen and I think I'm about the shit myself.

"San Francisco police open up!" A male voice booms from the other side of the door. I look at Noah and he sends me a pleading look.

I push them all into the kitchen and shut the door. I open the door and rub my eyes, pretending I just woke up. Two male police officers stand before me, they look tired and they are panting.

"Sorry to wake you Ma'am, but we're looking for four criminals dressed in black and wearing masks. Any chance you've seen them?" The shorter officer asks.

"I'm sorry but I can't help you," I reply. "I'll be sure to call if I see anything."

"Thank you, and have a good night." They descend down my driveway and turn into the house next door. I shut the door and walk back to the kitchen. Ivy stands leaning against the counter as Issac, Noah and the other guy sit around the dining table.

They stare at me with worried eyes. "You owe me." I say joining Ivy. I notice them let out a sigh of relief.

"Now explain." I demand.

A/N: Why on earth would Noah, Issac, an unknown man and an injured person be knocking on Willow's door seeking shelter from the police? Well here's the thing... stay tuned......

Sarah xx

Song recommendation:
Bruce Willis - Raffaella

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