Chapter 10 - The Injured One

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They all share a look amongst each other, Noah sends me an apologetic frown. "We can't do that." The guy I don't know says. Issac and Noah play with the black masks in their hands as I stare at the other guy.

"Why not?" I spit. He stands up and walks towards me until we are almost touching. "Watch your mouth, or I'll be forced to do something mean." He warns, his eyes send chills up and down my whole body but I stand my ground. "I put my ass on the line for you and lied to the police, and this is how you repay me?" I ask anger bubbling in my blood.

"You'll be dead if you speak to me like that again." He scowls at me and searches my eyes. My eyes widen at the word 'dead', I can't die, I need to protect my mom from my father.

"Liam, lay off man." Noah says from the dining table. Ivy looks at Issac with a face of hurt and disgust, that he's letting this guy intimidate me like this. "Don't talk to me like that." He barks at Noah.

Liam suddenly realises something, "where's Alec?" He asks turning to his friends. My heart rate picks up at the mention of his name, then it dawns on me...the injured one. All of us rush into the living room and there lying in the dark is Alec. His face is bruised, dry blood sits on his lips and there's a large wound on his forehead.

Issac and Noah try sitting him up but in response Alec groans, stirring awake. They bring him up quickly and it is obvious that they're hurting him. "Careful." I exclaim. "Where am I?" He asks his eyes fluttering open at the sound of my voice.

"Willow's house." Noah responds. "Willow's house? Why?" Alec looks
confused as his vibrant eyes scan the room. "It was the first on the street." Liam explains. Alec's eyes stop when they reach mine. My heart flutters when he gives me a small smirk through a wince. "Can any of you help him?" Liam asks inspecting his wounds.

"I can." I say shyly. Liam looks me up and down with a frown. "And how do you know how?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. This guy is very infuriating, best not to get angry with him though. "My mom's a nurse, she taught me a few things." I explain. He nods and carries Alec to the bathroom up the stairs with Noah's help.

They sit him on the counter beside the sink, as I search through the cupboards for a first-aid kit. Liam and Noah go to meet the others in the living room, leaving Alec and I alone together.

I open the kit and start to clean his wounds, as I do he stares at me with bright blue eyes. "Deja vu." He whispers.

I let out a breathy laugh while I prepare to stitch his head. "Thanks for doing this." He says with a small smile.

"Don't be silly, I'm more than happy to help." I reassure, preparing the needle for his stitches. "Okay, can you count to three with me?" I ask holding the needle near his head. He nods...



I push the needle through the wound sewing it up tight. He screeches in pain. "You said count to three!" He exclaims. "You counted to two!"

I laugh, "I needed to take you by surprise so you don't have time to think about it." I bite the thread and tie it in a knot, "Okay your stitches are done." I say cleaning my hands under the sink.

"Willow?" I turn to him and can't help but love the way my name rolls off his tongue. "Hmmm?" I hum closing the first aid kit and putting it back in the cupboard.

I look up at him under my lashes waiting for what he has to say. "Why were you crying that day in the bathroom?" He asks quietly.

I tense and close my eyes, there they are, those identical eyes that haunt me. I open my eyes, "why did you punch the mirror?" I counter back.

His eyes grow deep with sorrow, "fair enough." I feel a pang of hurt in my heart when his eyes are like that. "Even though we don't really know each other, I'm always here to talk." I say with a weak smile.

He returns it and starts to get off the counter. "Stop!" I exclaim, "Are you scared I'll hurt myself?" He smirks.

"No, I still need to check your bruises, Asshole." I roll my eyes. I push his soft hair away from his head and only see one bruise, it's green and blue but nothing too serious. The rest of his face is the same, I slide my fingers softly along his bruised jaw and cheek, I notice his rough stubble against my finger tips. He sucks in a sharp mouthful of air as I inspect. "They should heal in a few days." I explain.

"Is that all of them?" I ask holding his gaze. He shakes his head, "I have a big one on my stomach." He lifts his black shirt and a large blue and purple bruise sits proudly on his abs. I wince when I see it because I know it must hurt like a bitch. I also can't help but notice the elaborate tattoos that wrap around his neck and down his back out of site. "Bloody hell." I mumble, reaching to touch it. When my hand makes contact Alec immediately winces, I take my hand off quickly not wanting to hurt him more.

"Sorry." I whisper.

"Don't worry about it darling." He reassures with a small smile.

"That one will take longer to heal...obviously." I roll my eyes at myself and catch Alec watching me with a smile, I try to hide my blush behind my hair.

"I think it's time to see the others." I say as I help him off the counter, my skin sparks to life where he wraps his arm around my bare shoulders. He leans on me as we make our way down the stairs and into the living room.

"Oh good you're alive." Noah sighs in relief walking over to us. "Yes I am Noah." Alec responds with a laugh. "Alec...I was talking about Willow, you can be such a dick when you're in pain." Noah explains, I chuckle and help Alec to his seat on the sofa.

"Well we should get going." Liam announces jumping to his feet. I glance at Ivy and she looks scared as Issac rubs circles on her thigh. "I still need answers Liam." I say calmly.

I can see him getting angry, "Look, I ain't giving you any answers girl!" He growls. "I need answers to why all this happened tonight." I exclaim.

"I warned you what would happen." His voice is deadly and sends a cold chill running up my spine.

"I deserve to know! After everything I've done!" I shout getting more and more frustrated with him. Before I can blink he pulls out a gun and holds it to my head, my face pales and my breathing hitches.

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