
Start from the beginning

And although the bishops were cruel and unpleasant, they still gave them just enough money to run these bakeries, and make a profit. As did they for the casket and gravestone workers. They seemed to get the most income.

Tyler was the man who wrote down what the gravestone would say. For example,

(Hayley Nichole Williams 1988-2005

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(Hayley Nichole Williams 1988-2005.)

She died from attempting to escape. She was so young. She used to be a part of Tyler and Josh's friend group when they were 15. Her and Tyler used to like each other secretly, but knowingly— if that makes any sense. She had tried escaping 3 times and it got to the point the bishops decided to end her life instead of giving her a third patch.

Tyler would never forget writing down her name on the gravestone when he was little. Yes, he was 15 and had a job. He had had this job since he was 13. For money.

Tyler sat up from his desk, as a throbbing headache burst through his skull and pounded against his eyelids. He winced, closing his eyes and letting out an inaudible grunt as he tried to massage his forehead. He felt his body relax once he opened his eyes again, except this time he was faced with a plain white wall and a white ceiling.

He stared at it for a minute while the life he once lived just seconds ago seemed to fade from his memory. He parted his lips, a breath escaping his lungs as he did so. He had never felt so calm in his life.

He heard footsteps enter the strange room he was in, but it almost sounded like he was underwater. "Will you just check and see if he'll wake up soon?"

He felt like his limbs were so exhausted; they were unusable. It made him squirm with discomfort at the fact he was totally still.

His breathing began to get quicker, as he tried to look around with his eyes. He couldn't move, why couldn't he just move?

Just move, Tyler.

Damn it, move!


He gasped, his body feeling somewhat comfortable now. Like he didn't have to move if he didn't want to. His eyes rested on the plain white wall and ceiling that he was staring at moment before but this time, he was able to move himself.

"Oh, you're awake." Tyler heard from his right, so he turned his head to be faced with a big smiling Jenna. She looked tired, and that was the first thing he noticed.

Tyler slowly closed his eyelids, opening them up again. Although he could move, he still felt sluggish. "I'm awake." He mumbled unenthusiastically, although he very well was enthused.

Jenna sat down in a chair beside him, rubbing her fingers through his hair. "They told me you would wake up today; I wasn't sure." She whispered calmly, her lips still curved into a small smile.

"What happened?"

"You crashed your car." Her voice sounded regretful.

Tyler closed his eyes, a small smile forming on his lips, which seemed to make Jenna's smile grow. "Mm, that's dumb."

Jenna hummed in agreement, a small giggle escaping her lips as she did so. "I'm glad you're okay. I worried there for a second."

Tyler furrowed his eyebrows, "no, no, no, don't worry about me. I'll always be around."

Jenna nodded, leaning in and kissing his head. Tyler tried to peck her lips but she leaned back to quickly. "No, you have to brush your teeth first."

Tyler furrowed his eyebrows, "is that all you care about? C'mon!"

"Well, you haven't brushed your teeth since yesterday morning!"

Tyler took on a face of shock. "How long was I out?"

Jenna frowned, "well, you crashed yesterday at 3:30 PM, and you just woke up and it's around 10:00 AM."

Tyler huffed out a laugh, "that isn't that bad. Honestly, I could sleep that long."

"Yeah, well, I haven't slept since yesterday."

"What? Jen, the baby. You can't be exhausted all the time-"

"Well, I can't sleep when I'm worried, and there was no way I was going to leave you here alone. What if you woke up in the middle of the night sometime?"

"Did you at least try to sleep?" Tyler asked, giving up on arguing with her about it.

Jenna pointed to the bench right across from his bed. A wooden bench, with no support whatsoever. "I tried to sleep there; it didn't work."

Tyler huffed, turning his gaze to the ceiling. "I'd much rather you sleep."

"I know, Ty. Let's just drop it, okay? It already happened. I'll sleep fine tonight." She was gentle with her words. It wasn't an argument, it was just two people in love trying to understand each other's minds. That's how most of their bickers went.

Tyler smiled softly, grabbing her hand and pressing his lips to the back of it.

"It'll all be okay."


So the plot thickens! Josh is in this book and he is actually a very important character, just like every book but just more in this one løl

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