Chapter 13: Day Off? Play On.

Start from the beginning

He didn't looked surprised at all. Like he was expecting it. He kept his eyes locked on mine and I forgot how to speak for a moment.

"Well," he said. "Good luck up there." He said before he gave my hand a slight squeeze and let go, leaving to catch up with Paul and Michael at a table not too far away from the stage.

The lights went down and I knew it was show time.

"Good evening, everybody." Said Danny to the microphone. "We are Rated B. And I'm not talking movie categorizing, that's actually the name of the band. Blame her, she named it." He said and pointed at me, gaining a few laughs from the audience. "Now if you don't mind, we're gonna be playing a few songs for you tonight. The first one is called Animal."

Mark gave us our cue and we all started playing. No, it wasn't one of our original songs. This song is played by Neon Trees. But we were only going to play covers tonight. Danny started singing and Roy took care of the bass while Daisy and I went silent for the verse. For the chorus, I joined in the vocals with Danny, and I could see the audience jumping and singing along. Some of them were taking pictures or recording. I got lost on the music and started jumping around too. For the bridge of the song, I joined in again and Danny did the harmonizing for the background.

Hush, hush. The world is quiet. I sung.

Hush, hush. We both can't fight it. I dared to look at Ian after singing that line. He was looking straight at me, smiling widely.

Is us that made this mess

Why can't you understand?

Woah! I won't sleep tonight. I kept that note for as long as it lasted and everyone started cheering even more.

I won't sleep tonight!

We finished the song and everyone went crazy. Next song was Check Yes, Juliet by We The Kings. After that, Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy. For the last two songs, Danny stepped down so I could sing. I stepped in front of the front microphone and Danny left the stage.

"I kicked the other guy off the stage for the rest of the set. He should be doing shots somewhere around here by now." Some people in the audience laughed. "So, since our set is almost over," I heard some 'aaahh's from the audience. "I was thinking on lowering the adrenaline a bit so here's Painting Flowers." It was a song by All Time Low. I heared some clapping from the audience and when I looked at Ian, I found him, Paul and Michael cheering like crazy.

The song started and I left my everything on that stage. The audience was clapping along and some of them turned on their phone's flashlight. Again, at the bridge is where the vocals became strong.

I hear everything you say

But I don't wanna lose my head.

After that, the energy came crashing down and then exploded for the chorus one last time.

After that song was done, I could feel everyone's eyes on me as Mark, Roy and Daisy left the stage and I pulled out my acoustic guitar. I sat down on the chair that was settled up for this moment.

"Now, for this last song, I wanted to sing something that the majority of you would know. So, this one is something classic. We are Rated B, and this is Heart-Shaped Box." I said and immediately they started cheering. I looked over at Ian again and his phone was facing my way.

This version of the song, was a cover from Evanescence. And it required every bit of vocal energy I had left in me. I started playing and everyone went silent to listen. They would go crazy at the times I raised my voice, cheering and clapping. I felt the adrenaline going through me with every second that went by until I closed my eyes to finish the song with emotion. And, once again, every one started cheering when I finished. I said a quick 'thank you' to the microphone and 'good night'. Michael and Paul were waiting for me at the side of the stage and greeted me with a hug. I apologized for how sweaty I was and Michael said he was used to it already. They said how much they liked the set, how good I was and they said they were leaving so they gave me another hug and left.

I saw Roy, Danny, Daisy and Mark going for the door and I sent a quick wave their way. I went backstage to get my stuff and found my acoustic guitar with a note.

' Thought you would need this here. You're welcome. -D '

That girl could read me like a book. I picked up the guitar and looked around for something, but didn't knew what. I froze when I felt an arm wrap around my waist from behind and a phone being faced to me. I could see Ian and I on the screen and my muscles calmed. Ian was hiding half of his face behind my ear, a half smirk was showing. I could feel his breathing on my neck, it almost made me lose my balance. But I kept my cool and gave a smirk too.

The picture was taken. And the hand holding is phone went to my waist so he had a full hold on me. His lips came closer to my ear and the near touch sent shivers all over me.

"I don't know what this means either. But I just can't fight it." He said as low as a whisper.

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